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spidey-widey: 2012-12-17 10:07:42 pm
spidey-widey: 2012-12-17 10:05:55 pm
spidey-widey: 2012-12-17 10:05:44 pm
spidey-widey: 2012-12-17 10:05:22 pm
spidey-widey: 2012-12-17 10:03:01 pm
Quote from Thomaz:
Also, how does one double Super MB? I don't understand the timing at all (and I really need to learn it since I'm stuck with my 100% file because of it lol).

I'm not sure what to suggest besides simply unmorphing and shooting as soon after the eye beam as you can. Basically, the brain won't shoot its beam if you hit it with a super immediately after the eye beam. You can then shoot the second super immediately after the first, although if rinkas are coming your way you can quickly shoot the first super and then shoot the second after dealing with the rinkas; the brain will keep its eye open until you shoot it again. (Incidentally, if you quickly hit the brain with a super, then shooting it with a regular missile will cause it to shoot its eye beam again; this isn't really useful, but it is a bit interesting.) I could maybe make a VBA video that displays button inputs if you want.

Quote from JaggerG:
6:38 - Could save some frames easily by jumping after unmorphing instead of double-tapping up

9:20 - Probably a couple frames saved if you froze the rightbound ripper so you could jump sooner

18:13 - can shoot diagonally up at runspeed once you hit that slope to hit the block instead of stopping

Indeed, these seem like good ideas; I'll try to make them habitual.

Quote from JaggerG:
After Grip - No ZZBJ? :^(

Eh, in my trials it seems to be just as fast on average as the standard vertical bomb jump. I know the ZZBJ is supposed to be faster in theory, but in practice I haven't observed this to be true. I'll gladly go and try it again if you'd like.

Quote from JaggerG:
Cocoon - probably over 2 seconds(?) faster doing 3-shot rounds on the left side before the ripper gets there.

I'm not very good at getting 3-shot rounds by walljumping. :(  You can bet that I'll do some crazy stuff here in my segmented run, since I'll be saved right before the cocoon, but in SS runs it just seems to introduce the risk of falling, not freezing the ripper in time, and losing substantial time.

On the other hand, I should at least try this out using my 6:35 save; maybe I've gotten better at it during my period of inactivity.

Quote from JaggerG:
Ridley - simply freaking cool strategy. Nice. Maybe I should use it in Kraid first, skip the etank? I got it because it eliminates the health refill time on the statue.

Yeah, I don't know why I never thought to do it that way until recently. If you do want to implement it into your runs, I'd advise against shooting the last missiles from underneath Ridley; I find that he often blocks the missiles with his tail and/or delivers a fatal tail strike. I often finish the battle with only 4 health left, but shooting from the corner has proven to be much safer.

Quote from JaggerG:
17:28 - if I'm not picky enough, maybe you should unmorph one fall earlier?

I suppose I could, but why? It doesn't look faster to me, unless I'm missing something...

Quote from JaggerG:
Second Metroid room - Have you tried dropping to the middle to make them both appear or too risky?

I think it's too risky for a SS run; it'd be easily possible to have both metroids and multiple rinkas coming after you without being able to see them until they're close. I'll add this to my list of tricks to try. In my segmented run, I'll definitely be doing crazy stuff like this all throughout Tourian.

Quote from JaggerG:
Supers on zebetites - personal preference, or is it really faster enough on MB to save them?

I think it's at least as fast to save the supers for the brain and her case. You can shoot the last two zebetites with regular missiles and destroy them soon after reaching the leftmost platforms (multitasking, in a sense; you move forward while also shooting a greater amount of missiles), whereas using supers on the last two zebetites seems to me to offer no speed advantage.

Quote from JaggerG:
27:30 - first pirate room, is it faster in that specific situation to keep him stunned, or does the first pirate catch up too soon?

