(user is banned)
Quote from Mr Potter:
In my runs, I always boost frequently. The R button allows stronger and quicker boosts, so you should use that. In my runs I usually defeat Gorea 2, but if it isn't necessary for an any% run I think I'll skip that from now on. Here is the (detailed) route I use:
-Celestial Stations Visit 1
-collect first Artifact
-defeat Kanden with power beam/morph ball bombs (missiles don't do too much damage and without the expansion you won't have many anyway)
-collect second Artifact
-collect Data Shrine 3 e-tank
-activate first portal
-collect third Artifact
Boss: Cretaphid v1
-no real strategy, just destroy the lights and then use charge shots on the crystal thing. You can use missiles, but you don't have many so it's no big deal; power beam can do the job easily enough anyway.
-collect Octolith, escape
-Alinos Visit 1
-boost over to the missile expansion in Alinos Gateway, use a boost right after a bomb jump to quickly collect the missile
-use Morph Secret World to enter the tunnel
-jump near the Zoomer pit to get right to the Artifact, skipping the Zoomers and the key
-use morph ball bombs to destroy the numerous Zoomers. Do not shoot them, bombing requires just one bomb and takes less time and can take more than one at the same time, while shooting requires several shots for each one
-go around and jump up
Okay, now you gotta fight Spire. The fight:
-first, quickly hit him with two missiles, making him run into the door.
-before you go in, go get the missile expansion.
-use two missiles on each enemy generator, and one missile for each Voldrum.
-now Spire starts circling the hole. Hit him with a few missiles.
-hit the Dialanche with several missiles or morph ball bombs. If you're quick enough, while he's going into alt-form, hit him with a charge shot and a ton of normal shots. If you get headshots, you can make him leave before getting into the Dialanche.
-collect second Artifact
-exit and hit him with charge shots and the rest of your missiles.
-collect third Artifact
-activate first visit portal
Boss: Slench v1
-use power beam/charge shots. six power beam shots or one charge beam shot will take out each tentacle. then quickly hit Slench v1B with charge shots, missiles, etc. whatever you prefer.
-collect Octolith, escape
-VDO Visit 1
-first, go into morph ball tunnel.
-bomb onto the platform and enter the Battlehammer room.
-stand on the spot the Battlehammer will show up on and scan the things.
-right before the cutscene, aim at the Battlehammer gate. When you get it, shoot and morph.
-next, cross the levitating platform and DBJ for the missile expansion, followed by a boost into the next tunnel. Scan the two scan points (one for the UA expansion, one for proceeding through the game).
-exit the tunnel area and go to the area with the Psychobits and the Ithraks.
-collect Artifact 1
-defeat the tower
-activate the portal, leave
-Celestial Stations Visit 2
-backtrack for Volt Driver. use charged missiles on the Guardians.
-collect UA expansion and Volt Driver.
-use the blue bars in Synergy Core to skip the elevator. (this is a very difficult trick. If you want, return to the ship and save to save your sanity.) Jump onto the ledge with the jump pad, NOT the one with the door. This way, you can use the pad plus a midair jump to launch you all the way to the door instead of walking.
-proceed as normal. when you enter the space room, use four missiles on the Guardian (it should be running at you in a straight line, so it won't be moving around and it will be very easy to get in the hits).
-collect the key, but do NOT go after the Artifact yet. Jump to the top and go across the bridge and take the platform farthest to the right.
-this will take you to the lower floor of Incubation Vault 02. Ignore the tower and cross the room. DBJ up to the upper floor and go get the Shock Coil. Facing the gate, go to the right and use the little ledge to get back to the top floor. Enter the portal on the bridge.
-you will end up on the upper floor of Incubation Vault 01. use the Volt Driver to take out one of the Guardians on the first floor (be careful not to fall to the lower floor). when one of them's gone, a key will appear. Grab the key and get Artifact 1. Now go into the area that had the Shock Coil in Incubation Vault 02 (but stay in Vault 01) and take the portal back to the space room (that's the one away from the yellow force field).
-in the space room, do not take the platforms. Turn left and jump onto the platform holding the ammo. Collect it and jump onto the Artifact platform.
