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Quote from Red Scarlet:
Can you make the normal, old style an option? I kinda prefer that.

'Course, just choose "Default" from the style popup menu.
I('d) like to watch (some MP3 runs)
Oh, I guess I tried that right away, and it stayed white or something.

Neat.  :o
Btw the Backgrounds page is not "skinned".  Rolling Eyes
thanks. and yeah, we decided it was not worth it to do it. also, it makes some sense to prevent the backgrounds page from matching one of the backgrounds' thumbnails.
awsome!thanx! :D
Read: You will not be able to use the styles with any vintage of Internet Explorer, including IE 6.


It's kinda unfair, the biggest and most popular form of surfing the internet nation-wide is not able to view the themes.

Now, maybe one can get ahold of the files and get them supportable for IE6 in particular. Wink

Let's not sit here and let the IE users complain.
Do yourself a favor: Be smart. Get the 'Fox. ;)

Besides, the US Department of Homeland Security already advised against using IE for the obscene amounts of security holes in it. :P

In other words, IE sucks ass. Badly.

Long live FireFox, and may the IE users burn in Zebesian hell if they don't learn the wrongness of their ways. :P
Ready and willing.
Hey...  Crying or Very sad

I tried Firefox, and it sucked ass for me. I didn't see what the fuss was about.

But yeah, it's not Nate and Co.'s fault. IE's not that great either.
Quote from DominicanZero:
Besides, the US Department of Homeland Security already advised against using IE for the obscene amounts of security holes in it.

Got a link to this?  I'm trying to convince my parents to switch to the 'Fox, and they want me to give them good reasons (my popup blocking and such is apparently not enough for them, even though we've had this comp crash because of all the popups my father's gotten through surfing before).
Not impossible
just highly unlikely
Someone's sarcasm detector done bust.
Ready and willing.
No, actually, I do believe they actually did say that. At the very least, this isn't the first I've heard of it.

And I probably was a bit harsh when I said Firefox sucked ass. And I'll readly admit that I'm not your typical user. I'd whole-heartdly recommend Firefox for anyone who visits the seedy side of the internet.

EDIT: BTW, are you sure the pop-ups were JUST from websites? Unless he was visting porn, it's probably adware. Of course, you hopefully already know all about that.
Not impossible
just highly unlikely
seedy?  :o  But i use the fox and IE on and off.  Laughing
Ready and willing.
By which I mean pr0n, ROMs, other piracy, etc... basically anything that gets you more than one pop-up per page.
It's funny, but I still use IE and none of the porn pages I go to have popups or spyware. Guess you just have to know where to look.  Wink

As soon as I get a better computer (sometime this decade I hope) I'll drop IE though... I only keep using it because FF/Mozilla are noticabely slower on this old thing.
ShadowMagus: I can't find the exact link, but meanwhile, you can show this to your parents. I think that'll be enough. :P

And Yoshi: you can actually make FireFox look almost exactly like IE with the correct theme, if that's what's bothering you. :P And the functionality of FireFox matches and goes over that of IE (which I think you know already), to the point that the usage rate of IE, in a recent survey, dropped from 95% (usual numbers around the world in such a public survey) to less than 88% (marking this as the first time ever IE drops below the 90% mark).

EDIT: Besides, the torrent piracy sites and the porn sites I visit don't have any kind of spyware or popups anyway. :P
Ready and willing.
You know, on the functionality side I've never actually heard of what this stupid functionality is supposed to be, except for tabs. Ooooooh... tabs.... fwee.

Then of course there's this CSS thing that hits. It'll need to be more widespread tho... one of the sites I go to all the time got hit with a random nasty incompatibitly with Firefox... I don't think anybody's figured it out yet.
Built in pop-up blocking (IE has this now, too, and Google toolbar worked as well), tabbed browsing, skins, adblocking (right click, deny images from the host), and extensions, off the top of my head.  The extensions alone are well worth the transition, in my opinion.  I'm partial to the flash click-to-view, text/plain links (non-parsed links can be opened by double clicking instead of having to copy/paste), mouse gestures, and display next/previous images [increments the last number on the url; it's useful for browsing forums where the page number comes last (a few big ones do this)].  The last one isn't terribly useful if you have the all-in-one gestures, because you can set a gesture to do the same thing, and it allows you to choose which number changes.

I personally advocate Firefox to anyone who has spyware problems.  I realize that if you choose which sites you go to carefully or have settings in IE set up a certain way, you can avoid these kinds of problems pretty easily, but this removes the hassle of having to tell people how to set it up, etc.  I know some people who run IE and have no problems with it whatsoever, but they're a minority, it seems.

All this isn't to say that Firefox doesn't have problems.  I've had no luck getting embedded WMV files to play in Firefox, and have to open those in IE, but I can deal with this, because it's not something that happens regularly.
Ready and willing.
Finally someone gives me a straight answer. Thank you. ^_^

EDIT: Wheeeeee! Mouse gestures are damn fun... giving Firefox a new lease for me. I still don't like that it doesn't play nice with the operating system, but whatever. And not trying to do EVERYTHING in Firefox is making me less stressed.

EDIT 2: Oh, heh, I can actually talk about the topic. I played with the new styles, and damn, they look spiffy... They feel a bit too... gimmicky, tho. None of them feel like I'd want to use them for actual browsing.
soaking through
Quote from DominicanZero:
And Yoshi: you can actually make FireFox look almost exactly like IE with the correct theme, if that's what's bothering you.

And how do you go about doing this?
How does one make Firefox duplicate IE's mouse wheel scrolling. That's all I want to know.
Ready and willing.
Huh... it might depend on the mouse driver, because my mouse wheel works in Firefox, IE, and pretty much everywhere. Poke around in your Mouse control panel, I guess... there might also be an extension for it. There's an extension for everything. Except sounds, dangit.
I think he meant that IE's scrolling is much more smoother, which I have to agree with.
Tools>Options>Advanced>Browsing>Use Smooth Scrolling