In my experience, the first pirate tends to catch up to you pretty quickly. In this case, when the second pirate was in my way, I think I'd have likely fallen on the first pirate and died if I hadn't stunned him. I like to play it safe here because I've died numerous times in this room in SS attempts.

Quote from JaggerG:
Stealth Tunnel - has that been timed? Is stealth officially faster than dropping?

I seem to recall that maintaining stealth saves 4 or 5 seconds in the next room, whereas it loses less than 4 or 5 seconds in the tunnel room. I haven't formally timed it, though, so I suppose I'll do that.

Quote from JaggerG:
28:47 - spotlights, isn't it faster in-game to go through the door to reset the lights?

I've timed the two ways to be exactly the same, at least as accurately as I can tell using the in-game clock and many trials.

Quote from JaggerG:
30:04 - shoot-out the blocks you jumped on, save frames if you don't miss. Dragonfangs missed those in his TAS at first, too, lol

Yeah, I've pretty much decided not to bother with this trick. It only saves a very small amount of time if done correctly, and when I've tried I usually shoot at the wrong time and jump into the ceiling. :/

Quote from JaggerG:
31:12 - Shoot first pirate diagonally, pistol charges just soon enough to shoot the next pirate before running into it.

I actually usually do it this way, although I was feeling particularly cautious in this run. There's a nice window of time in which you can shoot and stun the pirate, but if you do mess up the timing then it's essentially an instant death. It does save a nice amount of time, so from here on out you'll likely only see me do it this way.

Quote from JaggerG:
31:50 - is it just as fast to land on that platform and run off? I shoot it out so I don't lose frames landing more than once.

It probably is faster to shoot it out. I suppose I'll try that.

Quote from JaggerG:
35:39 - has this been timed? Going under seems faster, but also leads to moving left at the very end, so...?

Yeah, I'm skeptical about this. I haven't timed it (so I will time it in the near future), but the top route seems more direct and less tricky.

Quote from JaggerG:
I'm thinking a segmented run could only beat this by a couple seconds, due to time lost saving. :^o

It may be hard to believe right now, but I think a segmented run can actually get into the mid to low 26:xx range. I would probably use three saves in a segmented run, and I think the charge beamst 2HKO, cocoon quick kill, Mecha Ridley randomness, Chozo randomness, and mother brain tomfoolery together can make up for those 20-21 seconds (as compared to this 27:24, that is).

At the very least, I can say that in a 27:31 segmented run, I lost about 15-16 seconds due to two extra saves (one of which was out of the way) and another 15ish at the Chozo. That run was pretty sloppy otherwise, so I'm quite sure a segmented run can go below 27:00 by more than just a few seconds.

I much appreciate all the tricks/suggestions/optimizations. Cutting out mistakes counts for a lot, but I think it's because of the small stuff like this that a segmented run (and maybe even a SS...?) can go below 27:00.

Apparently I fail with quote tags.  <_<
Shifty Leader
That M2k2 guy
17:28 - I just figure unmorphing and landing is as fast if not faster than bouncing in a ball[citation needed], and spin-falling is horizontally faster than morph in air[citation needed].

ZZBJ - Since you mention it, the rightmost bomb jump doesn't really gain as much (if any) height, but since it starts out a bounce heigher in the first place, the length of time of each bj is probably exactly the same (depending on the point of unmorph at the end). Thus it eliminates the drop off the ledge and roll to the middle, and even if getting onto the ledge from first bomb takes slightly longer, that theoretically puts it ahead. This assumes DBJ has the same height as a straight-up bomb jump, since I don't notice any timing difference in IBJ and DBJ, so there are no geometry calculations to consider. But honestly, I understand most people are hesitant to even attempt it; I mainly brought it up because it looks SO COOL! ^_^
Edit history:
Thomaz: 2012-12-19 04:57:09 pm
Thomaz: 2012-12-19 04:20:40 pm
Ahah, I simply did not know that. Thanks spidey! :)

Let me reply to your points too, JaggerG. :P

6:38 - yes, it is indeed faster to morph during the fall, but it's actually quite a bit harder than you might think (you probably know that, but still).

