The orange pieces are the ones you have and the blue ones are the ones you don't. They are in your log because you scanned the statue things and got the hints. That confused me for a bit too.
I know what you mean, but yes I got them alll. I even whent back to where I got them all at, and no luck. I started a new file, going to try it again and see what happens.
Hey guys! first than everything happy new year. I'm new with this stuff of tricks in metroid prime. I have done in mp2 just a few and easy-to-do ghetto jumps, but neither in mp or mp2 I've done midair morphs...I have the north american player choice one (the one with the demo) and I've followed all the steps (get close to a wall, but don't touch it. give it the back. Morph. Let a bomb, press X and then B quickly) but simply can't do it...I'm starting to get frustrated...what am I doing wrong? Thank you and have a nice 2006.
Vent shaft went pretty quick (dash style) and I got Geo Core three times (I died twice after raising the ceiling from falling in the lava), but I just can’t seem to get Life Grove down.
I have got the spinner to work only once, and it definitely was NOT the way posted here I had bombed myself out of the slot and when I entered it again I started spinning my left thumb stick clock wise, before I knew it the spinner started to work when my thumb stick pointed to the bottom right (Unfortunately I was unable to exit Life Grove access and thus I’m ultimately back to square one with Life Grove).
I have yet to recreate what is posted on the site and I have yet to recreate the way I did it. Could someone please tell me the in’s and out’s of getting the spinner in Life Grove to activate.
Hey guys! first than everything happy new year. I'm new with this stuff of tricks in metroid prime. I have done in mp2 just a few and easy-to-do ghetto jumps, but neither in mp or mp2 I've done midair morphs...I have the north american player choice one (the one with the demo) and I've followed all the steps (get close to a wall, but don't touch it. give it the back. Morph. Let a bomb, press X and then B quickly) but simply can't do it...I'm starting to get frustrated...what am I doing wrong? Thank you and have a nice 2006.
Midair morphs? If you find a way to do them in prime you let me know. Don't you mean instand unmorph? You don't really need them in prime, only for a few secret worlds. You should ask this on the echoes board, you need instand unmorphs more often in that game.
Quote from Ding Chavez:
Need help with 22% Life Grove
Vent shaft went pretty quick (dash style) and I got Geo Core three times (I died twice after raising the ceiling from falling in the lava), but I just can’t seem to get Life Grove down.
I have got the spinner to work only once, and it definitely was NOT the way posted here I had bombed myself out of the slot and when I entered it again I started spinning my left thumb stick clock wise, before I knew it the spinner started to work when my thumb stick pointed to the bottom right (Unfortunately I was unable to exit Life Grove access and thus I’m ultimately back to square one with Life Grove).
I have yet to recreate what is posted on the site and I have yet to recreate the way I did it. Could someone please tell me the in’s and out’s of getting the spinner in Life Grove to activate.
Life grove is a real mystery. I'm not sure but I think its important to not touch the surface next to the metal ring surrounding the spinner as soon as you put down a bomb. Inch clockwise on this metal ring. Look at the video for the right spot to wait with the morphball. Sometimes the pole will bring you upwards just a little and sometimes you still move just as the cutscene is about to end. I've managed to still move the spinner even if the morphball didn't move at all. If you enter the spinner and it doesn't move then just rotate the stick from up to upright or even to right. The spinner can still start moving.
As for falling down on the way back, you can still escape:
Yeah this one really is a mystery to me. I still have yet to get it to work like in the video, but I have successfully gotten it to spin twice now. Both times where while holding the thumb stick between bottom and bottom right (weird). Unfortunately both times I got the artifact, I failed at getting out of life grove access tunnel.
I am aware however of the method to exit life grove access tunnel from the bottom, but that bomb jump is just as hard as the one in vent shaft (i.e. I don’t want to sit there for hours). On the whole, I can do life grove access without falling down pretty consistently. So if I could simply get that blasted spinner to activate on a regular basis, I would have no trouble with this section of the game. Out of what seems hundreds of attempts though, I have only moved the spinner twice. Neither of the successes were anything like each other, nor were they similar to the video shown. This is very frustrating.
Where is smilingjack13 when you need him? If he can do this move in a single segment speed run, he must know the exact technique needed to activate the spinner. smilingjack13! I need your help!
Never mind. I finally got the artifact and succeeded at exiting life grove access tunnel. I think this took me longer then Geo Core and Vent Shaft put together.
Yet again getting the spinner to move was not at all like in the description here at It seems to be such a random and fluky trick. But if anyone knows exactly what it takes to make it consistent, please feel free to send me a PM.
The spinner does seem very random. I only get it to work about 33% of the time, and I do almost the exact same thing every time. Going past the spinner and coming back doesn't seem to help. I just basically roll up to it and do what it says to do on the site. Lay a bomb, and inch around clockwise. It seems very important that when the cutscene is activated, you rise up on the platform for just a short time, then fall off right after. If anything else happens during the cutscene, the spinner usually won't work. At the end of the cutscene, I'm just holding upperright or a few degrees closer to up. If I go into the spinner and it doesn't go up, I try the other directions on the control stick to see if anything else works.
Sorry, but it is random, so there isn't any great advice that'll make you 100% consistent. It was luck that it worked first try on my SS run; usually I had to reload the room once or twice before it worked.
that's happened to me a couple times, but i can only speculate as to why. my best guess is that if the cutscene is ended right as the screen goes white, it stays white. ending the cutscene immediately, as far as i can tell, remedies the problem.
In my experience, that happens anytime I exit the cut scene early by pressing start. For me, I could cut out early on the cut scene, battle Prime for a moment or two (He even once got off a whole Phazon Wave attack and was starting his second) and the white screen appears. I think it's because of that part of the cut scene at the end where Samus dashes at him and it goes tunnel-like, then white... That's not an actual part of the cut scene. More like it's own cut scene, where the trigger for it to end is the end of the cut scene.
Any any case, nothing I do get the white to go away. But the game goes on normally. I can hear Prime shoot off a wave, I can hear Samus get hit, and the controller even rumbles a bit. I once even waited long enough testing that white screen that Samus even died and it went to the game over screen. Which got rid of the white screen.
Everything seems to still work. Just imagine beating Prime with closing your eyes. Now. Allow the challenge to commence!
I learned my lesson: don't try to skip that particular cut scene.
You will need to know the fastest speed route through magmoor with ALOT of energy tanks. Because thats one of the lairs that first involves the Varialess run. You also need to use a secret world to get enough E-tanks to pass magmoor
I havent played Prime in a while so i dont know which room your talking about. Here is a link that nate posted a few posts up: http://www.metroid2002/othervarialess_magmoor_run.php This might give you the answer (i think)[/url]