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Use \ before commas in usernames
Ready and willing.
Hmm... I played with that and it's still pretty choppy. Ah well.
I just noticed something: Firefox has a button in the down-right corner, in the status bas which looks like a hand holding a pen (?), and if you press it you can choose between the different .css styles.

Pretty useless now when I think about it...
I see no such button.
Now you do.

It was actually a pallet and a brush.
I sure as worms don't have that thing in my status bar. You did mean status bar, right? Maybe something's disabled...
View -> status bar.
Extensions installed: FireFTP.
Firefox ... 1.0 preview release? damn.. 0.10.1
yep ... the "select a style" thing is only for non-firefox (and of course, non-ie) users, such as safari users or omniweb users. actually, the entire implementation of styleswitcher.js is only for them, as well, since firefox handles all of the style switching itself.
Might as well make something good of my 200th post.

If you are using some styles, like the Warrior Ing style, then Sess' commentaries are... Incredibly hard to read. That's all.
will advise joe.

edit: another problem; looks like the dividers between the games in the classic style (looking at the fusion section atm) aren't there again.
Hey, can u say me what anime serie its in your signature?? ty  Wink

and what movie, or game its in your avatar.

well thats all ty  :D
My best guess would be that he's referring to Red Scarlet.

In that case, her avatar is from Dragon Quest 8. Her sig is of the rotating kind, but iirc, most of the pics are from the H-game Fate/Stay Night.

Speaking of which, I thought I was downloading that game from 4chan today, but then I saw it was just a CG collection, so I cancelled.
Now you just gotta get these styles working in the forum too  :P
Ready and willing.
That would require starting nearly from scratch, if I know my random knowledge right.
yep. maybe it won't be so bad with phpbb 3.0, though, assuming we're not all in the home by then.
Ready and willing.
I thought you would get creamed even earlier since the format of the boards and site (and therefore the tags you want to apply the right styles to) would be too different.
it depends on how close to the new phpbb 3.0 style standard joe happened to decide. ;P
Sess's commentary: fixed.
Default style's nav separators: added.
One CSS fix with Kraid: done.

Poll to see if members actually use the styles
: added by Nate.

Hmm, still missing something.  Oh, wait, there it is.

Monotony: check.

To quote myself about the minimalistic theme:
(@TRH) there's just one thing that bothers me, when you hoover the sub nav-thingies, the light-grey font color on the dark-grey background is quite hard to read >_>
(@TRH) YUCK, the yellow color indicating "north america players choice" is unreadable.

Without a doubt my favorite theme, really nice :)
I'm sorry to bump a months-old thread, but here goes a question:

How do you guys change the styles live? And how exactly is the site layout structure coded to work with the styles to allow the live change?

metamorphosis is composed of three parts. the first was inspired by (and indeed copied directly from) an article over at a list apart. this enabled the first phase of the system. all i did with it was offer a second style sheet, "printer friendly", which was just a blank document called printerfriendy.css (to remove all styling from the page in preparation for printing).

the second part was added when joe wrote the php that automatically detected the styles he had created in the /styles directory and wrote the html to show the menu to select them. (this menu had previously been hard-coded by me; i added the goTopic function to the javascript at the same time as the menu was first created. (the styles had previously been changed by using anchor links.))

the third part was done by me. i modified the original a list apart javascript again to also correctly set the menu to the "preferred stylesheet" (the one stored in the cookie) every time a page is loaded. this restoreDefault function is called at the end of the nav.txt php include (see below; not included in code excerpt).

for the current, modified version of styleswitcher.js (originally from the a list apart article), see: http://www.metroid2002.com/styleswitcher.js

for the php by joe used to write the styles menu, see this php include: http://www.metroid2002.com/nav.txt. that will probably [try to] display as html in your browser, so i've provided the code below as a reference:

if (! strstr($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'], "MSIE")) {
	echo <<<END
Select a Style: 
<form name="m2k2styles" action="">
<select name="m2k2style" onchange="goTopic(this.form)">
$d = opendir('/home/metroid2002/styles') or die($php_errormsg);
while (false !== ($f = readdir($d))) {
    if (is_file("/home/metroid2002/styles/$f")) {
        if (preg_match('/.css/', $f)) {
            $f2 = str_replace("_", " ", $f);
            $fname = ucwords(substr($f2,0,-4));
            if ($current == $fname) {
            else {
                print "\t<option value=\"$f\">$fname</option>\n";
echo <<<END
<Script language="javascript"><!--
} else {
echo <<<END
<a target="_BLANK" style="border-bottom: none;" href="http://www.spreadfirefox.com/?q=affiliates&id=73031&t=78"><img border="0" alt="Get Firefox!" title="Get Firefox!" src="http://sfx-images.mozilla.org/affiliates/Buttons/120x60/get.gif"/></a>

note that a "get firefox" button is displayed instead of the styles menu if ie is detected, since the styles are not tested with ie.

sorry if that's unclear; my mind is unclear at the moment. :(
Hmm... Frankly, I love the idea... It's very possible that I'll end up using my Sharingan to copy it, but first I wanted to know how it works (as must be done always). :P

LOL, it'd seem as if I were Sharingan-ing you every time you do something, Nate. :P (Remember the PM about the site appearance? :P)
well, what can i say? i am pretty cool. :P
I realize it's been a while, but am I the only one who is still having problems with the page layout function?  I am using Firefox (1.0), and I do have cookies enabled.  Yet I still get the "white background" version every time I visit a m2k2 page.  Hitting refresh (even after picking another, non-default style) does nothing but return everything to white-background style, every time.  Is there something obvious I'm missing?
try clearing your cookies and restarting the browser. hmm, i think i need to make a "clear cookie" link, at the bottom of every page or something.