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Super Secret Area - Dead Ahead!
As far as I know there is no real trick to this, beyond that of ensuring the screen is scrolled as far to the right as possible before firing.  The video on the main site shows it pretty much as is, including the scrolling beforehand.
professional chin scratcher
dam my computer for not being able to play those vids. However reading your post and reading the decription to the vid, and then doing more practising it seems you can scroll the screen just a few pixles more than you'd think. I'm not sure on this but it looks like it. How to get the screen to scroll as much as that i'm not sure. feels very random whether i do it or not

I think i've noticed something, if you've got the screen scrolled as far right as possible, when you lay a power bomb it look like the blast shifts the screen back a few pixles to its default maximum screen scrollage lol. Even if your just sitting there not moving
Super Secret Area - Dead Ahead!
You'll need Quicktime to view them, but there's a YouTube vid that shows the same thing.  The only difference is that the YouTube vid has him running when he fires the Super Missile, whereas on the site he's standing when he jumps.
Edit history:
Giganotabehemoth87: 2010-03-23 08:12:19 am
Giganotabehemoth87: 2010-03-23 07:47:35 am
professional chin scratcher
yea i think that's a pretty lucky hit he got there if you ask me lol. It's far more practical to stand in the right spot with the screen scrolled as much as possible and fire away and hope for the best.

[edit] installed quicktime and watched the vid. After practising and copying what he does i'm able to do the same now. Ocassionally i screw the first super missle up but nothings perfect. It's very bizzare how it works because you can get the screen scrolled as far as possible from anywhere on the right after running to the wall. However you have to stand in that exact position (i line up samus's arm cannon tip with the left hand edge of the second weed poking down from the floor above, just like the vid) and just jump staright up and shoot. No need to move forward with the jump either as this shift the screen back. How very bizzare.
Could somebody tell me who discovered the mockball trick and what it is exactly? I mean, i've heard it is a bug, so what happens to the game that allows to keep the speed? Also, does anybody know who discovered the Murder Beam?
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arkarian: 2010-03-29 12:33:03 am
red chamber dream
dunno who discovered them (does anyone even know?), but descriptions can be found on the main site.

murder beam

those pages link to videos of the tricks.
Super Secret Area - Dead Ahead!
A few bits of info that might help in your quest for knowledge: the user 'Moozooh' would be a good place to start.  He's the one maintaining the tricks page over at TASvideos, and has clearly been around to see a lot of this stuff discovered.

I don't have a clue about the Murder Beam, but I know that the mockball was originally named machball - I guess because of the speed you keep, but through mishearing things, it was doubly named as mockball, which still kind of makes sense.  It doesn't really make any difference, but you'll usually see mockball now.
I like Big Butts and I can not lie
I can't remember mochball, lots of people have discovered it I'm sure, but the name 'saviour V' appears in my head for whatever reason.  Murder beam was made famous by Kejardon
Embarrasing Fact: Power suit made by lowest bidder
Quote from m3.c:
"Space-time Beam" by... michealangelo(figuring out how to mix spazer and plasma) &
                        deskjockey_(emu reset, emu blow up Zebes) &
                        Kejardon(emu blow up Zebes also)
                        dvdmth(console reset)

"Mockball" at least named by Saviour V

Mockball has been independently discovered multiple times. It's hard to exactly classify what it is. Quite simply, there's no part of the game that says Samus should NOT keep her speed, and the motion routines for morph ball add that speed to Samus's motion.
Mockball got its name intentionally actually, it's a 'mock' of the speedball, which was named by Mike_Z probably. Then it got several variations of its name.

Incidentally, michealangelo also discovered blue suit. Both were told in two posts in the same day several years ago on GameFAQs.

Quote from P.JMan:
Murder beam was made famous by the old trio of Kejardon, Ultima4701, and deskjockey_

I'm the only one still around, but yeah we were all having fun figuring out what exploits could be done with the glitch beams.
Thanks! Well, all this tricks (murder beam, mockball, blue suit... etc.) are really good realtime tricks. Now it seems that there's no more realtime tricks to find, only TAS tricks. Maybe the game is reaching it's limit. Never saw a game so full of tricks, routes, abilities, possibilities and glitches... in this case, the glitches make the game much better.
Super Secret Area - Dead Ahead!
Quote from Reeve:
Maybe the game is reaching it's limit.

People have been saying this for the last ten years or so. aiwebs_011
Glad to hear that.
professional chin scratcher
Does anybody know if there's any chance you can evade the giant metroids attack on you when it leaves you with 1 HP. I was thinking. In a 100% run you could run away as usual and do the space jumps left but then in mid air, shoot the yellow rubble stuff to clear a path and then land as a ball and spring ball into that path you just created. If that all makes sense. Trouble is i tried this and samus doesn't seem to have enough speed to make it all the way without the metroid grabbing you. Obviously Tool assisted you do a super duper short charge and shinespark out but i want to know if there's a method to esacape unnassisted. if one exists, or potentially exists ?

In the past i always managed to escape when the metroid was still attached to samus, which is easy to do, but this causes samus to move real slow in the rooms afterwards. As if the metroid is still attached to you. Even though it's not there
Super Secret Area - Dead Ahead!
I don't think there is.  I had Crystal Flashing in my head, but I checked, and that's just to enable you to stand up during the Mother Brain sequence...
professional chin scratcher
Yea i practiced on emulator and can shoot the dried stuff to clear a path and land for a mock ball, followed by a spring ball to exit the room. But no matter how fast I was the metroid always grabbed me during the transition. Making samus move like she's in thick syrup in the next room. It's anoying how some things in this game continue to move when you've entered a door. Brings to mind the same thing in metroid nes. God that was anoying.
Welcome to Hell.
Alright, I dunno if this has been discovered, but I may have found a new glitch.

This one involves map stations. I used the remote recharge glitch like I usually do because I'm cool like that. This time, I positioned myself close to the open door and as I made my way toward the door (after the map data download dialog) the pause menu showed up. I either didn't make it through in time before the pause menu fully brought itself up or I just made it in time on the exact frame.

Now, my original thought was that I didn't make it in time, because if you go through the door before the pause screen comes up it just cancels it, and you get the map data anyway. But the pause screen came up, and I unpaused it to continue... but the strange thing was, nothing came back on screen! Everything was dark: The game continued like normal, as if everything were drawing on the screen. Even room transitions didn't return anything back to normal. I went back into the map room to test this out. I finally tried pausing it again, and that worked. Brought up the pause screen. So, I unpaused it and I got visual on the game again. Another strange thing happened though, the map station is still active!

I performed the glitch on a snes9x emulator on the wii, so I don't know if it's just SM being finicky with the emulator or it's an actual bug that happens on anything. I haven't been able to reproduce it, only due to lack of trying again. Can anyone confirm this?
Embarrasing Fact: Power suit made by lowest bidder
Blackout glitch is old, it just involves pausing the game and entering the door on the right frame (you can do it the frame before the game pauses or the frame after, either one works but the frame before doesn't bring up the pause screen).
I'm not sure what exactly you're saying about the map station. Are you saying you can use the map station, leave the room before the map station message pops up, and still get the map revealed? As far as I know that's not right. Also the same byte that reveals the map also causes the map station to be unusable a second time, so that part's not making sense to me.
Edit history:
KP9000: 2010-05-05 09:43:07 pm
Welcome to Hell.
Quote from Kejardon:
Are you saying you can use the map station, leave the room before the map station message pops up, and still get the map revealed? As far as I know that's not right. Also the same byte that reveals the map also causes the map station to be unusable a second time, so that part's not making sense to me.
The map station message pops up. I just did what you said regarding exiting right when the pause screen comes up. But I'm absolutely positive that all the map for that area (which happens to be Norfair) is revealed and I am absolutely positive that it is re-usable.

It may just be a variation in the emulator though. Or perhaps it's area based... I dunno.

Edit: changed a wrong word.
Embarrasing Fact: Power suit made by lowest bidder
So, you access the map station, get the message, reveal the map, and then access the map station again?
I can't replicate that.
professional chin scratcher
I just read on TAS videos/super metroid tricks that the in game timer doesn't count frames of lag. Really?, I mean, not even just slow the timer down to compensate?.

We've all seen lag in runs like in hotarubi's runs where he lays a power bombs and then he runs off and as the bomb is exploding the game slows down. Also he induces lag a lot himself (I'm pretty sure he does this intentionally) when he's waiting for bosses to appear like kraid for example. He does a bomb spread of the wall and then starts shooting and stuff.
I would imagine you could only induce lag in certain rooms where lot's of enemies are situated and lot's of shooting and power bomb laying goes on and so forth. Or just do lot's of things at the same time. I'd like to know people's thoughts on this ?
lag doesn't reduce your in-game time, if that's what you're trying to say.
professional chin scratcher
But that's kinda the impression I got from the what the page said. If it ''stops'' for lag, and your waiting for a boss to emerge like kraid, however the game play is still continuing, why isn't this saving time ?

[edit] Ahh, does it then catch up with itself after the lag has gone?
because everything stops during lag. if there were one frame of lag, samus would stop, enemies would stop, and the timer would stop for that one frame.
Edit history:
Giganotabehemoth87: 2010-05-08 02:34:31 pm
Giganotabehemoth87: 2010-05-08 02:34:19 pm
professional chin scratcher
Ah ok, I understand your point. That makes perfect sense but that wasnt really what I was talking about. I guess I confused lag with general slowdown. Hotarubi induces slowdown a lot. So I take it this does nothing and he just does it for show ?
coral to complement blue
He only did that bomb spread for fun. I always do random stuff like that while waiting for bosses to show up.