-collect Artifact 2
-Look at the platform holding the portal to Incubation Vault 03 (it's broken and, coming from the UA expansion platform, is straight ahead). There is a piece of it sticking out that is a little lower than the rest of the platform. Jump onto it and enter IV03.
-Get the missile if you want, but switch to Shock Coil and take out the gate. Enter the portal.
-The rest is up to you. Get Artifact 3. As for the second visit portal, don't bother with that, as you won't be coming back here; unless the platform going up is far away, you have some time to kill, and you want to restock on energy and ammo. Also, save the energy tank for AFTER the boss; usually, getting it before will result in you missing the platform going up the first time, while on the way out, you have time to kill while waiting for the platform going up anyway. Also, use the Battlehammer on Slench.
-Arcterra Visit 1
-use Volt Driver/morph ball bombs on Noxus
-activate Proxy Locks in this order: 5, 1, 6, 3, 4, 2 (use a charged-missile jump to reach 1)
-collect artifact 1 + the e-tank in the same section of the room
-in the Ice Hive, use a difficult-to-master-but-very-easy-with-practice speed trick:
There is a ledge right to the left of the vault door. A bit down the left of that is a ledge with a missile expansion. DBJ onto the ledge (don't DBJ on the slope, that makes in much harder) and walk to the left. When you get to the edge, hold up-right and change your view until you fall off the ledge. Immediately turn and face the wall. Your fall should stop, and you will stop rising. When you start hovering, turn enough that you start moving down the wall. When you get to the end, jump onto the missile ledge. You must practice this. Do NOT jump into the float; doing so will result in loss of the ability to jump at the end of the float, resulting in you having to start over.
-when you get it, get the missile and go into the room with the portal. activate it, and jump onto the ice crystal to get onto the boss portal ledge. go around to the back of the vault door. get into the Judicator room.
-use a missile jump to reach the Judicator.
-collect Artifact 2 and the UA expansion near it
-go through the portal and leave.
-Alinos Visit 2
-use portal
-go through the Judicator gate, get to the Judicator door
-Thermal Vast: don't use the platforms, instead hop across rocks to a ledge, then DBJ onto it
-in Alinos Perch, use Judicator on the Guardians
-use Judicator on the Fire Spawn
-collect Magmaul
-collect the e-tank
-go back to Alinos Perch, activate the platform that sends you to the ledge with the computer on it, unlock the door. From here there are two choices, one of which is easy, both of which probably take the same time.
option 1 (harder): go to the ledge under the ledge under the door. bomb jump + boost onto it. DBJ onto the ledge to get a float, manuever your float to get onto the door ledge
option 2 (easier): jump onto the jump pad ledge below, while standing on it go to the edge and activate it, then activate the other one. use the pads to reach the door.
-collect Artifact 1
-go back to Council Chamber. Activate the jump pad and use it to scan the panel that deactivates it through the force field.
-collect Artifact 2
-activate the portal and leave.
-Arcterra Visit 2
-cross around to Frost Labyrinth
-collect Artifact 3
-Slench v2: use Judicator on it. don't bother charging Judicator at any time, that doesn't assist you in any way.
-Trace: switch to Volt Driver before the fight begins. Turn around to face where he will show up, and then activate it. Hit him with rapid-fire Volt Driver, aim for the head. I have gotten him to the point where he only needs five or six more shots before death before he jumps off the ledge doing this; I think it's possible to kill him before that point.
-Once Trace is dead, go to the Magmaul door and go through it.
-kill the Quadtroids (about 6 minutes left)
-use Magmaul on the Arctic Spawn
-collect Imperialist (about 5 minutes left at this point)
-quickly zoom in and shoot the target before the "Imperialist Training" cutscene occurs. this way, the platform sinks during the cutscene.
-take the platform up
-shoot the Imperialist targets on the other side of the force field
-turn around and go to the section with all the Psychobits. switch to Judicator, use two on each enemy generator and one for each Psychobit
-switch to Magmaul, use two of that on the blue Psychobit
-get the key
-use a missile jump to get to the broken pillar and skip knocking down the large pillar
-activate the portal
-VDO Visit 2
-land, take the portal to Sylux
-use zoomed Imperialist headshots on Sylux. this won't kill him, but does an insane amount of damage. I actually killed him before his ship showed up this way.
