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Woah O_o seems I joined at an odd time eh?  Laughing

Congratz yarr on j00r uber computer skillz ;)
be sure to always check the date on the first post. unlike at scu, 99% of posts are never deleted here.
Well I think I can be excused, considering it's 15th July 2004 ;)

I guess it's understandable I didn't notice the 2004 =P
Quote from njahnke:
be sure to always check the date on the first post. unlike at scu, 99% of posts are never deleted here.

red chamber dream
Ninety-nine percent of posts are never deleted here, because we want users to be able to read their and others' old posts. Things can be learned from them, and they can be entertaining. And I'm sure Nate has other obscure reasons, as well.
Ready and willing.
Like, it'd be a pain in the butt.
I don't delete posts on either of my sites for similar reasons.  Also, I firmly believe in "preserving the evidence" if someone does something bad.

If someone does do something naughty naughty on there, rather than editing it out the forum will automatically put it into the, uh, "Gunship Can" (I love the censors here XD) when it gets deleted.