Quote from RoboBlob:
1: It has almost NO SBing potential. This is especially evident when you compare it to Super and Prime.
So? I don't really give a damn about sequence breaking, but more about the fun factor in the game (ever heard of that? It's not directly related to the sequence breaking potential, y'know). To me, and I believe this is also the opinion of most Metroid players out there, Fusion was just a fun game, and that's it. Short, no sequence breaking, whatever you say, but fun nonetheless. The sequence braking potential is just an added plus.
Quote from RoboBlob:
2: It is the most linear Metroid game, if not THE most linear game in existance. There is almost no skill involved in navigating the areas.
Again, who gives a damn? Alright, it wasn't as huge as Super was (I'm not mentioning Prime here, for the sole reason that I don't like it, but I don't want to sound like I'm senselessly bashing it, as you're doing now with Fusion). So what? Most of the areas were easy, yes, but I'm sure the serious players did look for something else before finishing the game. And I'm also sure they found it. In any case, remember that the GBA is mainly targeted at younger players, and those younger players do NOT (and I'll repeat myself, DO NOT) have the experience/ability/instinct people like you and me have developed by playing all Metroid games over the years. After all, the game's been rated as E, and most kids nowadays don't like playing a game in which they feel completely lost and helpless. Proof: Try all the latest adventure games. They always tell you what to do next, in order to at least advance the story linearly.
Quote from RoboBlob:
3: It ruins the classic Samus look. I know how good the suits look is purely an opinion, but I really hate the fusion suit.
I'm thankful you agree with me that it's merely an opinion. As such, since we're debating over objective matters, that doesn't really count, and hence, I'm ignoring this point (I didn't like too much it either, but it served its purpose, which is what it was designed to do).
Quote from RoboBlob:
I'll admit, the bosses and weapon systems in this game are cool, but to me , that's about it.
Until you finally show some condescendence. Indeed, the bosses were cool, and some of them very difficult at points. I also personally prefer the weapon system of this game rather than Super's. (So sue me.)
Quote from RoboBlob:
It's short and easy as hell.
Glad you noticed. Few games nowadays have the depth and general basic longevity of a Metroid game, and as pointed out before, this game is somewhat aimed to kids, since it is produced in a game system that's used mostly by kids (although there are still people like me and possibly you that also use it, and are over the 15 year old mark - personally, I'm almost 20).
Quote from RoboBlob:
P.S.: 4: Have you ever heard of hyperbole? I know it isn't "extremely gay in every way" I was just trying to show how much I disprove of it.
I have indeed heard of it. And seems to me that what you used is not a hyperbole, but an exaggerated metaphor (since you're comparing it to something, in this case, a behavior, that's racially discriminated). Believe me, I'm an expert linguist, and I know what I'm talking about. And there's no need to (again, I emphasize) senselessly bash a game that does not deserve it.