-collect the second Artifact
-collect the third Artifact
-defeat Cretaphid, use Battlehammer
-Arcterra Visit 3
-land, take the portal right back to Fault Line
-go to Drip Moat
-drop to the bottom and boost across
-in Subterranean, go forward, take a right, then go forward again. turn around and shoot the first target. now backtrack a bit, and use a jump to shoot another one. continue, keeping an eye on the last one. when you see enough room above the force field, use it and a jump to shoot the last one. take the elevator down.
-get the missile expansion.
-use three Judicator shots on the Imperialist turret.
-get the key/Artifact
-use zoomed Imperialist headshots to kill the Guardians
-boost back across Drip Moat, get the UA expansion
-drop to the lower level of Fault Line
-go to Frost Labyrinth
-go to Sanctorus
-quickly scan the three panels
-get the key/Artifact
-use zoomed Imperialist headshots on the two Guardians
-get the e-tank in Frost Labyrinth if you want
-in Fault Line, while you wait for the elevator, go get the Artifact guarded by the electricity (the electricity should still be there, but the damage is minimal, so don't worry about it)
-take the boss portal
Boss: Cretaphid 4
-it's moving, that's the only difference. not sure whether it's better to use Volt Driver or Battlehammer, use Volt Driver to be safe.
-nothing special in the escape.
-VDO Visit 3
-take the portal to the Imperialist door. DBJ to the first shield key and pick up the UA expansion while you're up there. Try to use zoomed Imperialist headshots on the Guardians.
-Fuel Stack: nothing special here. You may want to grab the missile expansion, though.
-against Slench, use Magmaul.
-wow, that was fast.
-Alinos Visit 3
-take the second portal
-walk around the rim to skip the Voldrum fight
-get the UA expansion in Processing Core
-collect Artifact 3
-use Volt Driver on Cretaphid
-during the escape, do NOT head to the ship
-Thermal Vast: be careful not to fall off
-go to the Alimbic Cannon. use Imperialist on hunters/guardians you see on the way.
-the Alimbic Cannon will stop the timer. the portal back to the ship in High Ground still won't work, so you need to take the long way.
-below ground in High Ground, find the open door and count two doors away from it in either direction. blow open this VD gate to get right to the door.
-do NOT get the e-tank in Oubliette. For one thing, it's a waste of time, and for another thing, the game saves your getting that e-tank if you select "OK" after beating the game, so that adds time if you want to redo your Gorea fight.
-Gorea: start by using Volt Driver on the arms. Use just enough so there's only a little bit of life left in them. The reason you shouldn't finish off the arms right now is that he'll grow them back, and you don't want to use the Volt Driver on the Seal Sphere; it uses too much ammo. Instead, wait for him to enter the Judicator phase, then finish off the arms.
-Once he's back on his feet, use whatever weapon he switches to, but again, leave a bit of life. Magmaul does a lot of damage to the arm, but fires slow and is weak against the Seal Sphere, so instead wait until he switches to Shock Coil to destroy the arms.
-For the third part of the fight, he will switch right to Imperialist. One shot each for both arms, and seven shots to the Seal Sphere to finish off Gorea. Make sure you zoom in with the Imperialist, as that does more damage than not zooming in.
Well, there you have it. Some notes on defeating enemies:
-Lesser Ithrak: use two Morph Ball Bombs
-Quadtroids: use four missiles
-other Hunters: Volt Driver, or zoomed Imperialist headshots, if you have Imperialist. If you don't have either, use Power Beam/Missiles.
-Guardians: if available, use Imperialist. if not available:
-Magmaul Guardians: Judicator
-Judicator Guardians: Magmaul
-Volt Driver Guardians: Missiles
-Power Beam Guardians: Missiles/Volt Driver
-Missile Guardians: Volt Driver/Missiles
-Battlehammer Guardians: Volt Driver
-Greater Ithraks: ignore them.
I hope this very long post helps you and other people on your way to speed running MPH. :D Last edited on May 1, 2006, with my 1:38 run. Changes are the new Alinos Zoomer trick and Imperialist on the first Sylux.
