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Club 27 Goals
I'll give you two pictures of myself wearing my mothers clothes for that NES.
red chamber dream
yeah and he doesn't even need to take them
first time i went on this forum LOL, might as well...

Been speedrunning fusion for years, learned prime 2 a while back. Will continue to speedrun both, and hope to learn super metroid in a bit as well! Thanks for a great, small community!
One shall stand, one shall ball.
Playing Super Metroid fast isn't hard really, it's caring enough to keep it up that's hard.

Which I guess is pretty true for all the games.
(user is banned)
am i still welcome to this community? i'm sorry for anything i said/did to anyone. i'd like to apologize. i've been a total idiot...i've learned that anger and frustration gets you nowhere but making new enemies...and i hate being hated...i'd like to be part of this community again. i'm here to make new friends, get my old friends back and become friends with my haters. making new friends is a good feeling but the best feeling is when you become friends with your haters and enemies. it's a special feeling.
Super Secret Area - Dead Ahead!
I guess you'd first need to explain who you were, and what you did.
One shall stand, one shall ball.
Better yet don't explain those things. It doesn't matter. Just demonstrate that you learned from whatever it was you did to apparently piss people off by not doing those things and let it be the past.
(user is banned)
all i'd like to explain is, that i once was a muslim (imposed by his parents to believe in islam) and i started hating america just because i was so blind to believe the muslim lies and didn't try hard enough to find more/better information on what islam really is. while i started reading and studying the islamic books, the Hadith/Sunna, the Koran and the biography of Muhammad, i was confronted with a lot of absurdity, illogicality and ignorance. The more i studied and read about the islamic teachings, the life of Muhammad and the behavior of other muslims in the world the more i began to doubt and question it. My mind was able to recognize the islamic fraud whereas over a billion people's minds fail to recognize it (my parents included unfortunately :( which is why i have a lot of trouble and argument with my parents, am about to part with them and strike out on my own). I don't believe in any man-made and organized religion anymore, i think the closest religion to God is Science and knowledge, that's the best religion in the world, other than that there is no good religion. i consider myself an atheist who thinks that the most important thing and the purpose of why we live is simply to be a good person and not harm anyone while i still believe that there is some superior might/creator whom we call "God" when i think and philosophize about the nature, science and universe. But i don't know anything/much about it. i don't know what God is but i know what he isn't! When i studied islamic books, the Hadith/Sunna of Muhammad, his biography and the Quran i asked myself "is this a prophet of God?" and "how can these be the words of God?". When i examined the Koran, the hadiths and the islamic books i came to the absolute conviction that it is impossible for any human being to read the biography of Muhammad and believe in it, and yet emerge a psychologically and mentally healthy person. When the Koran calls to "punish and kill all infidels and adulterers" and says "and do not let compassion for them move you" i do not discern any spirituality in those words. when a certain faith manages to strip its believers of their last grain of compassion, it strips them of their spirituality as well! i feel just sorry about how i thought of america before. and i feel sad about it. I'm sorry..
Super Secret Area - Dead Ahead!
Well, you managed to maintain your natural ability to question things, and in doing so realised something important.  I still think it's the most powerful effect of indoctrination - that ability to stop people questioning anything.  Good call, and welcome. aiwebs_004
so i guess you're zoid? welcome back
hihi, I made an account here so I can post and stuff(Jamillton)
(user is banned)
Edit history:
PersonX: 2013-07-21 03:10:54 pm
PersonX: 2013-07-21 03:09:20 pm
Quote from BioSpark:
so i guess you're zoid? welcome back

thanks Biospark yeah it's me. and thank you all a lot for the friendly welcome Very Happy

Quote from JamJam:
hihi, I made an account here so I can post and stuff(Jamillton)

One shall stand, one shall ball.
It's totally ok to think America is super dumb though. It sort of is!

Quote from JamJam:
hihi, I made an account here so I can post and stuff(Jamillton)

I've had this account since 2004 (wow, time flies...) but it's been dormant for the last couple of years so I guess a re-introduction is in order. I recognize a few names here and there, but I'm sure that noone reminds me. Anyway, Super Metroid was my favorite game during my childhood and Prime my favorite during my teenage years. I've done a lot of sequence breaking and general messing around in Prime because of this site and forum, but I never tried any serious speedruns. I wanna start speedrunning Super and Prime a bit more seriously though, so that's why I'm coming back here. I'm not expecting any great things and because I study at university I don't know if I'm gonna have the time needed, but my aim is just to have fun and to push myself, not to be the best.
red chamber dream
nah i remember you. welcome back.
One shall stand, one shall ball.
Holy shit all that time I'd been reading you're name as "Synth" somehow.
Thanks guys, I didn't think anyone would have recognized me! And tomatobob, you're not the first to do that so don't feel bad about it :p
Edit history:
HYRIC: 2014-02-01 08:52:06 pm
Hello there, everyone. I think this is the third time I've made a return after disappearing three times already. Wow, still I see names I remember.
Club 27 Goals
your name makes me think of what I said when my friend Eric comes by and I'm like "HI ERIC" but I say it fast so it just comes out as "HYRIC"
Hey, I'm not new, I'm old.  Although I haven't posted in a long.  A long time.

I created a new account because I never really liked my old screen name and since I use this name at nearly every other website I visit regularly, I felt it was time to update myself here.  I used to go by Kaotikeval and have posted a few times here and there, but like I said, it's been years.

Anyway, yeah.  That's about it.
One shall stand, one shall ball.
Welcome back, yo.
Hey everyone, I've been running Prime 1 100% for a few months now and after being at SGDQ this week decided to finally get on here and introduce myself. So hi! My current PB is 2:49 RTA and 2:17 IGT and I still have yet to learn a few tricks (IBBF being the big one I have left), but I've made a lot of progress so far. I'm hoping to learn Prime 3 at some point as well!
Welcome to the board! If you can bear the smack talk and inside jokes, it's a pretty cool place. If not, just avoid the off-topic stuff.
One shall stand, one shall ball.
Hey, we save the in jokes and smack talk for the people who know them.
I'm aware of a decent amount of it :P And I can totally take smack talk, I give myself plenty of it! Once I get back from the marathon I'm probably going to derust Prime 1 and give Prime 3 any% a go. As far as I'm aware there aren't any significant differences in the trilogy version of Corruption. Is that true or should I nab an original Wii copy? I've been running Prime 1 on the proper 0-00 version luckily.