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Quote from Bioniclegenius:
forgive me, Bolognab


Anyways, you could probably get more done if you stop updating the topic so much for small increments of work (from what I can tell). You don't really have to go into so much detail either about tiny details. Also, this topic shouldn't be a journal for thoughts like "Maybe I should do this. Or maybe this." Show up, post a picture, give a brief explanation, leave. This seems the most efficient way of displaying your work to us. Just some advice I thought I should give. No offense intended. Don't kill me.

Keep up the work, dude!
Super Secret Area - Dead Ahead!
Quote from Bioniclegenius:
Short charge, you can figure out an easy timing, once you have it.

I can regularly pull off a short charge that is about 12 tiles shorter than a standard 'hold run and press forward' charge.  If you watch Hotarubi's, it even shorter than that!

Watch this, and you'll see what I mean.  It's just after 9:10. (At the end)  It still bugs me as to how he managed it, but that's Hotarubi, I guess.

What'd you say?
I'm not quite sure on how that ones manageable, but I'm sure if you keep working for it you can do it.

Could you try using slow-downs? Just perfect it at a slower speed and gradually increase? That's how i learned to mockball.
Super Secret Area - Dead Ahead!
Yeah, I've been trying everything I can think of, including practice with timing at slower speeds, but I just can't seem to get mine any shorter. Think
Fear Me! (Or else...)
Ok, guys. By the way, in case I didn't mention this before, wall-jumping is a major requirement here. It's used constantly, and you have to know it. Also, I shortened up all the bomb-jumping and gave you breaks at regular short intervals, just higher than you can wall-jump on. Also, I'll put up a new screenshot real quick... That's a secret passage. You either have to have an affinity for ibj to reach it, or wait until you have the space jump as well. I did ibj for a really long time, so I could get the screenshot early. I also think I'm starting to define my style with this, so the rooms are really starting to come out. I'm now starting to delete rooms as I enter them, and then redo them from scratch. Also, thanks to Schnoz, I've added about 2 or 3 rooms that I have to come back to, in order to update them, including the first Brinstar elevator room, and the first major room after that. I've now officially changed ALL of Spore Spawn's palette, so now he's 'Fire Spore Spawn', so hold on, I'll attach a screenshot... Also, I've edited the 'after' palette, as well, so the room matches your suit laugh new. That miniboss has so many graduations of color.... Anyways, I'm now on that room with the long crumble block running section, and then I'm moving onto the last section of Brinstar. I'll probably come back to a few rooms before moving on to Norfair or Maridia, but that's in the future. So, what do you guys think of the screenshots?

about the super-short charge that's confusing you, quietus:
apparently, a super short charge is when you hold the run button for 3 frames, then let go of the run button for 1 frame, then repeat until you have your speed boost.
still, it baffles me how doing this could be humanly possible  aiwebs_023

1. I think you should change some palletes in your hack beyond enemies and samus.
2. No ibj please.
3. too many spikes!  Shocked
Fear Me! (Or else...)
I tried changing room stuff, but then I found out it didn't apply in other areas, or not even to the full area. Wish it did, but apparently not. So, for now, I'm stuck with just enemies and Samus, and a really nice use of tiles. Not even thinking about the map yet.
That spore spawn room looks awful. The spikes don't have a matching background, making them look bad. Sporespawn himself is clashing so badly with the palette of the room that it almost looks comical. Finally, the room looks completely unnatural, yet it is made almost entirely of plantlife. [/constructive criticism]
Fear Me! (Or else...)
Well, I could change the room palette to match Spore Spawn... Would that help? And possibly also change the spikes so that there's actually a background, because apparently they block it out for some strange reason known only to the makers of SM.
It's not a matter of that. The background in Sporespawn's room is actually just layer 1, rather than a normal pointer or layer 2 background. You would need to add a layer 2 to the room to fix the spike problem. This will also probably require you to repoint level data, as IIRC that room has a relatively low capacity. Fixing the palette would definitely help, but wouldn't you need to change the entire tileset's palette? That could ruin a lot of other rooms. It might be easier to find a more suitable sporespawn to fit the room.
Super Secret Area - Dead Ahead!
Quote from Bloodsonic:
about the super-short charge that's confusing you, quietus:
apparently, a super short charge is when you hold the run button for 3 frames, then let go of the run button for 1 frame, then repeat until you have your speed boost.

