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I posted this on the GameFAQs' MZM board before I realized that it was mostly full of newbs. *smacks forehead* So...

I was wondering if it would be faster to skip the Acid Worm in Kraid's lair in a 100% speed run and then come back after Chozodia when you have a means to slay Acid Worm quicker (Super Missiles/Plasma Beam) and the ability to get around faster (Space Jump and Power Grip). In theory, you would be able to get through the areas before and after Acid Worm faster than you could before and with any 100% route, you'll still have to go back to Kraid for the Missile Expansion in the acid. So, can anyone verify whether or not this would save time?
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Shifty Leader
That M2k2 guy
Actually, if I remember correctly, it's faster to go through Ridley first and then enter Kraid for the first time with supers. That's been heavily debated, though, without much conclusion other than that it's more popular for speed runs. I guess watch the vids, I haven't played ZM recently enough to really know very well.

And welcome to a generally human message board.

EDIT: Oh yeah, and I never really took my 100% runs seriously, so i wouldn't be a very reliable source anyways. Let's hope AJ or DD or someone replies here. :?
I found (or rather those of us who've done 100% runs: AJ, Red Scarlet, and a few others I can't remember names of ATM) it's faster to hit Kraid first, then Ridley in a 100% run, since you need speed booster to get some of the missile tanks in Ridley - which would cause more backtracking later on.

As for skipping Acid Worm it wouldn't be worth it since you would be skipping 3 missile tanks and 1 energy tank which you would have to backtrack for later as well (either on your way out of Kraid, which would be a pointless time, or later when you come back from Chozodia and have supers).

Also, without the Zip lines activated you'll lose time in the large acid room (would need horizontal bomb jumping (bottom video) if you haven't been to Ridley yet, and a different type of horizontal bomb jumping (top video) and a quick mid-air unmorph.
You'll also lose time on the way out of Kraid since you'll need to build a shine spark to get through the Rio room.
And lastly you won't be able to grab the missile tank in the room beyond where you head down to grab Unknown Item - Space Jump (where you have to bomb open the ball boosters and destroy the speed blocks in the way of the zip line).

All those combined would make it pointless to skip killing Acid Worm on your first trip to Kraid, and heading to Ridley first would cause unnecessary backtracking later on. And with enough practice Acid Worm goes down fast enough anyway with only normal missiles (takes 30).
lol no way
Heh, Scarlet mostly made the route. I made one or two miniscule changes to it... but yeah. I remember her commenting on doing Ridley second as being faster cause you can get everything at once.
Aww, I posted in your gamefaqs topic. I didn't think I was a newbie =(

Anyways, I do Kraid first, get everything I can and then head to Ridley.
I don't know how I forgot about that missile tank when I've done about a million 100% runs. If it weren't for that tank, I was thinking the time lost with HBJ'ing and getting a shinespark could be made up for by getting through Acid Worm's area much quicker than before.

nick: I said <i>mostly</i> newbies. As I look back at it now, you're still the only one to reply to it. Whereas here, I've already had two people who know more about Zero Mission than the entire GameFAQs board put together.
You should never try skipping acid for speed.

Winners don't use drugs.
Rotflmao. :P
Yes they do.. But eventually they get caught and lose their 1600 meters gold. *cough*

btw, that alizée live album is the gunship. moi lolita was especially well done imo. i've still got it on infinite repeat, though, so too early to say anything else.
Quote from njahnke:

btw, that alizée live album is the gunship. moi lolita was especially well done imo. i've still got it on infinite repeat, though, so too early to say anything else.

Agreed, I'd have to say J'en Ai Marre is my favourite, or Amélie. I'm not listening to the two first song and the last one to not spoil the ending talk untill I (probably) buy the DVD. She seems to be very energetic on stage, which of course is a good thing.

Edit: Now when I think about it.. JBG is great as well, ah heck, they're all great.

Sloppy post..