I swear to god every single time I play this game I have to level up to level 2 in the chaos servant covenant twice. I do it once, and think that it opened the door to lost izalith and that I will stay at level 2, only to find out later that leaving the covenant makes me lose my rank and the door only opens if you actually go to it. My brain doesn't want to record it because it's stupid. Why??? Does absolutely nothing except annoy people. That's like 60 humanity farmed for nothing.
Also pretty sure you can just ignore Solaire, go the long way around to the other side of the door, get the Sunlight Maggot and then start his questline if you don't wanna farm Humanity
So they added a bonfire by vamos but you still can't warp to it or any of the bonfires within the catacombs. This makes the added bonfire completely unhelpful. I've been going through the catacombs for hours trying to find the room where you can get to gravelord covenant, and resting at the vamos bonfire just makes me have to warp all the way back up to firelink shrine to go through the entire area again because there are 3 points where you go down but cannot go back up. What were they thinking adding that bonfire if you can't warp to it anyways? Were there too many people dying at Pinwheel? It adds zero convenience as Vamos is still a pain in the ass to get to, only now he's also a pain in the ass to get FROM if you rest at the bonfire because homeward bone won't help you.
EDIT: You CAN warp there apparently, but the option to warp there wasn't always available. I don;t know if you have to kindle it first, or if you can't warp there from the other catacomb bonfires.
I think I have to post this here... first game of the marathon was Bloodborne.
Day 1 - Bloodborne » Done!
Okay, a couple of hours wasn't 100% accurate, but I think 4:00 is a decent time, considering I've only beaten this twice before. But yeah, if you know the route and just dash to the next boss, there isn't much standing in your way. There's only like 7 bosses you need to beat, too.
Died a few times (most notably Shadows of Yharnam and... Micotrash). My Saw Cleaver is pretty OP, and R1-L1-L1 stunlocking is too amazing.
This is still probably my favorite game this gen. There are things I prefer in other Souls games, mainly how very few route possibilities there are in BB, but the combat is so refined, and the atmosphere and presentation are breathtaking.
This screen doesn't technically show the game beaten, but you don't need to fight the final boss to finish Bloodborne. I don't want to jump into NG+3 just yet 'cause I wanna do some optional bosses and other stuff another time. Why can't we choose the next cycle after beating the final boss? Dark Souls 2 did it, and that game was... Dark Souls 2... >_>
I did Platinum over the weekend and was surprised how painless it was despite no duping. If you farm Phalanx with Firestorm that's 10k+ souls every like 20 seconds
How are you able to do this every 20 seconds? The aoe pyro spells take so long to cast that they're useless against phalanx. You get anywhere near them and you get hit before you're even halfway through the cast. If you get lucky and manage to start the fire, you just get hit by one of them within a second which ends the flames instantly.
But once the spell has been cast and they hit you, the spell is instantly stopped. I've tried casting it from far away, up close, in front, from behind. Half the time I'm not able to cast it at all because it takes SOOOO long. The time I am able to cast it, I get hit immediately after casting it and am lucky to even get one of them killed. I die during half of the attempts, and the other half of the attempts only get me 0-1000 souls. The spell is so slow that I sometimes get hit by the hollows I ran past because they have enough time to chase me all the way into the room where the phalanx are. Is it so slow because I haven't leveled faith or intelligence at all?
Apparently there's a mistake on PSN right now and The Surge (futuristic Souls-like) is free. Haha. Dunno if anyone here's interested, but hey, it's free.
I think what I was missing was poise. What I was being hit by was the bodies of the phalanx as the fire sent them flying all over the place. I equipped only symbol of avarice, wolf ring, silver serpent ring, and used fire tempest. This did the trick and I was able to continue casting while being hit. I get about 13.5K souls per run if all goes well.
I still never beat Gael. I think it's weird that getting platinum in DS3 requires the DLC for the rings, but it doesn't require you beating any of the bosses in the DLC.