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Strange... Very strange...  :?

Some other glitches I found:

Strange Light Shine Glitch: When you enter a Secret World incompletely, this glitch may occur. The chances of this happening are quite rare, though. Try standing on the ledge of which you jump off of in the Main Plaza (Chozo Ruins) for extended periods of time. Your Beam Gun will have a purplish tint on the end until you exit the game.

Power Bombing Sheegoth Glitch: Okay, fairly simple. I released a Power Bomb on a Sheegoth and it started climbing up a nearby wall. Then, it started walking on the air. I think I hit it just right for that to happen.

Baby Sheegoth Shell Glitch: Basically, find a Baby Sheegoth and desintegrate it. While it is in the process of dying, you can shoot its shell, and blue specks come from it, not desintegrated specks. The same thing happens if you Power Bomb one.

Phazon Suit Glitch: Okay, now this is a strange one. So, here's the case. I just defeated the Omega Pirate and I have acquired the Phazon Suit. Whoopdeedo. Now, when I aim with the R button, the hand in the arsenal is shown as the Gravity Suit Hand! The bubble on the hand is still blue, not red. I looked on the start menu and the hand is shown as black with the red bubble in the middle. Everything looks exactly the same. When I unmorph, I see the black hand, but when I aim, guess what? But once I left Phazon Mines I had the good black hand back. Very strange. I have currently no explanation of how I did that yet. My theroy is that I was holding R when the Omega Pirate died.

Okay, that's all for now.
In Gathering Hall Access (y'know, the tunnel with all the steam pipes), if you're standing in front of the door leading to Arboretum, look straight up at the sky.  Now shoot the door and look up--you should see some of those horrible-looking, squared-off tree branches (featured prominently in the Landing Site cutscene) appear.  If you jump up to look at them, they usually disappear, right before your eyes.  Apparently that part of the flora "un-loads" (de-loads?) rather quickly.

Just another one of those run-of-the-mill "meh" glitches.
It looks so scary...Such bad graphics put into such a good game...uh... Laughing
What luck, there's french fry stuck in my beard.
Meh, here's one that has happened to me once but I've never really even bothered to try it out again to see if this was random or constant...

Basically, I was in a Morph Ball tunnel, and came up to one of those strange blocking mechanisms that aren't seen very often--you know, the ones that open up by themselves, and you have to wait longer for some than others?
Well, basically, I was bored and I laid a Power Bomb in front of one while it was still closed...  It opened up and I went through while it was still exploding, and, when the explosion had ceased everything was extremely brightly colored yellow--I couldn't see anything or really go anywhere.  I had to restart my game for it to go away.
Quote from GreenMamba:
...one of those strange blocking mechanisms that aren't seen very often--you know, the ones that open up by themselves...

Those are essentially doors in the tunnels. They serve the same function as normal doors do when they take a long time to open after shooting them - to keep you from entering a new room before it's loaded. The difference is, tunnel doors automatically open when the room is loaded, which is why you don't see them often.

Interesting bug, though. I've dropped a power bomb in front of a normal door once and gone through while it was exploding and the room was bright yellow, but it went back to normal as soon as the explosion ended. Either your bug was a freaky one-off, or the permanent lighting effect was caused by the bomb exploding at the same time as the room loaded. If it's the latter, and the bug is repeatable, then you should be able to do it at a normal door, too (provided the next room isn't loaded, of course).
That glitch is quite common.  I happens every so often to a light shine.  It happened to me when Metroid Prime's second phase made the light flare.  I couldn't see anything-even with other visors.  This is just another one of those glitches that occur at any given time.  Nate's Blackout Glitch and our so called, "Whiteout" Glitch.  :?
One glitch that happened to me was a one time thing... (i think) I was exploring the ice caves near the gravity suit and i was also tring to get a 100% scan game.... so then the hunter metroid appeared and I switched to scan visor and pressed the scan button...... and it wouldn't do anything!...... It didn't lock on or it didn't have that box around the scanable stuff...... the only way to get it to work properly again,was by shutting it down.....
Do you have a Wavebird?
If you are asking me.... no I do not have one... Why? Is there some faults with the wavebird then that could cause this?
Well, there can be if you start it up wrong.  This con also happen with regular controllers.  If you turn the Wavebird on while holding L, that button will be defective.  The same goes with the R button, and the control sticks.  If you turn the GameCube on while you do one of those things, it will be again defective.  To cure this problem, let go of the controller, unplug it, and put it back in.  With a Wavebird, by only touching the power button, turn it on and off quickly.  There should be no more problems after that.
Not impossible
just highly unlikely
Quote from MMcLean54:
Well, there can be if you start it up wrong.  This con also happen with regular controllers.  If you turn the Wavebird on while holding L, that button will be defective.  The same goes with the R button, and the control sticks.  If you turn the GameCube on while you do one of those things, it will be again defective.  To cure this problem, let go of the controller, unplug it, and put it back in.  With a Wavebird, by only touching the power button, turn it on and off quickly.  There should be no more problems after that.

It's decalibrated, not deffective.