-Celestial Stations Visit 1
-collect first Artifact
-defeat Kanden with power beam/morph ball bombs (missiles don't do too much damage and without the expansion you won't have many anyway)
-collect second Artifact
-collect Data Shrine 3 e-tank
-activate first portal
-collect third Artifact
Boss: Cretaphid v1
-no real strategy, just destroy the lights and then use charge shots on the crystal thing. You can use missiles, but you don't have many so it's no big deal; power beam can do the job easily enough anyway.
-collect Octolith, escape
-Alinos Visit 1
-boost over to the missile expansion in Alinos Gateway, use a boost right after a bomb jump to quickly collect the missile
-use Morph Secret World to enter the tunnel
-jump near the Zoomer pit to get right to the Artifact, skipping the Zoomers and the key
-use morph ball bombs to destroy the numerous Zoomers. Do not shoot them, bombing requires just one bomb and takes less time and can take more than one at the same time, while shooting requires several shots for each one
-go around and jump up
Okay, now you gotta fight Spire. The fight:
-first, quickly hit him with two missiles, making him run into the door.
-before you go in, go get the missile expansion.
-use two missiles on each enemy generator, and one missile for each Voldrum.
-now Spire starts circling the hole. Hit him with a few missiles.
-hit the Dialanche with several missiles or morph ball bombs. If you're quick enough, while he's going into alt-form, hit him with a charge shot and a ton of normal shots. If you get headshots, you can make him leave before getting into the Dialanche.
-collect second Artifact
-exit and hit him with charge shots and the rest of your missiles.
-collect third Artifact
-activate first visit portal
Boss: Slench v1
-use power beam/charge shots. six power beam shots or one charge beam shot will take out each tentacle. then quickly hit Slench v1B with charge shots, missiles, etc. whatever you prefer.
-collect Octolith, escape
-VDO Visit 1
-first, go into morph ball tunnel.
-bomb onto the platform and enter the Battlehammer room.
-stand on the spot the Battlehammer will show up on and scan the things.
-right before the cutscene, aim at the Battlehammer gate. When you get it, shoot and morph.
-next, cross the levitating platform and DBJ for the missile expansion, followed by a boost into the next tunnel. Scan the two scan points (one for the UA expansion, one for proceeding through the game).
-exit the tunnel area and go to the area with the Psychobits and the Ithraks.
-collect Artifact 1
-defeat the tower
-activate the portal, leave
-Celestial Stations Visit 2
-backtrack for Volt Driver. use charged missiles on the Guardians.
-collect UA expansion and Volt Driver.
-use the blue bars in Synergy Core to skip the elevator. (this is a very difficult trick. If you want, return to the ship and save to save your sanity.) Jump onto the ledge with the jump pad, NOT the one with the door. This way, you can use the pad plus a midair jump to launch you all the way to the door instead of walking.
-proceed as normal. when you enter the space room, use four missiles on the Guardian (it should be running at you in a straight line, so it won't be moving around and it will be very easy to get in the hits).
-collect the key, but do NOT go after the Artifact yet. Jump to the top and go across the bridge and take the platform farthest to the right.
-this will take you to the lower floor of Incubation Vault 02. Ignore the tower and cross the room. DBJ up to the upper floor and go get the Shock Coil. Facing the gate, go to the right and use the little ledge to get back to the top floor. Enter the portal on the bridge.
-you will end up on the upper floor of Incubation Vault 01. use the Volt Driver to take out one of the Guardians on the first floor (be careful not to fall to the lower floor). when one of them's gone, a key will appear. Grab the key and get Artifact 1. Now go into the area that had the Shock Coil in Incubation Vault 02 (but stay in Vault 01) and take the portal back to the space room (that's the one away from the yellow force field).
-in the space room, do not take the platforms. Turn left and jump onto the platform holding the ammo. Collect it and jump onto the Artifact platform.
-collect Artifact 2
-Look at the platform holding the portal to Incubation Vault 03 (it's broken and, coming from the UA expansion platform, is straight ahead). There is a piece of it sticking out that is a little lower than the rest of the platform. Jump onto it and enter IV03.