Wut is ZZBJ lol?

9:20 - true, but honestly, you're bound to lose some frames here and there due to unoptimised jumps. :P

Cocoon - like what spidey said, if you fall, you lose more time than you gain. Probably something for segmented runs which saves before Cocoon.

Ridley - Definitely skip the E-tank, I know you can do without. ;)

17:28 - Maybe.

18:13 -  That would definitely be faster, but probably harder. I would have to try and test that I think. There are plenty of things I need to learn anway lol.

Second Metroid room - I would definitely opt for the old method for the sake of not ruining a run, though maybe something for segmented.

Supers on Zebetites - You have more Rinka's to dodge during the MB sequence. I'd definitely opt for the regular method honestly. You can shoot multiple missiles while jumping and moving forwards.

Escape - Ah yes, I can imagine. I still have my save with 10:24 before Cocoon. I don't think I'd ever go without Hello jump, even on Kraid first. :P

27:30 - There's actually a faster method that Sam and I use to tackle this room. I should record and upload it. But yes, the pirate can be rather fast sometimes. I generally don't freeze it, but you definitely should during a good SS. It's too risky. He'll just jump onto you while crawling or whatever. :/

Stealth tunnel - Yes, it's definitely faster, by about 2-3 seconds IIRC. Though, if you screw it up, you're obviously off for the worse.

28:47 - I've timed it. It's just like spidey said, going to the other room is not faster.

30:04 - Not sure what you mean there, but in that particulary room, you can shoot the block and thus can jump and grab the ledge (or walljump) earlier.

31:12 - This. I don't understand why anyone doesn't do that. It's pretty much risk free and let's you go through the room fast and unscathed.

31:50 - Not sure. I shoot it out of habit. :P

35:59 - No idea tbh.

Btw, spidey, I really liked that walljump trick on the way to Kraid after the room where you defeated Beamst. I should try that, because I really suck at that room lol.

And I never thought about shooting those things when leaving Ridley, to get Supers refills. Healing at the statue because you didn't get any refills is a waste of time and having to stop because you get a refill during your trek to Kraid takes more time as well, in general.

Also, one trick of mine that I never showed. I should record it as well lol:

When leaving Ridley, the room with the statue. After you morph and roll, unmorph and shoot diagonal down to destroy the block. Walk left and drop down and shoot the block on your fall. Then, during your fall, shoot a missile to the right, then morph and lay a bomb. Due to the height of the platform, you can't powergrip the opening there, but by the time you get there, you can! ;)
Shifty Leader
That M2k2 guy
6:38 - I meant jumping after UNmorphing inside the tunnel, so you're not only immediately uncrouched, but also immediately aiming up to shoot out the block.
Zig-Zag Bomb Jump is only useful in escaping the grip pit, conveniently sized to let you DBJ to the right side and "bounce" off, DBJing left directly to the ledge.
9:20 - agreed, I didn't mean to point out all the time lost, but that ripper has a 50% chance to block you from climbing up for a split second. If it flies right, you get there soon enough to freeze it before it blocks you. This is a method of eliminating bad luck.
Cocoon - I feel like mentioning here that I hate the cocoon fight. Hardest fight in the game, imo.
18:13 - I've had a geemer block my shot sometimes, and *occasionally* hit the left block instead of the right, but still, mostly reliable for me. Even still, it's either no difference than his method, or still fast because you can just use the grip to get in.
27:30 - I'm curious to see it. I've found a really fast strategy if it starts running, apparently it never sees you if you freeze it mid-jump to the left side, so the alarms stop like right after you reach the door.
30:04 - Yeah, I meant that.
35:59 - I kind of feel dumb for not going along the top in my runs, since lack of Hello-Jump makes climbing vertically a huge pain.
Leaving Ridley - The one to get to the ballshooters, right? Probably saves time, but does require additional input and potential error. Sounds scary.

