awesome. wth is up with this? i suppose i can see how shatner, vader, dean, and leroy have in common, but...
Quote from Mr. Aran:
and one guy???
i saw that chart when it was in a time magazine about six months ago. man, i could have thought of that. though i wouldn't have had the great music to go with it.
ok, as a mild wow-er (though i still hate 'wads' for walking) i think i can field this, kind of, after reading the comments.
on the forums, there's a lot of mods, and posts that flame them get deleted fast. when people know their post is going to be deleted they take screenshots so they can post them up again.
well this guy took a shot, but on his taskbar he had a bot program running that was playing for him. they're not allowed and will get you a ban (from the servers), so apparently some guy thought it was really funny that this guy pretty much turned himself in.
I highly doubt it. That's probably just a coincidence or a Photoshopped picture, though you never know.
well, cartoonists frequently create characters based on people they know. but they usually don't copy looks or names (much less both) from those people.
'do we really believe a 53 rogue read it in 8 hours?' (from that last one) hahahahahahahahaha
i saw a couple that weren't there (unless i'm dumb). one had the emperor reading, and darth vader spoiling, then the emperor gives his classic 'no, No, NO, NOO!' from episode three.
the other one was an ffvii spoof with snape and dumbledore heads pasted on the characters in question.
man, that brings back memories. i still have my "port" of sonic 2 by tiger. if anyone's trying to be the top annoyance in my life, i just turn that sucker on, and they're pwned.
I highly doubt it. That's probably just a coincidence or a Photoshopped picture, though you never know.
well, cartoonists frequently create characters based on people they know. but they usually don't copy looks or names (much less both) from those people.