i also need 'not available on all pages' 'choose a language' 'clear cookie' and 'select a style'
in finnish, thanks!
'not available on all pages' = 'ei saatavilla kaikilla sivuilla' 'choose a language' = 'valitse kieli' 'clear cookie' = 'nollaa eväste' 'select a style' = 'valitse tyyli'
Could you also set it so that the links in the Finnish pages would redirect to their Finnish Equivalents? I hate changing the language in everrrry page..
EDIT: And if possible, change the section names to the Finnish ones I invented.
Current Speed Runs = Tämänhetkiset Aikajuoksut All Speed Runs = Kaikki Aikajuoksut Techniques = Tekniikat Blue Suit Crystal Flash Gravity Jump = Painovoimahyppy Mockball = Pikapallo Murder Beam Quick Charge = Pikalataus Early Items = Varhaisesineet Ice Beam Power Bombs Super Missiles = Super Missilet Wave Beam Speed Tricks = Nopeustemput Crateria 1 Brinstar Energy Tank = Brinstarin Energiatankki Early Kraid = Varhainen Kraid Early Wrecked Ship Break-in = Varhainen Wrecked Shipiin Sisääntulo Gauntlet Entry = Gauntletin Sisäänpääsy Glitch Through Zebetites = Sekoitu Zebetitien Lävitse Gravity Suit Shinespark Green Gate Glitch = Vihreän Oven Virhe Long Jump Room Mockball = Pitkän Hypyn Huoneen Pikapallo Maridia Main Street Missile Pack = Maridia Main Street Missile Paketti Morph Through Platforms = Palloudu Alustojen Lävitse Norfair Gate Hater = Norfairin Ovenvihaaja Refill Station Remote Recharge = Täyttöpisteen Kaukaislataus Spike Jumping/Enemy Boosting = Piikkihyppy/Vihollistyöntö Spring Ball Without Grapple Beam = Spring Ball Ilman Grapple Beamia Boss Tricks = Päävastustajatemput Botwoon Draygon Grappling Beam Kill = Draygon Grappling Beam-Tappo Golden Torizo = Kultainen Torizo Kraid Quick Kill = Kraidin Pikatappo Murder Beam on Mother Brain = Murder Beam Mother Brainiin Phantoon Spore Spawn Other = Muuta Behind Crocomire = Crocomiren Takana Murder Beam Gold Torizo = Murder Beam Kultaiseen Torizoon NBMB Run = EPPP -Juoksu Noob Bridge Without Run Button = Untuvikkosilta Ilman Juoksunäppäintä
And in This Page, there's a typo. It's supposed to be "Nopeustemput", not "Nopeutemput".
what links do you mean? it should be the case that the sidebar (left side) links go to finnish pages when you are on a finnish page if the finnish page exists. but maybe there are some links i missed inside the actual pages. and unfortunately i can't change the actual sidebar names because there is only one sidebar. however feel free to use your names in the actual files. and i've corrected that typo.