For everyone:
Ridley segmented - Refilling ammo takes a long time, right? Could you potentially have enough ammo to beat him? You generally have such a high capacity at that point, but a lot of missiles are used on the cocoon. If you have the ammo but not the energy, can you just grab the etank and go straight into battle instead? Is it one or the other pretty much?
Post-Ridley etank skip - Freeze bee at cannon-level and jump on it, 2 missiles straight at flyguy, morph on raised platform, roll undisturbed to end of the room. Is it fast enough to bother doing, or is the energy necessary later on?
So, a while ago, I made a few vids on some MZM tricks. Mostly 100% related, but I also added the Pirate thingy and the E-tank skip room for fun.

Enjoy! :)
Edit history:
Thomaz: 2013-01-16 04:03:19 pm
Thomaz: 2013-01-04 02:23:34 pm
A friend of mine started playing MZM and after finishing, he started doing Hard mode. And after that, he did Hard mode 100%. Because I had never done it before, I did so as well, though single segment (with a few saves at the end due to confusion). Haha, I got lost a few times and forgot a Missile Expansion lol. Eventually, I was able to finish it with a horrible time of 1:22:XX (so much refilling. ;_; ).

Because of that, I started doing normal 100%. I was still out of practice and screwed up tons of things. 1:02:58. D: Just now, I did another one and made two horrible mistakes (messing up the spark to the Missile Expansion in Tourian TWICE and messing up the end spark. ;___; ).

Got 59:46. About a minute faster than my old SS record and a few seconds faster than my old segmented record (though I'm working on a segmented run that will be TONS faster). Progress I guess.

Edit: did another SS. Super horrible, I'm just not used to the latter part so I mess up shitton of rooms, but at least improvement: 58:30.
Is there a video of a 100% route that I can follow to start with? I haven't touched this game in a long time, and I'd like to start learning this game a bit more seriously :) Are there various different routes depending on how comfortable the player is with certain tricks?

For the most part, I can do all the basics very well (walljumping, IBJs, shinesparks), especially given that I have above-average fusion PB times for any% and 100% (aka I can speedrun metroid fusion)
Edit history:
Thomaz: 2013-01-25 03:06:35 am
I suggest you take a look at this video:

It's spidey's run. Currently the fastest one out there, even with all the mistakes.

Are you doing segmented or SS btw? I would assume SS since that's what you do with MF too?
yeah I generally do single-segment, I hate doing segmented runs haha. Doesn't seem like a ridiculously hard route to follow, since I can do basically all the basics already.
I like turtles.
I really should get back to trying a 100% run of this game... I just can't stand the "problem" expansions in Ridley.
1:36:21 in-game for my first try at following the route after not having touched the game seriously in years... i have to get more familiar with the route <_<
1:25:15, 100%, first try at spidey's route. I was simultaneously watching the video and playing the game (lots of pausing). Lot of room for improvement.
Everyone seems to do 100% now all of the sudden lol.

I had another go at it today. It was okay. Not great, okay.

But then I made the WORST mistake possible (well, one of the worst). During the clean up part, after Tourian, I dropped down to Crateria (I think it's Crateria? Beginning of the game) and placed the Power Bomb WAY to high and thus, instead of laying one later, I placed another one in the right spot. However, this meant I didn't have a PB for the transition part beetween Kraid Norfair. I tried refilling one at the bugs below the acid, but to no avail. Tried to heal by going to the save room, but that doesn't work obviously. <_< After that, I actually went to the Kraid statue to heal up, but got hit by the slimy lava dudes a few times, screwing up the spark. Finally, after all that, I went back to the saveroom and continued the run. I made a couple of stupid other mistakes. Nothing too serious, but annoying regardless.

I ended up with 58:26, which is 4 seconds faster than my other record. But imagine if this didn't happen? I might be exaggerating, but it felt like 2.5 minutes at least. :(
Aww, man, that sucks... 58:26 is a good time regardless, though, congratz!

