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EDIT: Damn, I forgot the -fi extension.
Well, whatever. Nate, you can do it.
Thread title: 
i also need 'not available on all pages'
'choose a language'
'clear cookie'
'select a style'

in finnish, thanks!
Quote from nate:
i also need 'not available on all pages'
'choose a language'
'clear cookie'
'select a style'

in finnish, thanks!

'not available on all pages' = 'ei saatavilla kaikilla sivuilla'
'choose a language' = 'valitse kieli'
'clear cookie' = 'nollaa eväste'
'select a style' = 'valitse tyyli'
oops, i'm sorry, i also need 'For questions, suggestions or submissions, please post in the Forum.'
Quote from nate:
oops, i'm sorry, i also need 'For questions, suggestions or submissions, please post in the Forum.'

'Jos sinulla on kysyttävää, ehdotus, tai video/selite löytämästäsi, ole hyvä ja liity Keskustelufoorumiin'
okay, should be up! thanks again!!
I like Big Butts and I can not lie
So Blue Suit in Finnish is Blue Suit!!! I love Finnish
maybe the name was too cool to translate.
Could you also set it so that the links in the Finnish pages would redirect to their Finnish Equivalents?
I hate changing the language in everrrry page..

EDIT: And if possible, change the section names to the Finnish ones I invented.

Current Speed Runs = Tämänhetkiset Aikajuoksut
All Speed Runs = Kaikki Aikajuoksut
Techniques = Tekniikat
Blue Suit
Crystal Flash
Gravity Jump = Painovoimahyppy
Mockball = Pikapallo
Murder Beam
Quick Charge = Pikalataus
Early Items = Varhaisesineet
Ice Beam
Power Bombs
Super Missiles  = Super Missilet
Wave Beam
Speed Tricks = Nopeustemput
Crateria 1
Brinstar Energy Tank = Brinstarin Energiatankki
Early Kraid = Varhainen Kraid
Early Wrecked Ship Break-in = Varhainen Wrecked Shipiin Sisääntulo
Gauntlet Entry = Gauntletin Sisäänpääsy
Glitch Through Zebetites = Sekoitu Zebetitien Lävitse
Gravity Suit Shinespark
Green Gate Glitch = Vihreän Oven Virhe
Long Jump Room Mockball = Pitkän Hypyn Huoneen Pikapallo
Maridia Main Street Missile Pack = Maridia Main Street Missile Paketti
Morph Through Platforms = Palloudu Alustojen Lävitse
Norfair Gate Hater = Norfairin Ovenvihaaja
Refill Station Remote Recharge = Täyttöpisteen Kaukaislataus
Spike Jumping/Enemy Boosting = Piikkihyppy/Vihollistyöntö
Spring Ball Without Grapple Beam = Spring Ball Ilman Grapple Beamia
Boss Tricks = Päävastustajatemput
Draygon Grappling Beam Kill = Draygon Grappling Beam-Tappo
Golden Torizo = Kultainen Torizo
Kraid Quick Kill = Kraidin Pikatappo
Murder Beam on Mother Brain = Murder Beam Mother Brainiin
Spore Spawn
Other = Muuta
Behind Crocomire = Crocomiren Takana
Murder Beam Gold Torizo = Murder Beam Kultaiseen Torizoon
NBMB Run = EPPP -Juoksu
Noob Bridge Without Run Button = Untuvikkosilta Ilman Juoksunäppäintä

And in This Page, there's a typo.
It's supposed to be "Nopeustemput", not "Nopeutemput".
oh, reminds me that I completely forgot about the french translation of the site... oops.
what links do you mean? it should be the case that the sidebar (left side) links go to finnish pages when you are on a finnish page if the finnish page exists. but maybe there are some links i missed inside the actual pages. and unfortunately i can't change the actual sidebar names because there is only one sidebar. however feel free to use your names in the actual files. and i've corrected that typo.
Alright, it's ok.
Now I'm off to do MZM. =D