He can also dupe items if you tell him to fetch something and then pick it up before he grabs it. That includes the You're SPECIAL book..
I knew about that trick, but I just went back after I got master lockpicking since I was getting it anyway. And then I put the gun in a box and haven't touched it since, haha.
I found the Grognak game. It's actually pretty damn fun. I beat it in one sitting, which takes a while, but apparently it will save for you if you quit it but they never tell you that.
30 hours in and i'm finally heading to diamond city (level 26). did most of the minutemen quests and some of the bos's. i've seen most of the northern half of the map, so i feel like i'm ready to tackle the south. might have to bump up the difficulty so i can get better legendaries, too.
oh yeah, some of the companion perks are pretty good. i got codsworth's and preston's, and now i'm working on piper's. i also romanced preston, then sent him to sanctuary so that when i sleep before heading out i get the lover's perk for bonus xp.
Macready's perk is the best, but mostly because it's broken. It's supposed to give you a +20% chance to hit with a headshot, which would be great as is, but they forgot to put a decimal point, so 20.00% became 2000% and every headshot always hits no matter what. I'll be pretty surprised if it's not patched in the next update.
oh wow. even the 20% would be nice so i'll have to go for that one too
kind of weird to say this so early, but i hope there's lots of dlc. i can see myself easily wanting to hit level 60 or 70. so many perks that i want :)
I'm hearing people say they are in the 60-70 range when they finish up. It depends on how much side questing you do, but there seems to be enough content to get there without DLC.
For maximum leveling efficiency, apparently you should invest in Idiot Savant no matter what your INT is at. Number crunching smart people have found that having INT around 6 or 7 with Idiot Savant has a higher exp payout than 10 INT, but even if you have full intelligence the Idiot Savant payout is significant enough to be worth it.
i fucking love its sound effects lol. my int is at 6, which i kind of don't like, because 6 is all i need to get the perks i want, but i do want the bobblehead. oh well, i guess level 7 isn't comparably much worse then 6 when it comes to idiot savant. it seems like it pops for me super often even at 6 int.
i also highly recommend getting scrapper level 2 as soon as you can
for idiot savant it helps because i started at 7 luck, then upped it to 8. gonna go on a bobblehead run tonight, and the luck one looks pretty easy to get.
one thing i'm lacking right now is endurance. it would be nice to be able to run faster and get more ap so i might have to pump a few points into that. otherwise i'm happy with the perks i've chosen so far. and good to hear 60-70 is where people are finishing. i guess that makes sense. it's where i finished skyrim, and i didn't play any of its dlc.
I got scrapper level 1, but I haven't been hard up for materials for a long time. I grab stuff like crazy and make constant trips back to Sanctuary to store it. I am going to start working on modding my power armor though, so it might be worth the point.
oh nice, that's something i should probably start on soon too. i haven't used power armor once though, aside from the mandatory part, so i haven't felt the need yet. and i've been playing on hard for the past few hours, but also i've been doing the diamond city missions which are early in the story. it's definitely worth the better chances of loot though
Speaking of materials, you can scam the build limit in settlements by dropping weapons or armor out of your inventory and breaking it down or storing it. It tricks the game into thinking you removed structures and lowers your cap. This dude took advantage of that and built this insane city in Sanctuary: