Strategy Guide Writer
Quote from njahnke:
there was a discussion about this very recently somewhere ... maybe yoshi remembers where it happened. anyway, the consensus was that quicktime is still the best way to do this. it's not that it rules or anything, it's just there by default. until someone comes up with a better way to do it, it will remain quicktime. (and imagine redoing all those videos ...)
edit: grenola found it.
edit: grenola found it.
Actually, re-encoding all those videos would be dead simple. Using TMPGEnc Express 3.0 you can batch re-encode all .movs into any other file format you wish (.avi, .mpg etc) meaning you drag and drop them in, set the bit-rate and audio settings, and let it do it's thing. :P
I'm personally not a big fan of quicktime to be honest, but I told Nate that at the start anyways. I prefer to give people the option to download the clips to their PC to view as often as they wish, instead of making them come back to possibly have to A). redownload the clip if it's not in their PC cache anymore and B). constantly then use up more site bandwidth because the movies are embedded.
To me, that seems like an unnessacery waste of bandwidth. Maybe if Nate offered direct links (below the clips) to allow people to EITHER download the file to directly to their PC or stream it from the site would be a good idea. I prefer .mpg encoding because it really DOES seem to work for the vast majority of visitors, but i'm not adverse to other codecs. I just prefer simplicity and bandwidth saving over forcing browsers, internet connections and bandwidth usage to work harder with embedded clips...