-Get the missile if you want, but switch to Shock Coil and take out the gate. Enter the portal.
-The rest is up to you. Get Artifact 3. As for the second visit portal, don't bother with that, as you won't be coming back here; unless the platform going up is far away, you have some time to kill, and you want to restock on energy and ammo. Also, save the energy tank for AFTER the boss; usually, getting it before will result in you missing the platform going up the first time, while on the way out, you have time to kill while waiting for the platform going up anyway. Also, use the Battlehammer on Slench.
-Arcterra Visit 1
-use Volt Driver/morph ball bombs on Noxus
-activate Proxy Locks in this order: 5, 1, 6, 3, 4, 2 (use a charged-missile jump to reach 1)
-collect artifact 1 + the e-tank in the same section of the room
-in the Ice Hive, use a difficult-to-master-but-very-easy-with-practice speed trick:
There is a ledge right to the left of the vault door. A bit down the left of that is a ledge with a missile expansion. DBJ onto the ledge (don't DBJ on the slope, that makes in much harder) and walk to the left. When you get to the edge, hold up-right and change your view until you fall off the ledge. Immediately turn and face the wall. Your fall should stop, and you will stop rising. When you start hovering, turn enough that you start moving down the wall. When you get to the end, jump onto the missile ledge. You must practice this. Do NOT jump into the float; doing so will result in loss of the ability to jump at the end of the float, resulting in you having to start over.
-when you get it, get the missile and go into the room with the portal. activate it, and jump onto the ice crystal to get onto the boss portal ledge. go around to the back of the vault door. get into the Judicator room.
-use a missile jump to reach the Judicator.
-collect Artifact 2 and the UA expansion near it
-go through the portal and leave.
-Alinos Visit 2
-use portal
-go through the Judicator gate, get to the Judicator door
-Thermal Vast: don't use the platforms, instead hop across rocks to a ledge, then DBJ onto it
-in Alinos Perch, use Judicator on the Guardians
-use Judicator on the Fire Spawn
-collect Magmaul
-collect the e-tank
-go back to Alinos Perch, activate the platform that sends you to the ledge with the computer on it, unlock the door. From here there are two choices, one of which is easy, both of which probably take the same time.
option 1 (harder): go to the ledge under the ledge under the door. bomb jump + boost onto it. DBJ onto the ledge to get a float, manuever your float to get onto the door ledge
option 2 (easier): jump onto the jump pad ledge below, while standing on it go to the edge and activate it, then activate the other one. use the pads to reach the door.
-collect Artifact 1
-go back to Council Chamber. Activate the jump pad and use it to scan the panel that deactivates it through the force field.
-collect Artifact 2
-activate the portal and leave.
-Arcterra Visit 2
-cross around to Frost Labyrinth
-collect Artifact 3
-Slench v2: use Judicator on it. don't bother charging Judicator at any time, that doesn't assist you in any way.
-Trace: switch to Volt Driver before the fight begins. Turn around to face where he will show up, and then activate it. Hit him with rapid-fire Volt Driver, aim for the head. I have gotten him to the point where he only needs five or six more shots before death before he jumps off the ledge doing this; I think it's possible to kill him before that point.
-Once Trace is dead, go to the Magmaul door and go through it.
-kill the Quadtroids (about 6 minutes left)
-use Magmaul on the Arctic Spawn
-collect Imperialist (about 5 minutes left at this point)
-quickly zoom in and shoot the target before the "Imperialist Training" cutscene occurs. this way, the platform sinks during the cutscene.
-take the platform up
-shoot the Imperialist targets on the other side of the force field
-turn around and go to the section with all the Psychobits. switch to Judicator, use two on each enemy generator and one for each Psychobit
-switch to Magmaul, use two of that on the blue Psychobit
-get the key
-use a missile jump to get to the broken pillar and skip knocking down the large pillar
-activate the portal
-VDO Visit 2
-land, take the portal to Sylux
-use zoomed Imperialist headshots on Sylux. this won't kill him, but does an insane amount of damage. I actually killed him before his ship showed up this way.
