It's self-explainatory. Almost. Watch the runs,it says "auto" up there near the energy tanks,and sometimes it will be yellow,or faded. Reserve tanks are pretty much last-second resort if almost out of energy. It's energy in reserve incase your primary tanks run out of energy. Last-ditch defense. In reality,they can be a real help with bosses.
And correct me if I get this wrong, but I think the energy powerups don't fill up the reserve tanks. I think there's a special recharge station for them. Or something like that.
They're simply four more energy tanks that don't show up on screen, but they made you jump through hoops to get them. You can see what a brilliant gameplay concept they were by the number of metroid games that have used them since.
They're simply four more energy tanks that don't show up on screen, but they made you jump through hoops to get them. You can see what a brilliant gameplay concept they were by the number of metroid games that have used them since.
I believe they weren't used in Fusion because of the ridiculous amount of normal E-Tanks you can already get in that game.
I'm sure if Reserve Tanks were added in Prime and you could get one early on somehow (like through sequence breaking with the Space Jump or something, thus maybe skipping Varia), some people would sing a different tune about them.
But I'm more pissed off that they haven't had the Crystal Flash, Five Bomb Drop and Beam Shields in Metroid games since. Those were awesome (particularly the Crystal Flash)
But I'm more pissed off that they haven't had the Crystal Flash, Five Bomb Drop and Beam Shields in Metroid games since. Those were awesome (particularly the Crystal Flash)
I agree with that entirely. Those little "secrets" were always cool to pull off, and even made for some pretty interesting moments too. That's why SM>all.