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It's been like months since I got the game and I still can't beat it(I thinck I even got worse Shocked . I love metroid, but I hate pinball... The highest I got is beating 2 bosses and getting 11 artifacts. I would at least love to unlock the chozo arena... But I can't even get 12 artifacts! Help me please!

If this doesn't work I'll have to mail it to another gamer so he could beat it for me.Ohhh... and my friends suck at it more than me :D .
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l'appel du vide
:-s  Is this a joke?

Dude, if you hate pinball...why are you playing this game?
red chamber dream
Quote from Vicsthebest:
If this doesn't work I'll have to mail it to another gamer so he could beat it for me.

What in the hell would be the point of that?
Well I like metroid so much that I actually want to beat this game...
And I thinck there are people out there that actually like pinball.
No joke just sad reallity.... why did they made it like so...
Well, you should identify what your problem(s) are with the game, and work towards getting better. What is giving you trouble?

For example, if the Triclopses (shut up) are tossing you into the gutter every time, try to hit the bumpers that change the hologram so you avoid that fight.

Find easy ways to get artifacts and extra balls. I like wall-jumping, since you just have to send the ball around one loop three times. Find something you're good at, and keep doing it until you win.
I got 11 artifacts and the only holo available is Triclops terror level 2. I use only Tallon Overworld beacause the Frigate destroys me. In the end I have always difficult missions that are level 3. Yesterday I had 3 xtra balls 11 artifacts and I lost beacause the only mission available was Triclops Terror. Well I thinck I'm getting a bit better.
You need to get at least one artifact on the Frigate.

You know, because the Frigate was p;art of the original game.

Just one artifact. It shouldn't kill you that much.
True. So, if you can control it at all, try to only get 6-7 in Tallon and move on. You'll get one or two from each boss room, and then get the last ones on the Frigate.

Also, if the bosses give you trouble, make a bee-line for them on one game, and make sure you win. Then you can replay those tables at your leisure and practice not losing balls there.