I was refering to where he said "I just found another website with all the music." in his last post. That kind of implies that he hasn't posted the link in this topic yet.
And I'm not complaining, it'd be quite easy for me to join the Valice.net forum, make five posts, get the soundtrack and vanish but I'd feel bad going and joining their community solely to get the music. I've gotten the impression that that forum isn't terribly happy about the people who -do- join only make five posts to get the soundtrack and I see no reason to add to that problem.
We're only not happy with the people that spam, which is thankfully few. If you want to make 5 posts and vanish, well, whatever. You did your 'part'. And the other site's music doesn't seem to be quite as high in quality.
Things seem to have gone a bit quiet here recently, is anyone going to get the Mission Final music changed from MP3 to OGG in the OGG section of the site? Also, what new recordings are going to be made?
Sorry if that sounds a bit bossy, its not meant to, honestly.
Ok I've created an account on mediafire to download rundas theme, but now that I have it on my files, I can't reproduce it or download it to puit it in my ipod/cellphone help please