Should that happen again, the little red bug launcher on that Speed Booster track in Kraid (near that Kraid -> Norfair transition) is your best bet. The drop rate for PBs there isn't great, but it's faster to farm one there, than to go look for one anywhere else.
Edit history:
kirbymastah: 2013-01-29 10:55:08 am
You got sub-hour. shut up :P

On another note, my third run without any practice got 1:15:04 in-game for 100% (yeah I know, terrible <_<). I'll probably do one more run to make sure that I've got the route down solid, and then start learning strats for each individual room+boss. I'm not sure how important it is to learn how to double-BJ for infinite BJs... Definitely want to get sub-hour :)

EDIT: Also, Hi there ZX ;D
Super Secret Area - Dead Ahead!
If you're going to try it, ZM is so much more forgiving with its bomb-jumping that it's not hard to get the double down quickly.  You'll soon be bombing all over the place, just for kicks. aiwebs_004
2nd try: 1:19:58
1:07:47 100% in-game. Much to improve. I think I'm at the point where I know the route well enough so I can start practicing individual room strats now...

Time to break 1-hour!
Edit history:
Thomaz: 2013-01-29 07:31:49 pm
Thomaz: 2013-01-29 07:29:45 pm
You're going at a pretty  nice pace. Good job. =)

I don't care about sub hour honestly. I know I can do much better so why be happy with less right? :P

Edit: did another run. I was doing reasonably well, until shit just hits the fan with the spark right after the suit. I messed it up like 3 times (at least they were still on the first screen, but still). I also had to refill one extra time due to using a PB at the wrong moment (but a save was on my way). I think I also fell down at a place where I didn't even know you could fall down. And I messed up the last E-tank spark once (I grabbed the ledge instead of spaceboosting through). I guess that all the mini mistakes still got me a bad time. Mecha Ridley fight was terrible too.

And I screwed up the ending spark in the final room. AGAIN (did get the perfect half/half hold).



Perhaps I should check the run again for the small optimizations.
practice is going very slowly yet surely for me. I practiced everything up until entering Ridley. I can 2-round acid worm very reliably and finish kraid quickly most of the time.

I'm really looking foward to my splits after I finish practicing...

Also, any advice on the stupid chozo ghost? I can't really seem to react to it quickly enough to shoot it, IN ADDITION TO AIMING PROPERLY. Definitely wanna make sure something like http://www.twitch.tv/kirbymastah/c/1878715 doesn't happen again <.<
Well, what I do is aiming diagonal and pressing left or right (depending on where the ghost is) every so slightly to not trigger the bolts and still aim at the ghost. The fourth round is definitely the hardest and sometimes you just get screwed over and there isn't much you can do about it sadly.

Other then sub hour, is there any time you're aiming for?
Attempt 3: 1:16:50. Still a ton of major mistakes
Edit history:
kirbymastah: 2013-01-30 09:12:47 pm
Not sure. I'll be constantly playing this category even past sub-hour, though I figure it shouldn't be a problem once I practice grinding out every room. This category is awesome :D

Maybe I'll go for WR... haha jk jk. It's definitely a nice break from speedrunning fusion, even though I prefer fusion over ZM.
What'd you say?
Fusion is quite nice, and I'd enjoy speedrunning it if not for all the damn cutscenes.
Edit history:
JaggerG: 2013-01-31 01:40:45 am
Shifty Leader
That M2k2 guy
Yeah, and to add frustration, getting through the dialogue quickly actually MATTERS in racing. O_O I think I may have lost our last any% race if not for that, because kirbymastah had been like 2 or 3 seconds ahead at the start of the final dialogue, and dead even on the SA-X encounter.

Also, that's a pretty amazing chozo fail. Excellent job. I climb the sides opposite it and just jump off as it approaches the bottom corners so I can run under it. As long as you're constantly moving, only the lightning in the center triggers.