And unplugging the controller is unnecesary. Simply hold X+Y+Start for about a second with all sticks and analog buttons in the neutral postion to recalibrate everything properly.
Hehe ^_^ I love to mess around with controllers like that, and that may have been the problem but, I just tested it out (I unplugged the controller and held L and pulled it back in to try and "mimic" the glitch) But the orange/red scan points still appeared... and the glitch I went through did not have anything.... just a plain old scan visor... nothing else, so would the "L" problem still be the reason?
In that case, no. The only problem that could occur if you decalibrate the L button like that is that you essentially can't press the button. Since not pressing a button can't make scan points dissapear, that wasn't what caused your bug.
I got into the game geometry by accident once and it sucked because I had to reset.

I was coming into the room that contains the Hive Mecha from the energy tank direction (I hadn't been in the room or fought the Hive Mecha yet).  I picked up the Missile Launcher and then proceeded to the exit that leads to the hallway with the Plazmites.  If you watch Radix's run, the 5th movie I believe, he does the same thing and he makes a beeline for the same exit.  To his left, you'll see a bunch of blocks fall from the ceiling.  Well, I somehow managed to get under the blocks as they were falling and I got stuck in one!  I was confined behind an invisible barrier such that I could move around but only within the spatial allowance of the block.

Damn falling blocks.
I found a nasty glitch in the Hive totem. After fighting it I space jumped over to the door. Then the collpasing ceiling happened to let me out. The rock FELL ON ME!!! It jammed me inside it and I couldn't get out! I had to reset and do Chozo Ruins all over :'(

I'm never going to look at that room the same way again...
OH I also found another strange glitch. In the room where you get the plasma beam (geothermal core?) After getting up the platforms and on top the spidertrack boxes. I was about to jump to the door when I realised.... WHERE'S THE FLIPPIN FLOOR!!!!!!

Outside the door to the Plasma beam the ledge extended as far as the rubble (I'm PAL I have Bendezium at the door) but then there wasn't any more ground!!!

I jumped over, hanging on the edge of the platform blew up the rubble and got the beam, came out and looked at the floor. IT WASNT THERE!!! Yet I shot and it hit it as if it was there :S Like an invisible floor you need the X-Ray for.I could stand on it too....

Just weird...
When i was trying to do that IBJ to the artifact of the wild. I somehow managed instantly unmorphed at the top. There was no animation at all. This caught me off guard a little bit so that was another wasted flaaghra fight
Quote from skynes:
OH I also found another strange glitch. In the room where you get the plasma beam (geothermal core?) After getting up the platforms and on top the spidertrack boxes. I was about to jump to the door when I realised.... WHERE'S THE FLIPPIN FLOOR!!!!!!

Outside the door to the Plasma beam the ledge extended as far as the rubble (I'm PAL I have Bendezium at the door) but then there wasn't any more ground!!!

I jumped over, hanging on the edge of the platform blew up the rubble and got the beam, came out and looked at the floor. IT WASNT THERE!!! Yet I shot and it hit it as if it was there :S Like an invisible floor you need the X-Ray for.I could stand on it too....

Just weird...

If i got this right then it should be that the floor didnt visibly 'extend'.
It's quite easy, just jump to the platform when you reached the second 'box'. This has happened to me way to many times, not that it gives me any problems. ;)
Quote from TRH:
Quote from skynes:
OH I also found another strange glitch. In the room where you get the plasma beam (geothermal core?) After getting up the platforms and on top the spidertrack boxes. I was about to jump to the door when I realised.... WHERE'S THE FLIPPIN FLOOR!!!!!!

Outside the door to the Plasma beam the ledge extended as far as the rubble (I'm PAL I have Bendezium at the door) but then there wasn't any more ground!!!

I jumped over, hanging on the edge of the platform blew up the rubble and got the beam, came out and looked at the floor. IT WASNT THERE!!! Yet I shot and it hit it as if it was there :S Like an invisible floor you need the X-Ray for.I could stand on it too....

Just weird...

If i got this right then it should be that the floor didnt visibly 'extend'.
It's quite easy, just jump to the platform when you reached the second 'box'. This has happened to me way to many times, not that it gives me any problems. ;)

Yeah, it sounds like the ledge is always "there", and seeing it extend is purely a graphical effect. Weird that is didn't extend, though.
That's what I figured... Pretty creepy tho to having spent 20 mins getting up there (I couldn't get on the tiny ledge!!) Only for the platform I need to get to NOT being there!
I just found a useless glitch.  In Plasma Processing, this can occur at any time.  Just get in there, stand right in front of the door, and open it.  Then, change your beam.  You will notice that it will change much slower.  You can keep n trying, but in the end, it will always be delayed.  This is why I call it the Delayed Beam Change Glitch.
Quote from MMcLean54:
I just found a useless glitch.  In Plasma Processing, this can occur at any time.  Just get in there, stand right in front of the door, and open it.  Then, change your beam.  You will notice that it will change much slower.  You can keep n trying, but in the end, it will always be delayed.  This is why I call it the Delayed Beam Change Glitch.

I've had that happen to me a lot. I never noticed a pattern before, but after reading what you've said, I think it only happens to me at doors. I wonder if it's all doors, or just some doors?
I have had it happen usually when im in a large room under water.... It gets me mad though when Flying Pirates (Figate Crash Site) are constantly shooting at you and you have to avoid them for a while until your beam returns... But its cool to see though... ^_^
Has anyone gotten the Morph Ball before the Missile Launcher?  I have.  It's sort of a glitch that is very weird at times.
I've gotten the Morph Ball before the Missile LAUNCHER but not before a Missile UPGRADE. (I get the one u need the Boost ball for)