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Super Metroid Addict
Well...there are no metroids in it,the bosses are always the slenches and cretaphid's,only upgraded,all your upgrades are beams,there's no auto-aim or so...
The multiplayer mode is an abomination(so was MP2:Echoes multiplayer mode),Gorea is a pun...
It doesn't fit in the storyline of prime(at least for now,but,since the prime trilogy is over it'll be difficult to do that).
And there are some stupid things...c'mon,why should the Omega Cannon,the weapon that opened the infinity void inside of it?
aside from Sylux and Trace(imo) the other bounty hunters were lame
Thread title: 
Jagger ftw
there is metroid, in the very begining... you probably won't realize its metroid..
Edit history:
Gamma_Metroid: 2008-09-19 06:13:27 pm
Quote from Luna_Aran:
Well...there are no metroids in it,the bosses are always the slenches and cretaphid's,only upgraded,all your upgrades are beams,there's no auto-aim or so...
The multiplayer mode is an abomination(so was MP2:Echoes multiplayer mode),Gorea is a pun...
It doesn't fit in the storyline of prime(at least for now,but,since the prime trilogy is over it'll be difficult to do that).
And there are some stupid things...c'mon,why should the Omega Cannon,the weapon that opened the infinity void inside of it?
aside from Sylux and Trace(imo) the other bounty hunters were lame

1. There are Quadtroids.
2. You forgot Gorea as a boss.
3. You get beam ammo upgrades, Energy Tanks, and Missile Expansions as well as beams.
4. Auto-aiming isn't needed.
5.1 Playing against computers is sort of fun.
5.2 Echoze had an okay multi-player.
6. Gorea is a name, silly.
7. Of course it fits in the series, it come after Prime and before Prime 2!
8. That part didn't quite make sense.
9. Kanden was a little cool interesting.

This topic isn't that great, we don't really need confirmation or specific reasons, we know that it's a bad game.  But yeah, everywhere else you were right.

EDIT: Gu3st: That's not a Metroid, it's a Petrasyl.
One shall stand, one shall ball.
Quote from Luna_Aran:
Gorea is a pun...

I'm going to have to stop you right there. You weren't here when it was discovered that Gorea is in fact the deepest most almost explored and developed boss in the history of ever in the world. Allow me to type a nigh endless essay detailing these almost not entirely made up facts...
Acclaimed Threshold
Constant Sorrows
Quote from tomatobob:
I'm going to have to stop you right there. You weren't here when it was discovered that Gorea is in fact the deepest most almost explored and developed boss in the history of ever in the world. Allow me to type a nigh endless essay detailing these almost not entirely made up facts...

This thread has been IUniversed'ed.
This topic would REALLY tick off IUniverse.  I have to agree, he makes some good points...and Hunters isn't that bad.  Well...I'm not sure, Fusion or Hunters? (We already know Biospark's answer)
Super Metroid Addict
And i totally agree with BioSpark...Fusion is way better than MPH...for starters,it is a side-scroller,it has metroids(well...one omega,that you can nuke,and some larval that were released in the secret laboratory,ands some others,from alpha to zeta in cryo tanks in the lab.),you have different suits,you smash ridley,you have non-ammo,non-energy,non-beam power-ups(screw attack,etc...)
I personally don't like Gorea...he's a huge Pun...and not that hard...
Yeah,Kanden was a little interesting,so was Sylux...
weavel was lame,Spire too.
Trace was pretty cool,and noxus,i don't like it.
Petrasyls ARE NOT metroids..the only metroids that appear in MPH are in the demo...
Along with those things that remember me of Mochtroids.
Not to mention that MPH's log book is a piece of crap,compared to those of the real Prime series.
C'mon,you scan something and the only thing you get is the text...
Nintendo lazed a lot...you could get the description/lore in the lower screen and some images on the upper screen,or vice-versa...
something like MP1 or MP2's logbook.
I honestly don't get how everyone loves Trace so much. Sylux has grown on me a little, but Weavel and Noxus are probably the two I liked the best.

