Back when I was a kid I used to play a lot with my gameboy/snes, and I used to see faces in the background that weren't really there, it was only my imagination that putted them together from some background elements or props. Nowadays when a play with those games I can clearly see that there were nothing like them. In the last few days I was playing with MF on my gameboy, and my little brother (he is 6 years old)was watching me. When I entered a save room he told me something about a face in the background. I asked him to explain so he showed me it's parts. I decided to make a picture (a rather noobish picture, I'm sorry about that) to show you what he meant: It's funny how little kids put togeher pictures in their brains.
I see images in my bathroom tiles and bathroom rug, but that's neither here nor there, though in my last bout of image searching I saw something that is a bit similar to MZM's initial Ridley... maybe not.