Ok, I'll just hit 'mark all topics read' since I'm not wanted here.
I'm not saying you shouldn't come here -- I just don't really get why you do. You loathe Fusion so much you didn't even play it more than once. Why waste your time bashing it in threads like this?
For me, Fusion is the game that got me into Metroid rather than out of it. Since I was new, the guidance was lovely...and stuff.
I know there's not much of a story in it, and even though I am a storyline person, it was another factor I liked. Huh, seems everything almost everyone hates about Fusion are my favourite bits.
I saw heaps of story. I saw *backstory*, and even though I'm hesitant to draw romantic links between a younger Samus and a living Adam (gaspshockhorror), they at least had a close friendship.
I don't know where I'm going with this, so I tuink I'll end my post here, and stuff.
Well, I wasn't going to make a post just to point out the fact that we've communicated outside of these boards, but what the hey.
What finally tipped you off that I was here? The way I ended far too many paragraphs with the phrase, "And stuff."?
*drinks* Hmm. The people who sell guarana aren't gonna be too happy.
Oh yeah. Topic. Umm...jeez, I feel so pressured.
The sad thing is, I've never finished a Metroid game.
And I cheat.
Big fan of the games, not so big a fan of the dying part. (Dying also detracts from the story a tad.) I can't help but feel there's a common thread between the cheating bit and the incomplete games bit, but I just can't figure out what...
Really, I don't hate anything about Fusion, except for Adam telling you where to go everywhere. In my opinion that's Fusions only fault, but all in all it did keep the game structured. Also The 1% and newly discovered 0% pushes your skills to your limite. Ridley in BSL was weird, but none the less...fun to fight. I've played all the Metroid games and Fusion is got to be my favorite Metroid (and Super, they're pretty close) game.
That's just my opinion, if some of you hate Fusion , I'm sure you have your reasons, but I love it.
I agree, Zack, especially about the skill thing. I've been lowering my percent gradually, and it's making the game a real challenge again. (I say again because Fusion brutalized me on my first playthrough, but got way easier after that.) Going for speed at the same time makes things even more interesting. Each segment requires two different skills: the ability to plan out the fastest possible route, and the ability to remember that route perfectly and execute it without slipping up.
Quote from Hejira:
Well, I wasn't going to make a post just to point out the fact that we've communicated outside of these boards, but what the hey.
With that comment in mind, I waited till I had something to say again in this thread before replying to your post. :)
What finally tipped you off that I was here? The way I ended far too many paragraphs with the phrase, "And stuff."?
Uh, no... I don't actually know that about you. What tipped me off was your username. I guess I just hadn't seen your other posts.
Oh yeah. Topic. Umm...jeez, I feel so pressured.
No need. Mad skills at Metroid aren't actually an admission requirement here. If there was a "you must be this tall at Zero Mission to ride" sign, I didn't see it.
Anyway, all you probably need is practice. In Fusion, for example, I died about 40 times each to Yakuza, Nettori, and Nightmare, to say nothing of the SA-X. Persistence, and maybe a FAQ here and there, are all it takes.
Grumbles...I think Yakuza and Ridley pissed me off the most on my first play through...*grumbles*...and I agree that if Adam hadn't been there and sequence breaking*** was allowed...*sigh*...that game woulda been soooo much better...
***- newly discovered 0% not included...not until someone does it in realtime on the cart...
and the vote goes to *drumroll* what do you mean be nice to fuison?
now I know that games do need to evolve, but to take out something that has been a very integral part of the series in terms of how it made the series what it is, seems to me, a very uninteligent thing to do. And to those people who think I am unabashedley fuison hating, this is just one man's honest opinion on a game he does not like in the slightest. If you like it, then play it to you heart's content, as there has to be a reason behind your palying fusion more than once