Master Chief may resemble the Federation Troopers somewhat, but you know where the REAL similarity lies? The HALO aliens look almost identical to the Protoss from Starcraft.
The Elites (which are only one of six Covenant races) have the same leg structure as the protoss, from what I can see, but that's hardly a unique concept. Even the space pirates have similar limbs. And they have long fingers...
Hey, wait, you're right! The Protoss have the same weirdo hands as Elites! I guess you're right, then... The hands and legs are pretty similar, even if the rest is way off...
I'm pretty sure StarCraft came first. Whether it came before Marathon though, I doubt it. But then those things that look like Protoss probably weren't in Marathon...
Very completely different. I mean, screechy things that suck your life out are, at least to me, in no way, shape, or form similar to a large, circular space station.
Yeah, StarCraft is oooold, came way before Halo. Wouldn't be suprised if it turns out Bungie actually intentionally copied the design, though. They're known to include tons of references and hints to other games and movies and such. It's a known fact that parts of Halo were heavily inspired by the Alien movie (a hidden easter egg even refers to the cat in the movie, to confirm the reference).
IF Elites are intentionally similar to the Protoss, then it's most likely a tribute from Bungie's part. Blizzard, be honored!
hm, I'm not sure, Halo was RELEASED when I didn't know Metroid existed, heck, halo was first shown as a demo for the mac all the way back in 98, and 94 was the beginning of the great metroid hiatus (thats what i call it :P )
Either that, or its extremally non-obvious (obvious being an arm cannon...or better yet...THE SPAZER RIFLE!! )
In what way? It's exactly like the concept art Elite I posted, except a Golden one. They come in four... no, five varieties, depending on rank. Blue, red, gold, white/light blue (these are always wearing active camouflage), and black (spec-ops, can only be found on the last level).
Awesome art, though... The detail is amazing. I know exactly where he's supposed to be standing, below the second ramp inside the "hall" of the Silent Cartographer building, level 4. The shoulder pads aren't shaped right... but that's just nitpicking.
I, unlike most people, have never seen what is so great about Halo. I played the whole game and it just didn't grab my attention like Metroid does. Metroid is so much different, and so much better, in my opinion.
It's all about taste. A friend of mine thinks DDR-players are all maniacs. I love DDR (secretly). I absolutely love both Halo and Metroid, and I've met people who couldn't stand either.
In what way? It's exactly like the concept art Elite I posted, except a Golden one. They come in four... no, five varieties, depending on rank. Blue, red, gold, white/light blue (these are always wearing active camouflage), and black (spec-ops, can only be found on the last level).
The golden armor, the energy blade, the head shape, the general armor design... Looks very much like that of a Protoss Zealot.
But we're getting off-topic... This is supposed to be about Halo and Metroid, and I'll agree that the image you posted above looks a lot like a Space Pirate.
The golden armor, the energy blade, the head shape, the general armor design... Looks very much like that of a Protoss Zealot.
*looks at pics* No, not really... They're kinda similar, yes, but many things are. If you compare them directly there doesn't seem to be a lot in common. The Zealots have a lot more .. "physical" detail in their armor. It's segmented and.. stuff. Elite's stuff is more smooth, and most details are basically just.. paint. As the Blue Elite pic I posted above shows. ALL elites look JUST like that, NO Exceptions besides color. The blade is similar, yeah, but that's nothing special... and the face... From what I can see, Protoss' faces are far more humanoid, if a bit stretched and weird-ish.
Ah! Glad I could find this pic again. Halo2 teaser screenshot. Those elites ARE quite unique in appearance, even if hands and legs have a lot in common with Protoss... or is it just me?
But we're getting off-topic... This is supposed to be about Halo and Metroid, and I'll agree that the image you posted above looks a lot like a Space Pirate.
It does? .. that wasn't the point. I was trying to make Elites look less similar to Protoss... But yeah, we're really off-topic. I guess we all agree that Halo and Metroid don't really have a lot in common, huh?