-collect the second Artifact
-collect the third Artifact
-defeat Cretaphid, use Battlehammer
-Arcterra Visit 3
-land, take the portal right back to Fault Line
-go to Drip Moat
-drop to the bottom and boost across
-in Subterranean, go forward, take a right, then go forward again. turn around and shoot the first target. now backtrack a bit, and use a jump to shoot another one. continue, keeping an eye on the last one. when you see enough room above the force field, use it and a jump to shoot the last one. take the elevator down.
-get the missile expansion.
-use three Judicator shots on the Imperialist turret.
-get the key/Artifact
-use zoomed Imperialist headshots to kill the Guardians
-boost back across Drip Moat, get the UA expansion
-drop to the lower level of Fault Line
-go to Frost Labyrinth
-go to Sanctorus
-quickly scan the three panels
-get the key/Artifact
-use zoomed Imperialist headshots on the two Guardians
-get the e-tank in Frost Labyrinth if you want
-in Fault Line, while you wait for the elevator, go get the Artifact guarded by the electricity (the electricity should still be there, but the damage is minimal, so don't worry about it)
-take the boss portal
Boss: Cretaphid 4
-it's moving, that's the only difference. not sure whether it's better to use Volt Driver or Battlehammer, use Volt Driver to be safe.
-nothing special in the escape.
-VDO Visit 3
-take the portal to the Imperialist door. DBJ to the first shield key and pick up the UA expansion while you're up there. Try to use zoomed Imperialist headshots on the Guardians.
-Fuel Stack: nothing special here. You may want to grab the missile expansion, though.
-against Slench, use Magmaul.
-wow, that was fast.
-Alinos Visit 3
-take the second portal
-walk around the rim to skip the Voldrum fight
-get the UA expansion in Processing Core
-collect Artifact 3
-use Volt Driver on Cretaphid
-during the escape, do NOT head to the ship
-Thermal Vast: be careful not to fall off
-go to the Alimbic Cannon. use Imperialist on hunters/guardians you see on the way.
-the Alimbic Cannon will stop the timer. the portal back to the ship in High Ground still won't work, so you need to take the long way.
-below ground in High Ground, find the open door and count two doors away from it in either direction. blow open this VD gate to get right to the door.
-do NOT get the e-tank in Oubliette. For one thing, it's a waste of time, and for another thing, the game saves your getting that e-tank if you select "OK" after beating the game, so that adds time if you want to redo your Gorea fight.
-Gorea: start by using Volt Driver on the arms. Use just enough so there's only a little bit of life left in them. The reason you shouldn't finish off the arms right now is that he'll grow them back, and you don't want to use the Volt Driver on the Seal Sphere; it uses too much ammo. Instead, wait for him to enter the Judicator phase, then finish off the arms.
-Once he's back on his feet, use whatever weapon he switches to, but again, leave a bit of life. Magmaul does a lot of damage to the arm, but fires slow and is weak against the Seal Sphere, so instead wait until he switches to Shock Coil to destroy the arms.
-For the third part of the fight, he will switch right to Imperialist. One shot each for both arms, and seven shots to the Seal Sphere to finish off Gorea. Make sure you zoom in with the Imperialist, as that does more damage than not zooming in.
Well, there you have it. Some notes on defeating enemies:
-Lesser Ithrak: use two Morph Ball Bombs
-Quadtroids: use four missiles
-other Hunters: Volt Driver, or zoomed Imperialist headshots, if you have Imperialist. If you don't have either, use Power Beam/Missiles.
-Guardians: if available, use Imperialist. if not available:
-Magmaul Guardians: Judicator
-Judicator Guardians: Magmaul
-Volt Driver Guardians: Missiles
-Power Beam Guardians: Missiles/Volt Driver
-Missile Guardians: Volt Driver/Missiles
-Battlehammer Guardians: Volt Driver
-Greater Ithraks: ignore them.
I hope this very long post helps you and other people on your way to speed running MPH. :D Last edited on May 1, 2006, with my 1:38 run. Changes are the new Alinos Zoomer trick and Imperialist on the first Sylux.
last updated on May 1st.
To-Do list:
-find a way to bypass the shield blocking the magmaul door
(PM me to add things to the to-do list)
Thread title: