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spidey-widey: 2012-12-17 10:07:42 pm
spidey-widey: 2012-12-17 10:05:55 pm
spidey-widey: 2012-12-17 10:05:44 pm
spidey-widey: 2012-12-17 10:05:22 pm
spidey-widey: 2012-12-17 10:03:01 pm
Quote from Thomaz:
Also, how does one double Super MB? I don't understand the timing at all (and I really need to learn it since I'm stuck with my 100% file because of it lol).
I'm not sure what to suggest besides simply unmorphing and shooting as soon after the eye beam as you can. Basically, the brain won't shoot its beam if you hit it with a super immediately after the eye beam. You can then shoot the second super immediately after the first, although if rinkas are coming your way you can quickly shoot the first super and then shoot the second after dealing with the rinkas; the brain will keep its eye open until you shoot it again. (Incidentally, if you quickly hit the brain with a super, then shooting it with a regular missile will cause it to shoot its eye beam again; this isn't really useful, but it is a bit interesting.) I could maybe make a VBA video that displays button inputs if you want.
Quote from JaggerG:
6:38 - Could save some frames easily by jumping after unmorphing instead of double-tapping up
9:20 - Probably a couple frames saved if you froze the rightbound ripper so you could jump sooner
18:13 - can shoot diagonally up at runspeed once you hit that slope to hit the block instead of stopping
9:20 - Probably a couple frames saved if you froze the rightbound ripper so you could jump sooner
18:13 - can shoot diagonally up at runspeed once you hit that slope to hit the block instead of stopping
Indeed, these seem like good ideas; I'll try to make them habitual.
Quote from JaggerG:
After Grip - No ZZBJ? :^(
Eh, in my trials it seems to be just as fast on average as the standard vertical bomb jump. I know the ZZBJ is supposed to be faster in theory, but in practice I haven't observed this to be true. I'll gladly go and try it again if you'd like.
Quote from JaggerG:
Cocoon - probably over 2 seconds(?) faster doing 3-shot rounds on the left side before the ripper gets there.
I'm not very good at getting 3-shot rounds by walljumping. :( You can bet that I'll do some crazy stuff here in my segmented run, since I'll be saved right before the cocoon, but in SS runs it just seems to introduce the risk of falling, not freezing the ripper in time, and losing substantial time.
On the other hand, I should at least try this out using my 6:35 save; maybe I've gotten better at it during my period of inactivity.
Quote from JaggerG:
Ridley - simply freaking cool strategy. Nice. Maybe I should use it in Kraid first, skip the etank? I got it because it eliminates the health refill time on the statue.
Yeah, I don't know why I never thought to do it that way until recently. If you do want to implement it into your runs, I'd advise against shooting the last missiles from underneath Ridley; I find that he often blocks the missiles with his tail and/or delivers a fatal tail strike. I often finish the battle with only 4 health left, but shooting from the corner has proven to be much safer.
Quote from JaggerG:
17:28 - if I'm not picky enough, maybe you should unmorph one fall earlier?
I suppose I could, but why? It doesn't look faster to me, unless I'm missing something...
Quote from JaggerG:
Second Metroid room - Have you tried dropping to the middle to make them both appear or too risky?
I think it's too risky for a SS run; it'd be easily possible to have both metroids and multiple rinkas coming after you without being able to see them until they're close. I'll add this to my list of tricks to try. In my segmented run, I'll definitely be doing crazy stuff like this all throughout Tourian.
Quote from JaggerG:
Supers on zebetites - personal preference, or is it really faster enough on MB to save them?
I think it's at least as fast to save the supers for the brain and her case. You can shoot the last two zebetites with regular missiles and destroy them soon after reaching the leftmost platforms (multitasking, in a sense; you move forward while also shooting a greater amount of missiles), whereas using supers on the last two zebetites seems to me to offer no speed advantage.
Quote from JaggerG:
27:30 - first pirate room, is it faster in that specific situation to keep him stunned, or does the first pirate catch up too soon?
In my experience, the first pirate tends to catch up to you pretty quickly. In this case, when the second pirate was in my way, I think I'd have likely fallen on the first pirate and died if I hadn't stunned him. I like to play it safe here because I've died numerous times in this room in SS attempts.
Quote from JaggerG:
Stealth Tunnel - has that been timed? Is stealth officially faster than dropping?
I seem to recall that maintaining stealth saves 4 or 5 seconds in the next room, whereas it loses less than 4 or 5 seconds in the tunnel room. I haven't formally timed it, though, so I suppose I'll do that.
Quote from JaggerG:
28:47 - spotlights, isn't it faster in-game to go through the door to reset the lights?
I've timed the two ways to be exactly the same, at least as accurately as I can tell using the in-game clock and many trials.
Quote from JaggerG:
30:04 - shoot-out the blocks you jumped on, save frames if you don't miss. Dragonfangs missed those in his TAS at first, too, lol
Yeah, I've pretty much decided not to bother with this trick. It only saves a very small amount of time if done correctly, and when I've tried I usually shoot at the wrong time and jump into the ceiling. :/
Quote from JaggerG:
31:12 - Shoot first pirate diagonally, pistol charges just soon enough to shoot the next pirate before running into it.
I actually usually do it this way, although I was feeling particularly cautious in this run. There's a nice window of time in which you can shoot and stun the pirate, but if you do mess up the timing then it's essentially an instant death. It does save a nice amount of time, so from here on out you'll likely only see me do it this way.
Quote from JaggerG:
31:50 - is it just as fast to land on that platform and run off? I shoot it out so I don't lose frames landing more than once.
It probably is faster to shoot it out. I suppose I'll try that.
Quote from JaggerG:
35:39 - has this been timed? Going under seems faster, but also leads to moving left at the very end, so...?
Yeah, I'm skeptical about this. I haven't timed it (so I will time it in the near future), but the top route seems more direct and less tricky.
Quote from JaggerG:
I'm thinking a segmented run could only beat this by a couple seconds, due to time lost saving. :^o
It may be hard to believe right now, but I think a segmented run can actually get into the mid to low 26:xx range. I would probably use three saves in a segmented run, and I think the charge beamst 2HKO, cocoon quick kill, Mecha Ridley randomness, Chozo randomness, and mother brain tomfoolery together can make up for those 20-21 seconds (as compared to this 27:24, that is).
At the very least, I can say that in a 27:31 segmented run, I lost about 15-16 seconds due to two extra saves (one of which was out of the way) and another 15ish at the Chozo. That run was pretty sloppy otherwise, so I'm quite sure a segmented run can go below 27:00 by more than just a few seconds.
I much appreciate all the tricks/suggestions/optimizations. Cutting out mistakes counts for a lot, but I think it's because of the small stuff like this that a segmented run (and maybe even a SS...?) can go below 27:00.
Apparently I fail with quote tags. <_<