Your not a freak, I don't own one. I used my Aunts headphones for her Diskmen. I'm sure sometime, I'll get one. :P (I live with my aunt now, so I guess I do techniqiclly own one.)
Yeah... I'm that freak who doesn't even HAVE headphones for his GBA, let alone an SP adapter.
I guess that makes me the freak who doesn't even have a GBA, and plays his one gba game on a gbp. I guess I should set the sound to headphones to get stereo though ?
Yeah... I'm that freak who doesn't even HAVE headphones for his GBA, let alone an SP adapter.
I guess that makes me the freak who doesn't even have a GBA, and plays his one gba game on a gbp. I guess I should set the sound to headphones to get stereo though ?
Yes, and I must say, the "creepy" tunes' effects are exponentially greater through headphones. Listen to the "boss around the corner" music for a bit and you'll see what I mean. :)
I need to get headphones for my SP...I only use headphones when playing on my normal GBA.
The first cutscene with the SA-X (after you go down the first elevator) has some added creepiness too.
I thought that the sound quality was much better on the headphones. The biggest difference for me was the sound of Samus' beams, i just couldnt hear them as loud on just the sound. Plus, the music was much more clearer and it sounded much better overall. Sounded alot better in Zm too...
Does that actually work? What the...I could've sworn I've used the headphones on this thing before! I guess that was my regular GBA. Ah well...surround sound on the emulator can't be all that bad (when I get it).
Yes, and I must say, the "creepy" tunes' effects are exponentially greater through headphones. Listen to the "boss around the corner" music for a bit and you'll see what I mean. :)
I need to get headphones for my SP...I only use headphones when playing on my normal GBA.
The first cutscene with the SA-X (after you go down the first elevator) has some added creepiness too.
After playing Fusion 3 times, Serris scared the Aunt Jemima out of me. I had to pause and stop crying in fear.