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Because people can't accept the truth? :P
I pronounce it the same way as my old principals name (yeah its Ridley too).

Samus Lauren
Ok, this is really starting to irk me.  :?

I say, lets pronounce it however we want to until we know how to really say it once some sort of dialouge ends up in the game or a movie comes out(each more unlikely then the next Rolling Eyes ). As long as we all spell it the same, we should have no trouble understanding each other.

Tooz, please agree with me. I'm really getting bugged by this nonsense.
Not impossible
just highly unlikely
I still don't see why people wouldn't pronounce it Rid-lee, but okay. Why not.
Yea seriously.  Where are people getting the extra e from?
It always has been Red-lee and will always will be.
Samus Lauren

It's pronounced as it looks: Rid-lee. Its the word 'rid' and 'ley' combined.

Now, no more fighting. Thats how its pronounced.

End of discussion.
That was obvious.

Rid-lay would be French wouldn't it? Wait, that would be with a 'T' at the end. I don't know, I didn't take French. I bet it's Spanish.
and white wine
Spanish would be reed-ley or something.

Seriously, though. HOW DOES A MAN MISPRONOUNCE 'RIDLEY' GWAGHRGAWHRGWAHR *eats a nearby piece of paper, growling furiously*
soaking through
Its the word 'rid' and 'ley' combined.

Actually, I'm pretty sure "ley" is pronounced like, um, "hey", as in "ley-line".
lvl 28 Magic Leper
I think it is pronounced rid-lee.
Same deal here. "Rid - Lee"
hah, i thought this topic was dead, but as it's revived now i might as well let it be known, that i NOW PRENOUNCE IT CORRECTLY. Rid-lee, yes? thank you!
I think I speak for everyone when I say "No problem". :D
red chamber dream
hmm, it's always been "Rid-lee" for me. Never even thought about it.
What luck, there's french fry stuck in my beard.
What's with all of these old topics coming back?
Every single newbie on this forum feels the need to bump topics several months old. I complained about it the first ten or so times but now I've just given up.
Newer members need to post somwhere, most people don't look at the date of the last post and since this is a rather slow forum "old" topics could still be seen in the first third of the front page.
soaking through
Yoshi has responded to the problem, and made a warning announcement in Rules and Announcements.  It was kinda annoying me...