Yeah, I knew all this.  I'm very well-versed in Super Metroid, and have experimented with this to a great extent, but I just cannot shorten it any further. Sad

This is as close as I can get:

Bioniclegenius: Regarding your tunnel that is supposed to be just out of reach.  Would it not just be possible to do a mid-air morph, or a double bomb-jump at the height of your normal jump?
Fear Me! (Or else...)
That's what I did, but you can do that anytime, anyways. It takes about 3 on the timing where you place one at the very top and the very bottom of your jump, so you jump up by the distance a bomb boosts you up each time. Took me a while to get that timing right, and I still can't do it in an extended time period. Ok, I think I might just get rid of the spikes, and set the walls with a different tile that looks like spikes, and have that be the spikes instead. That'll make that look better, but also, SS's room has a palette built in, and it changes when you kill SS. I think all I would have to do it just change that palette's starting point, and that would be all it takes to put it in as that. Or, I could try to change all the palettes back to normal. Since I kind of like to mess with palettes, I think I'll have an edited palette in there.

Edit: Ok, I tried messing with the room's palette. Apparently, though, it only applies that after. So, I left that alone, and went back to SS's palette. Here's the screenshot of what he looks like now.

I like the fact that spore spawn's room has no spikes, but the 1 color spore spawn looks terrible.
Fear Me! (Or else...)
What do you mean by that? If you mean the small spores, they're always the color of SS when he first comes out. They don't change like he does, and the same applies to the top. In that screenshot, I just entered the room, so SS hasn't been damaged any.
I don't see any of the small spores. look at spore spawn. all he is shades of dark green. give him some variety! make his shell green, and his insides yellow or something.
Fear Me! (Or else...)
You can't. It's all based off the same palette, unfortunately. I wish!
Edit history:
MetroidMst: 2009-01-03 04:33:48 pm
Go ahead. Stare.
I like how Spore Spawn looks, I think that is a great green. But Bloodsonic does have a point. It wouldn't hurt if the eyes were yellow/red/blue/orange/anythingbesidesgreen at least just to make it look a little better.

EDIT: A little late...

EDIT2: Actually the Original SS has different colored eyes so they are in there somewhere.
Fear Me! (Or else...)
Yeah, I just realized that. I'll look for it in a second... Ok. Found it, fixed it, and it's up now. Also, I finished up a couple more rooms. I just reached Red Brinstar, so that'll be fun to mess with a new tileset. I feel like I've pretty much done all I really can with the old tileset. I still can do more things, obviously, it's just getting a bit old.

Go ahead. Stare.
Again, Spore Spawn looks amazing like that! I just have one complaint... It is green everywhere! It would look better if the tileset used with him were another color to help show off his greeness.
Fear Me! (Or else...)
Well, the trouble is, then they don't match. And there's not a palette that controls the other colors, like the pink, after. So the room wouldn't fade, plus I don't have background tiles for this that aren't green, and the room ought to match up with the background. So, for now, this is what I've got. Also, I just reached Red Brinstar, so that'll be fun to mess with a new tileset.

Edit: Actually, surprisingly, I haven't used the new tileset at all yet. Behold: the Chamber of Doors! Each door color has specific properties, and you can use that to your advantage when you go back up the shaft. Good luck whenever I release this! By the way, be warned not to judge too quickly yet. This is all I have done of this room yet, and the bottom half, where the edges are black, I haven't gotten to yet. So don't look there yet!

Oh, and also, some credit must, at this point, go to Squishy_Ichigo, or just plain old Squishy, for the boss palette locations. Thanks a ton, Squishy! This has helped tremendously.

Not a bad idea, if you can come up with interesting enough attributes for the door tiles.  I think it would look better if what I'm guessing are the walls weren't made of gray doors. 
Fear Me! (Or else...)
Well, they are for the top half... and I use them in interesting ways. For the bottom, I'll probably mix them in with the regular tileset. Here's a hint: the blue doors are shot, obviously, and the yellow are regular bomb. The rest are more interesting, and have nothing to do with their original attributes. Those two, however, I needed, and I don't really use them that often. It's what I've got right now. In another small room far, far away, I made it completely of doors, but none of those have attributes. There are a couple hidden passages in there, but other than that, they're just colorful walls. Here, however, I use them nicely. grin new
Destroyer of Pirates
ha ha ha  laugh new  samus is in a disco and even looks like she's dancing laugh new
Fear Me! (Or else...)
Wow... how true. Anyways, I'm back to work on that room. I finished the top half, and I'm going on down. My plan with this one is to mix the doors and the red tiles, and even disguise the doors in there. Interesting idea?

Ok, update to the screenshot. I finished that room, and I'm on to the next, but I figured I might as well fix that bad screenshot. I think the edges are bad there, but close to what I want.

that looks...

covering rooms with door tiles doesn't look good.
why not use the red brinstar tiles..?