Not exactly painful, but there are a lot of instances where you have to use missiles for range. And a couple where long+wave could clear a few blocks you now can't.
53:14 100% SS. I used the same delayed ice route as in the 52:38. It got pretty good after Tourian, but the first half was atrocious. At least it beats 53:56, though.
ZX and Mobius: Thanks for the description of the AWS route as it currently stands; that saved me some confusion. I'll hopefully try it in a quick segmented run soon.
If I was happy with my times, I might not try to improve them so much. :p
I was actually pretty happy with the 55:25 100% hard and the 27:24 any% SS, although I do want to improve both eventually. The hard 100% could probably use a route change.
Thats so awesome time Sam. Yeah sometimes bomb jumping skills suck. Like me my skils goes down when i started attempts my GBA player. Im not have any idea why this happen. Maybe you are going to old and thats reasons.
Did you have video with this? I love always watch runs with this game.
I've been working on a segmented run lately, but switching between hbjs and double bomb jumps really messes with my timing. I constantly have to relearn both and it's irritating. I hope I'm not getting too old though =(.
Eventually, yeah. The spaceboost to the Kraid zipline missile during cleanup seems slightly hazardous, but once I actually try it out that route shouldn't be bad at all. I had originally thought I wouldn't delay the long beam in SS runs, but now I really see no reason not to try it; I think the worst part would be doing the hive room without long beam, and I've gotten plenty of practice at that in any%.
I am sure Spidey could get sub 52 minutes (at least segmented run). I surprised how much mistakes his runs includes (52:38). I see some big mistakes like this Ridley lair falling & missed chozodia shinespark, both cost total at least 10 seconds or even more. Also Kraid look like unoptimize, IMO Kirby make firing this down faster. But yeah 52:38 was mostly awesome run. Last escape went so mad well. I always thinking 4:04 is absolutely human max here. You make it nearly 2 seconds faster here than my super optimize escape ever. Your speedskills are so high here. Also i loved your MB fight & tourian escape both seems flawlsess.
I´ll watch your SS run later this week. 53:17 seems awesome time without using any savepoints. Segmented run was also truly great, but i´ll see with more crazy patient you could definitely beat it. You need just avoid these big mistakes and make learn more aggressive Kraid kill (this is first part your segment so its not real pain reset here, i think). These looks most important time savers. Some refill luck could be better for example taking full missiles before hive room, better refill luck Tourian metroids & etc... Chozo boss went without miss shots, but more RNG make faster appeared diagrams save some seconds time. IMO your two last diagrams appeared quite slowly, but thats not your fault. But yeah 51.xx seems nearly super crazy goal. But i see you have potential make it. Not just give up and keep going.
Yeah his segmented run was more of a test segmented run, it's not super optimized <_<
I think spidey can make 51 minutes single segment, but it'll be REALLY FREAKING HARD and will require very good luck as well (my save-state run was aruond 50:50ish?)
-My previous PB had an amazing cleanup. This new PB kept up very well, only losing about 10 seconds total. -Saved a ton of time over previous PB's first half. Still had two bad mistakes though, missing a puzzle room in Ridley and missing a shine for the first super missile tank :S
Ugh, got a new PB, but not satisfied at all. I was a few seconds behind my old time after first escape, and the stealth section was a little rough (lost maybe 5 seconds there), but everything from that point on went really good. Until the final spark. I got the perfect charge, went on to the next room, and screwed up the second spin-jump, getting a shinespark instead... so, there goes that.
I am little envious im not never learn play skilful like this. My fingers can,t move fast like you guys. But i´ll look forvard how well you guys could play that game. Thats really awesome. Everybody are crushed current SDA run which is also really good speedrun.
Well, just got a 54:02. I missed the zipline after Kraid and fell in the acid, and I somehow botched the easy Space Boost in Tourian... that's it, everything else went really smooth and RNG was favorable. Could've been a sub 54 :/
53:43, I'm done with ZM attempts for the time being, I can't improve this run at all. I had the second best time I've ever had at Kraid (8:01), and I was at 28:25 after the first escape. I missed one shot on the Guardian, but he gave me a fast pattern outside of the slow first shot, so I didn't really lose time there. Other big mistakes were tinking like 7 Supers on Mecha, losing a couple seconds on Imago Cocoon and grabbing the map on Chozodia... beyond that, it was just small errors which cost me seconds here and there.
Also, I got all the nice time savers in the entire run, including that pillar room Shinespark before Wave Beam :)
Major congrats for getting 53:xx; that's a big milestone. This was with the delayed Kraid cleanup route, correct? When did you get the long beam and charge beam?
Quote from MASTER-88:
I surprised how much mistakes his runs includes (52:38).
I was surprised as well. I would've thought sub 53 would at least be somewhat difficult to get. It will certainly be interesting to see what kinds of times a segmented run can get through extreme optimization and an AWS route.
Speaking of which....I'm not going to be able to do a test run with that AWS route for at least another week. Sorry about that. >_<