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I don't use Firefox normally, but Safari is almost identical interface-wise and similar in coding to Firefox and it works fine with 6 or more vids per page.  Are you trying to load all of the vids at once?  Try loading one, refreshing the page and then the other one or more, refreshing between loads.
It works perfectly fine on my FireFox...
yoshi, yeah, it was necessary to implement the download links, unfortunately. also it stopped the descs from having to be so vague (they can all say "upper left", "lower right", etc now without worrying about how screwed up someone's browser window might be). if it didn't allow you to scroll horizontally to see it, then i would consider it an issue.
Ready and willing.
Like I said, life's like that now. Ah well.

The main problem with adjusting the size in the browser is that there's a large percentage of websites where the layout simply asplodes when you do that.
are you serious? i don't encounter that many problems. certainly not a large percentage. maybe one every once in a while i laugh at because it's so dumb.