I'm not proud of it, I just don't have the motivation to get anywhere near the standards set by some of the users on here. I'm here for my love of most things Metroid.
lulz, junk. It's always the middling secrets that are known least. Everyone knows of the horrors of the CD-i games, but only when the AVGN covered Little Red Hood was that game prolly known around (I ran across it via Encyclopedia Obscura). For Fusion, the secret sequence break is a secret to everybody, but a little GaemCube cameo doesn't seem to heed much mind.
You should be proud of it. We don't need dorky sequence breaks for happy good times in Metroid.
I think my personal best in Metroid Prime is 7:30-ish. I don't know exactly because I don't really give a shit, you see.
I know I don't need the glitchy sequence breaks. Stuff like Secret Worlds just confuses me, the only sequence breaks I've done that are based on glitching are in SM, cause it's just so easy with a little practice.
I've attempted speed-runs of some Metroid games, and have achieved passable times (usually 100% completion too, cause I'm like that) from 5 hours on Metroid Prime's Hard Mode to 1:55 on Fusion, but I've never bothered recording them...
Also, I knew about the Gamecube in Sector 1 too, and I noticed it whilst playing on a Game Boy Player!