But I think the main problem is the fact that Hunters doesn't have the same feeling that every other Metroid game has to some degree, even Echoes. Fusion may be the most linear of the games, but at least it still has that feeling of exploration, subtle atmospheric elements that add up to interesting worlds, the item collection, etc... I may not be explaining it right, but I can't find the proper words to express what I mean right now. Hunters simply felt as if something was missing from it to me, and I can't put my finger on exactly what it was. (Fusion is probably my 3rd favorite 2D game after Super and Zero Mission, by the way.)
I hated MPH because of the control scheme.  After much experimentation the best I can come up with still gives me major wrist pain. 
Super Metroid Addict
man,trace has a cool look,is a sniper and it's alt-form is a goddamn bug..it's so cool:)
Weavel is lame imo
Fusion is better in every single way...
Even though it's linear,it kicks MPH's but so hard.
Look,even MPH's storyline has nothing to do with prime's(except being between MP AND MP2).
There are no metroids,no phazon(thankfully IUniverse was banned or he would appear here claiming that there is Phazon in the Oubliette),no space pirates(aside from weavel,and he's a moron),the exploration theme could have been way more developed,the bosses could be more variated.after the 3rd or 4th octolith i was completely bored to death of killing slenches and cretaphids or whatever that goddamn thing's name is...
i spent the whole game waiting to see something like: You acquired hi-jump boots.or even You acquired the Gravity suit.
Something that wasn't a missile expansion,UA expansion,energy expansion or: You acquired(insert beam name here).
C'mon...Judicator was a rip-off of Ice beam,almost,magmaul was bad,as well as battlehamer.Imperialist was cool to ambush in multiplayer,but probably would never fit into anyother metroid game,shock coil is my favorite,actually,and about the volt driver,insert the same i said about imperialist here,unless it could disrupt machines(pretty much like wave beam was effective against cybernetic stuff and robots because it was electrical)
sorry for the huge text
Edit history:
Zhs2: 2008-09-22 01:24:59 pm
Sure, some of the Hunters were not cool. Yeah, Gorea was a total joke (in terms of difficulty - for both forms.) Right, so the game itself had no Metroids. Okay, so the logbook was text-only. But is this really why you need to complain? Why does only MPH deserve its own thread for ridicule? I'm sure most other Metroid games could have a thread that points out all the bad things in them. But that'd be pointless, wouldn't it? It's just another person complaining about how much they don't like this game or that game, and nobody wants to hear that. If you didn't like the game, don't play it again. If you say, "Hey, this or that's not fair," somebody deserves to tell you, "Hey, life's not fair, buddy." Complaining doesn't change anything, so why do it?
Super Metroid Addict
HEY!LOOK!LISTEN!-now i'm quoting navi xD
MPH is a great game for DS,one of the best,actually,just not a great metroid game,man
OH ****!!!!
I miss Iuniverse. He was the only one with Akarian inteligence but Shaccten personality.
Super Metroid Addict
i'm not from his time,but saw his MPH story or so topic...i gave me lot of  laugh new
Just because it's not a great Metroid game doesn't give you any more reason to complain in a public forum. If anything, you can do it in a blog or a story, for all I care. Of course, those places may very well be under your control. Posting your complaints somewhere where everybody's opinion is subject to scrutiny and ignorance doesn't make much sense in the long run; if anything, it'll make you a less-liked user.
Super Metroid Addict
i don't care if you are in a ransom against me,it's my opinion,and pretty much almost everyone on the metroid community around the globe
Quote from Luna_Aran:
It's my opinion, and pretty much almost everyone's in the Metroid community.

Any proof? I don't seem to think that way. And I'm sure not everyone wants to hear the same complaints they've already had themselves, either.
Super Metroid Addict
do you wanna ask other users what's their opinion about MPH?
i got ubberly disappointed..the demo was cool...and none of the hunters in the video appeared in mph
Acclaimed Threshold
Constant Sorrows
I liked Hunters alright. It's not a good Metroid game, but it's not a bad DS game.
Super Metroid Addict
that's exactly my point,sucky metroid game,good ds game
Acclaimed Threshold
Constant Sorrows
Then you should change the title to say "Reasons why this game sucks as a metroid game."

I also sort of agree with Zhs2 that making a thread just to bash something is bad form.
OH ****!!!!
Quote from Zhs2:
Quote from Luna_Aran:
It's my opinion, and pretty much almost everyone's in the Metroid community.

Any proof? I don't seem to think that way. And I'm sure not everyone wants to hear the same complaints they've already had themselves, either.

It sucks.
Super Metroid Addict
and the controls are painfully awful...it's better if we just look at it as a DS game,not a metroid game,but the controls:S
That's my major complaint about it - it goes out and says it's a Metroid game, when it clearly isn't. Well, and the fact that it's a pretty crappy game overall, Metroid or not.

Also, learn to use spaces after your punctuation, goddamnit.
Oh, man. Not you too. >x<

I officially leave this topic alone as of this post.