Or, you could spend your time in a much more productive way and not visit the GameFAQS forums at all.
Well, if we REALLY wanted to spend our time productivly, we wouldn't go to this board either :P .
It actually is worth the time for actual practical reasons beyond the gaming and social interaction, in my opinion. But that's a topic for a long-dead thread in the Echoes forum...
omg dubble poste. 23% Time Attack in 4 segs (start->just in kraid, cause I screwed up the acid worm skip, then from there to before mother brain cause the rinkas wouldn't give me good refills, then from there to the save before the end, cause I screwed up the escape shinespark on my first try). Time: 0:34:25. I wish I sucked less. Ridley 1 gave me a super missile refill though, that made his fight much faster, heh.
Oh, I know it's decent and I know lots of people would love to be able to get that time (or so the IRC'ers tell me) but it's still not anything worth recording, so it's not good enough.
changed the picture to a zip file, thus saving room, and i woulda cut off 20 minutes had i not continued to run outta missles on kraid and the lava worm. also, that was a normal NATURAL ROUTE run ( i cant skip long beam or charge beam or screw attack or high jump for my life)
Doesn't the timer not run when the item collected screen is displayed? And don't you go through that room twice? The second time it's just floating there and I don't think you shinespark there. Also, do you have the Screw by that time? Because if you don't, one or more ghetto screws will probably make up the time taking in jumping rather than walking.
Yosh is doing that subliminal crude message hidden in post thing again... but anyway...
Yes, buttsex it buttsex is buttsex most buttsex effective buttsex to buttsex Ghetto buttsex Screw buttsex the buttsex long buttsex vertical buttsex shafts.
Skipping the Charge Beam in Zero Mission is pre-freaking-posterous. It's one jump, people! It adds maybe a second to your time, and it helps in about fifty million places. The only possible reason to skip it in an any% game is to prove you can. "Oo, I'm so macho. I don't need the Charge Beam. Fear my mighty skills at not picking up stuff that's floating right there in front of me." Pfft.
as i said, ill only do natural route runs, partually cuz i cant sequence break in this game for shit. although i can ibj, but i just like blazing through the game the way its supposed to take you longest