That was just to give low% a try. Didn't go for speed, didn't read a guide or anything. There was nothing really hard, the zebetites (sp?) and motherbrain weren't hard, but long. Same with mecha ridley. Some parts in the space pirate mother ship gave me more troubles than these boss actually. I gotta say that even on easy, that's not a piece of cake >_>
I'm even more impressed by ajbolt and I aM A mAnO (and everyone else who completed a 10% hard run) now I probably won't give this a try soon, I don't think I'm good enough. Probably a 100% hard run now. Don't think I'll go for something very quick, just quick enough to unlock the picture :)
Meh, I did manage to get to Robot Ridley on a 10% hard run once(emulated), but then I got the cartridge and I've ditched playing the emulator since then...
I have no idea what my best time is, but it's somewhere around 35:xx on normal mode. Don't remember percentage, but I probably mimicked Radix.
right now I'm working on normal 15% sub 2 hrs. I was trying to do 100% hard but I don't know how to go back to brinstar after getting my full powered suit.
get the power bombs and bomb the glass tube, iirc. I never went back after getting the suit myself.
Normal 15% is easy as. I thought I was going to take ages to do it after my 46 minute any% runs, but it turns out I did it in 70 minutes, WITH loads of errors.
Finally decided to go for a sub-hour run, got 53% in 0:57:xx. I could have gone much faster, but i got all the mainstream items, even PBs. lets see... 105 missles, 14 supers, 4 PBs, every upgrade. Yay... i suck at speed. :(
It's an impressive time for someone who's not a speedrunner. They were just going for sub-hour, not trying to set any records. Prolly not trying to make an impressive time.
new 100% normal time my personal best 1:10:45 I think I need a route change and I could get it down about 8 mins I will talk to dave if he is even interested in MZM any more
It's an impressive time for someone who's not a speedrunner. They were just going for sub-hour, not trying to set any records. Prolly not trying to make an impressive time.
Well, that guy said he had to do an almost no-error run to get that time, and I said it's actually pretty easy to do, with loads of errors :P But I suck at speed running too, so not trying to put you down or anything :)
Dragondarch: great time man! that's the new record!
Yet another small improvement... Dunno why I keep posting these louy times :) I REALLY need to start with some new routes (as in the 31:31 route etc)... I doubt I can get any better than this with the normal route / Ridley first / whatever I intend to do each time I play :)
I got 39:31 the other day when messing around with my final save before MR. 4 seconds of difference between my last personal record. Maybe it was the OP's. Those guys suck.
I'm really sick of video games now, I don't know what I'm gonna do for a while. Hopefully I'll find something. Well, good luck everyone, try the Kraid first, it's delicious. Zip lines take all the flavor out of it, though, so leave those out.
Has it been confirmed how many missiles it takes to take each boss down yet? I had 65 this time & I'd say that's more than enough. Otherwise I'll probably do this myself next time. ;)
15 for Kraid (+regular nail clippings) 50 for Ridley (+fireballs all over the place with cheesing strat) 30 for Meta Ridley (Either you walk in with 6 supers, or you die, if you ask me :) 35 for Mother Brain (+occasional rinkas)
3 for Brinstar Worm :) something like 30 for the acid worm something like 20 for the immobile wasp thingy with the winged ripper. unknown for the free wasp. I never fight it :)
Aaw man I wanted to do that :D Instead I got you guys a new time :p
Time: 42.01 Difficulty: Normal Percentage: 29%
To get this time, I followed the 31.31 route completely (though I screwed up a lot... as usual). Yet only 10.5 minutes (hehe on the second) left to go ;) Hate those wasplike thingies in the beginning...