Like every other game I'm looking out for, I'll enjoy the cinematic trailers as they're intended - showpieces; and then I'll reserve judgment until I see some proper gameplay-only trailers. Bring them on, people.
...Oh, you mean they should have the same MB for every game? It makes sense for them to be different every time. There's no need to keep the same designs for anything from the original Metroid because they had such limited graphics (although they did a pretty good job on Mother Brain). For Zero Mission, they chose to have a much more comic/cartoon style, so they re-imagined her. For Super, it's a different MB entirely, redesigned by the Space Pirates to be more threatening. In Corruption it's yet another unit, so there isn't much reason to keep it the same model. Considering the graphical capabilities for Super are three systems old, I'm not really THAT surprised that they've made it a different model again for the flashback. Not sure if they're gonna make changes to that scene specifically, though.
I wonder, who's the chief in the sixth photo? He looks like the office CO who definitely needs a receptionist for him.
The new interface seems, alright. I may show skeptics, but it's a beta, we have rights to show them.
Meh for the moment.
Edit: For any straggling readers on this page, when do we get to see some other intergalactic company other than the Federation? (Say, like the government from Sol, or a Republic, Alliance, etc).