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Did you ever use Headphones?
Yes (17)
No (9)
No, I don't have Headphones. (6)
Incase you havn't, its completly different! It makes a big difference. I personally think its alot better. What did you think?
Thread title: 
No. I use SP now.
I can't stand not being able to hear the game, and headphones are necessary for me to hear it while in a moving vehicle.
Ready and willing.
Yeah... I'm that freak who doesn't even HAVE headphones for his GBA, let alone an SP adapter.
Your not a freak, I don't own one. I used my Aunts headphones for her Diskmen. I'm sure sometime, I'll get one. :P (I live with my aunt now, so I guess I do techniqiclly own one.)
Quote from Yoshi348:
Yeah... I'm that freak who doesn't even HAVE headphones for his GBA, let alone an SP adapter.

I guess that makes me the freak who doesn't even have a GBA, and plays his one gba game on a gbp.  I guess I should set the sound to headphones to get stereo though ?
Quote from Radix:
Quote from Yoshi348:
Yeah... I'm that freak who doesn't even HAVE headphones for his GBA, let alone an SP adapter.

I guess that makes me the freak who doesn't even have a GBA, and plays his one gba game on a gbp.  I guess I should set the sound to headphones to get stereo though ?

I have headphones, and I have fusion, and I use them both...on an emulator. Does that count as using headphones for fusion?
and white wine
Yes, and I must say, the "creepy" tunes' effects are exponentially greater through headphones. Listen to the "boss around the corner" music for a bit and you'll see what I mean. :)

I need to get headphones for my SP...I only use headphones when playing on my normal GBA.

The first cutscene with the SA-X (after you go down the first elevator) has some added creepiness too.
Samus Lauren
I thought that the sound quality was much better on the headphones. The biggest difference for me was the sound of Samus' beams, i just couldnt hear them as loud on just the sound. Plus, the music was much more clearer and it sounded much better overall. Sounded alot better in Zm too...
I need the adapter and headphones.
Mine broke a while back, so no. But if I did it'd probably be cool, such as SA-X. Always makes me think of The Terminator... 8)
I use an SP. Nuff said. May not have Headphone socket but front lit and lithium battery more than make up for it for me ;)
Yes. They are necesary for me to enjoy GB sound. Without them, I play muted to save batteries.
Shifty Leader
That M2k2 guy
Does that actually work? What the...I could've sworn I've used the headphones on this thing before! I guess that was my regular GBA. Ah well...surround sound on the emulator can't be all that bad (when I get it).
Aye! The headphones make a world of difference.
Cook of the Sea
That's a general rule for all GBA games, that you haven't heard the music until you've used headphones with it.
Quote from Soap on a Rope:
Yes, and I must say, the "creepy" tunes' effects are exponentially greater through headphones. Listen to the "boss around the corner" music for a bit and you'll see what I mean. :)

I need to get headphones for my SP...I only use headphones when playing on my normal GBA.

The first cutscene with the SA-X (after you go down the first elevator) has some added creepiness too.

After playing Fusion 3 times, Serris scared the Aunt Jemima out of me. I had to pause and stop crying in fear.