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Mine dairy elixer bringeth all thine covntrymen to the...
everybody knows it's true
best. one. ever.
red chamber dream
My lord, that one rocks. And the music is awesome.

Quote from Mr. Aran:
EXACTALY! I popped at my eyes as soon as I went to it. Needless to say, it owns.
All of you should download the YTMND sountrack, right now.  It is way awesomer than one might suspect.

A bit on the conference one. The orginal picture, viewable here, completely blows anyone's photoshop skills out of the water.
red chamber dream
Quote from StarmanHaxor:
A bit on the conference one. The orginal picture, viewable here, completely blows anyone's photoshop skills out of the water.

How so? The original wasn't Photoshopped, at all.
Quote from StarmanHaxor:

A bit on the conference one. The orginal picture, viewable here, completely blows anyone's photoshop skills out of the water. seroualy isn't that hard to do that.

Quote from Arkarian:
How so? The original wasn't Photoshopped, at all.

I think he ment the image was minipulated to make the image in the YTMND .
red chamber dream
And yeah, I was gonna say, even the Photoshopped version of the picture doesn't look that great.
I think StarmanHaxor was saying that the original was so awesome, nothing could be done to it using Adobe (R) Photoshop (R) software that would make it any better.
in the name of justice!
Ahh, why?  GreenMamba's "Link is a girl" has been taken down!  That is way weak!

The YTMND conference is really funny.  Especially because some of the people actually look similar...
(user is banned)
Quote from Spine Shark:
Ahh, why?  GreenMamba's "Link is a girl" has been taken down!  That is way weak!

The YTMND conference is really funny.  Especially because some of the people actually look similar...

yeah... I loved the "link is a girl" one... :(
What luck, there's french fry stuck in my beard.
It's still up.  You can see it if you enter your age.

For some reason, it has been dubbed "NSFW" by the mods, or something.  Same with the ass smacking one.

But they had no problems with GameMan.
The YTMND soundtrack rocks, it's really fun trying to remember where the song is from. :)
in the name of justice!
Quote from GreenMamba:
It's still up.  You can see it if you enter your age.

For some reason, it has been dubbed "NSFW" by the mods, or something.  Same with the ass smacking one.

But they had no problems with GameMan.

I'm pretty sure I actually have to enter something OTHER than my age...

I can't wait to check out the ytmnd soundtrack.
Anyone notice how the "ytmnd gameboy" was simply pokemon red/blue, with characters of the ytmnd placed into it.
Thats my fav!
nah, i had no idea what game it was referencing.
Quote from pkmn_2005:
Anyone notice how the "ytmnd gameboy" was simply pokemon red/blue, with characters of the ytmnd placed into it.
Thats my fav!
One thing that one should add is a "Snape killed Dumbledore". With the battle thing, it'd be easy. And maybe put "What is Love" in there. Or Vader.

Jim Carey bobbed his head!
Vader screamed "NOOOOOOOO!!!!"
Jim Carey said "YES!!"
Vader became confused!
Vader fainted!

Snape used Avada Kadavra!
Snape killed Dumbledore!
red chamber dream
LifeMega, please don't censor your own words using asterisks. Type the word correctly then let the autocensor do its job. I fixed your post for you; next time will be a warning.
in the name of justice!
Quote from Artee, YTMND fiend:
Somebody make a YTMND of this.  NOW.

Or something like that.

Err...yeah...the sound...well I need to fix it.  As it stands I have no Mega Man music to use, so I randomly picked "evil birthday" from the Pixel guy's website.  I didn't have any way of altering the sound either so the file size is kinda big if you're on a slow connection (like me for the past week, right when I've been trying to watch kip's run!).  It'll be fixed, with any luck, on tuesday or so.
(user is banned)
Area 51 had ONE weakness...
That was made 3 hours ago. :P  (haha, I remember that episode)
September... (refresh)