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Bahamut: 2009-01-27 12:19:32 am
Edit: I'm editing all my really big useless posts into this so you don't waste your time reading them. If I should just leave them how they are then tell me and I'll stop editing them, but I think it would be better to not waste room on the page and stop if someone tells me to, than leaving them here to be annoying.
I'll be back. Maybe...
and also is almost guaranteed to break the game on console, as has been said countless times already.
I don't really get that glitch... You just fired left and teleported or did you use the space/time beam?
Edit history:
Bahamut: 2009-01-27 12:17:09 am
Edit: I'm editing all my really big useless posts into this so you don't waste your time reading them. If I should just leave them how they are then tell me and I'll stop editing them, but I think it would be better to not waste room on the page and stop if someone tells me to, than leaving them here to be annoying.
Shifty Leader
That M2k2 guy
uh...try sending the file to the next person that asks you to (not me)
Edit history:
Bahamut: 2009-01-27 12:16:49 am
Edit: I'm editing all my really big useless posts into this so you don't waste your time reading them. If I should just leave them how they are then tell me and I'll stop editing them, but I think it would be better to not waste room on the page and stop if someone tells me to, than leaving them here to be annoying.
Shifty Leader
That M2k2 guy
Can you tell me the filetype? Did you make sure to stop recording at some point?
Edit history:
Bahamut: 2009-01-27 12:16:35 am
Edit: I'm editing all my really big useless posts into this so you don't waste your time reading them. If I should just leave them how they are then tell me and I'll stop editing them, but I think it would be better to not waste room on the page and stop if someone tells me to, than leaving them here to be annoying.
Shifty Leader
That M2k2 guy
The only thing I can think of that could stop you from changing anything about the file is that it's currently running. You can't delete text files that are open or anything like that. Or else there's some sort of lock on the folder, but I don't see any reason it could have such a thing O_o
Edit history:
Bahamut: 2009-01-27 12:07:24 am
Edit: I'm editing all my really big useless posts into this so you don't waste your time reading them. If I should just leave them how they are then tell me and I'll stop editing them, but I think it would be better to not waste room on the page and stop if someone tells me to, than leaving them here to be annoying.
I did some testy stuff with beam shields and some of them added nice colors into enemies. :P Black and green really suits them.
Now use Murder Beam on a few enemies, but dequip the ice beam before they hit the orb, and keep trying different combos.  Makes for a fun light show.
I beat Golden Torizo using Super Missles. After firing one super missle, fire more rapidly and he will be hit. Jump up when he throws the super missile back and repeat.

3 Metroids were 'stuck' together on top of my head in Tourian. And when I got them off using bombs, I froze them all at once and shot ONE super missile and they all died. One super missile. One super missile. One super missile.
Quote from metrokraid:
I beat Golden Torizo using Super Missles. After firing one super missle, fire more rapidly and he will be hit. Jump up when he throws the super missile back and repeat.

3 Metroids were 'stuck' together on top of my head in Tourian. And when I got them off using bombs, I froze them all at once and shot ONE super missile and they all died. One super missile. One super missile. One super missile.

Both are known and both aren't glitches. Missiles have some kind of a blast radius, so if several enemies have intersecting hitboxes and a missile hits them, all those enemies will be damaged. It worked the same in NES Metroid as well.
I kinda took advantage of that in top room of WS in my TAS. Too bad I deleted the test smv.  :(  Like one of those flying balls was attached to a Kihunter (spelling?) and I shot a super missile. The ball vanished and the flying guy also took damage from that.

I also played my console run and noticed something annoying. The room before wave beam with those platforms. I sometimes fall through those just like that without even flashing from a hit! Annoying when you play a very good segment to that point and lose like 20 seconds by falling twice through those platforms. I think it had something to do with Samus's turnaround animation, but still annoying really. Known already?
Quote from Tonski:
I sometimes fall through those just like that without even flashing from a hit!

Just like that? You mean you just jump on them and fall through or something? :D
Quote from moozooh:
Just like that? You mean you just jump on them and fall through or something? :D

Yeah.  laugh new  Seems unbelievable but as I stated it might have something to do with Samus's turnaround animation. I jumped on one in middle of a great segment and fell through. Annoying...

