im at about 4:10 99.999% on my hard file. anyone have any tricks for getting the energy pack beneath the final boss? thats *ALL* im missing... and im hoping this things easier than just trying to screw attack to the fucking thing, cause that isn't working well and is just plain fucking HARD.
Well, my first run was about 3:27 with 69% in Normal Mode. Then I did 1:56 with 72% in Easy. Just now I finished my Hard mode run with 70% and 2:01 (I missed the fucking next best ending by two minutes.... :? )
Low percent runs 15%, 00:34:02, @ Ridley; Normal 15%, 00:23:29, @ Kraid; Hard
Any percent runs 42%, 1:20:31; Normal 18%, 1:49:04; Normal (first attempt at low percent) 31%, 1:26:14, Hard
Speed runs 40%, 1:01:43, Normal 100%, 1:34:22, Normal 100%, 1:45:09, Hard
I think that's the major ones I've done. No way am I trying 9% though. Oh, and btw Scarlet, just what are you doing that is getting you those low times? No matter what I do in 100%, I keep coming up in the 1:30s. Got any tips or maybe a very brief written version? (My comp doesn't want to play your movies, damn piece o' crap.)
well...i kinda havent beaten it yet...ive only played it at a store demo...yeah. the reason im posting? you can see the pictures of the endings at it also lists what time and percentage you need for each. so yeah...hope nobodys posted that already...and yeah, my typing is horrible, im being lazy, get over it.