I also noticed that if you're really close to where you activate the door transition, and press start... After that press start again to go back in the game and move to the door at the same time, and you'll make the screen go black. I mean it comes from black when you get out of pause menu, and if you go to door while at it, it stays black too.

And with Draygon I had this funny grabbing thing. :D He grabbed me and I shaked all my buttons like hell (yeah at this point in my run) and I got off of it, but didn't. I was stuck in its belly kinda and I could morph and unmorph but I was stuck there. Just like walking on land but stuck in the air there. :P
Almost happy
Yea it has happend to me also (falling through plattforms) maybe more frequent on PAL since no one else have noticed it. Anyways its a real bitch when it happens, and the place were it happens is at the end of a 18-19 min segment  aiwebs_016
Kej you were talking about there being a glithc-breakable block in the place MikeyZ or whatever was talking about, right? Well I'd like to see what kind of a glitch you need and where that passage behind that block leads.

I know your mastermind could explain it to me, but I'd like to see it. :P I can't do it myself, I've tried.
Embarrasing Fact: Power suit made by lowest bidder
Sure. See the attached movie. Of course, you'll need some explanation regardless...

The blocks in the roof on the *right* half of an 8-screen wide room will, if shot correctly, use the graphic of the block right of them as their block type. This means you can potentially break blocks that are not supposed to be breakable. I've explained them before if you want to read about the particular circumstances required.

First off, the movie starts from a blatantly cheated savestate. :P I have debug mode on, and use it to disable layer 3 (select + R + A), which allows me to see the top few blocks in the room. Going right, I get the tank and fire at the corner a bit to show that the blocks don't break normally. I then back up a bit jump and fire from the lava - it's much easier to glitch-break the blocks like this. I break two blocks on the far right of the screen, but there aren't any other blocks you can break there. You can't get inside either of the broken blocks either, they're both securely inside the roof.

I then head left and break out some more blocks in the roof. It's fairly easy to do by walking right and firing diagonal. Note that you can repeatedly break broken blocks. If you break a block once, it comes back as a solid block (though the graphic changes to a shot block). If you break a block again before it comes back, it will come back as an *air* block (though still graphically a shot block) and will remain an air block if you break it again. Also worth noting is that I cannot break blocks if I have already broken the block to the right of them.

The movie continues with a short brain lapse where I go right and do nothing interesting, accidently re-enable layer 3, then head back left to go do something interesting.

I shoot out a few blocks near the door, then turn on layer 3 so you can see the minimap. Note where the map moves left and right. This is at the edge of screen 3 and 4; the glitch will work on screen 4, but not on screen 3. I then take a bit of time to shoot out the *very* first block breakable with the glitch, and show my position with the map. And that's the end of the movie.

There are no blocks you can directly get into, unfortunately. The only use found for them is to get stuck inside of Crocomire's invisible wall, so you can crystal flash your way into the some of the blocks and from there get outside of the room. But getting stuck in the spikes and x-raying out of the room is much easier then getting stuck correctly in Crocomire's wall, so even then it's sort of pointless.

If you somehow managed to get inside of the far right blocks... you'd be trapped in the wall. Nothing interesting there, sorry.
Eschews avatars
This is a cool glitch I found. I don't think it's documented anywhere else. I was messing around with the silver pirates, seeing what speed boosting would do to them, and I hit one with a speed echo. If they're golden when you hit them, they just die (instantly, I might add!), but when they're silver, the echo stays there! You can walk, run, and jump around, and the echo will mimic whatever your sprite is doing, albeit flickery and in place. The echo only disappears if you leave the room.
Almost happy
Weird... i found the exact same gitch 2 days ago and was just about to mention it here  :-s
Ha, nice! I discovered that glitch accidentally in SMR half a year ago, but somehow didn't realize it applied to SM as well. Peculiar.
I have seen that glitch and some smv about it quite some time ago. But if it was not here, then where did I see it....    grin new

Maybe some japanese stuff again?...well, cool glitch nevertheless.
Almost happy
Noticed something, don't know what it is why it happens but it's probably since long known. If you press start (pause) before going down a elevator so that the menu is brought forth to you while you are in the elevator, uppon unpausing the game again you will trigger the switch room trigger earlier, before samus leaves the screen.