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Y'know, I'm surprised a topic hasn't been made for this yet. Metroid 2 has all sorts of glitches, moves, and glitchy moves, and a proper enumeration of them is in order I think.

Save-Anywhere Glitch: I found this last night. Press start on a save point to save (duh Rolling Eyes ), then move away to wherever you want. At the exact moment that the "Game Saved" bar disappears from the bottom of the screen, press start again. Instead of pausing, you'll hear the "save" beep sound again, and the "Game Saved" bar will remain for however long again. Reset your game and you will load in that spot. You can even save in mid-air! I'm calling this "save anywhere" because theoretically, you could pull off a chain of saves (since the "game saved" bar appears again) and get very far away from a save point.

Bump Jump: Yeah, get hit by something and you get a free jump. Very useful. (I always used to call this "Flash Jump"  Rolling Eyes )

Unmorph Jump: Unmorph and you get a free jump as well. Very useful again.

Spider Throw: I don't really know the details of this, but involves the Spring Ball and the Spider Ball to get more distance or something?

Slow Jump: If you do a vertical spinning jump, and hold UP, you will move very very slowly: up slowly, hover there for a minute, and fall slowly. Useless I think, except for the cases of those missiles in the little ceiling alcoves; you shoot the block, then do a slow jump until the block reappears and bumps you up to the missile.

Jump Boost: I really don't know what to call this. carlmmii found it, if you jump immediately after landing, you get a half-block of extra height. Could be useful in a few very specific cases.

Select Trick: Jam on the select button like crazy while moving around, and sometimes a hole will appear in the ground or wall, leading to secret worlds. Mucho fun is to be had with this.

Corner Fastfall: If while falling from a jump, you move past a corner just right, you will begin to fall much faster and lose some of your forward momentum. If you are spin jumping, you will stop spinning and go into a normal fall. There's a very specific case this is useful, and that's in the main tunnel on your way to the first ruins. You spin jump over a chunk of ground, then catch the corner and fastfall to avoid being hit by an Arrow(?).

Disappearing Metroid Glitch: This has happened to me a couple of times. If a Metroid charges at you and moves through a doorway as a result, the Metroid will get stuck offscreen and you won't be able to hit it or be hit by it. If you leave and come back, the Metroid will have reset.

Scroll Warp Glitch: This one's pretty weird. Roll towards a doorway (it can't be a "fade to black" doorway) and go through it, except turn in the other direction at the very last second. The screen will begin scrolling in whichever direction your were moving, and will not stop scrolling. All buttons have no effect, you're caught in an endless loop and have to reset. With this, you can see how the rooms of the game are laid out in 16x16 grids that aren't always connected how they seem to be (and as a result, every map ever made of Metroid 2 has not been a continuous map; different sections of the map have to be connected with lines to avoid overlap).

"Dripper" Oddity: I encountered this guy in the main tunnel somewhere. A "dripper" is one of those guys that drips from the ceiling, hits the floor, and respawns on the ceiling until you kill it. Well this particular dripper is caught in the rocks in the corner of the screen, and he keeps dripping and respawning over and over within a single block. I think he was near that offshoot that leads to a single gamma metroid before the fourth ruins. Above it, maybe. He's in the lower left of the screen while you're moving southeast through the tunnel.

I'm thinking about making a sub-section for all the different types of bomb jumps you can do, there's a metric ass-ton of them and each of them is special in its own way =P

That's all I can think of for now, but there's definitely a lot more glitches or whatever. Feel free to add anything you've found, it's always good to have more!
Thread title: 
Quote from LeCoureur103:
Save-Anywhere Glitch

Uh, wow.
Wouldn't this allow for a 00:00 ending time?
you gotta love how Lecoureur comes out of nowhere with stuff like that.

I didn't know any of that stuff besides bump jump and unmorph jump, but I suck.

time for him to work on skipping the artifacts in Prime.
Ready and willing.
Quote from Radix:
Quote from LeCoureur103:
Save-Anywhere Glitch

Uh, wow.
Wouldn't this allow for a 00:00 ending time?

Depends. Saving with the Metroid Queen on screen might either cause the game to blow up, or reset her health. Then again, I don't remember how long that part takes to the end... it's possible it could take less than a minute.
I don't think you could get a 0:00 end time. When you reload your file, the "game saved" bar isn't there anymore... and besides, the bar also disappears if you move to a new screen  :(

EDIT: However, I was secret world'ing today and I found a version of an Omega Metroid room, with a save block on the floor. I'll go back and see what happens if I save during the battle and reset.
Details on spider throwing:

For some reason, when you jump as a spring ball and go into a spiderball, you move twice as fast going left as you normally would in the air (the same speed as rolling on the ground). This lasts for a good deal of distance, and I think terminates when you reach terminal downward speed. During your flight, You can un-spider and re-spider and it will still work. When you hit the ceiling or floor while flying, you will stick as normally, but if you hit a wall on the side, you won't stick to it and will just fall down. In this case, you have to un/re-spider to gain stickiness.

Also, the Slowdown Glitch. Rapidly fire with several enemies on the screen, and it will slow their movement, allowing you to slip by in certain cases. Main use of this is on the way from ruins 2 to ruins 3, where there are several drippers who's timing is set just right to fall on you.
Few more glitches.

Broken shot: if you fire at the exact top of a block that has a shootable object resting on top (like an enemy walking on the ground, or a missile door), your shot will just pass straight through without hitting anything. This applies to both the normal gun and missiles.

Metroid blaster (this is what I've been calling it for the past 10 years... gimme a break :D): shoot a missile at an alpha metroid before it realizes you're there, and it'll register as soon as it tries.

Jump stuck/warp: in the alcove where you fight the gamma metroid with the energy tank, if you bomb jump up and unmorph at the right spot, you'll get stuck in the ledge. You can shoot in any direction unhindered, including up through it with missiles. Also, if the timing is perfect, you can actually unmorph-jump through the ledge.

Head-on Plasma Moto Kill: shoot a moto just as it's turning around to hit its head and kill it.

Septogg glitches
Unreliability of stickiness: sometimes you can run on them, sometimes you can't. There doesn't seem to be any reason one way or the other. It just happens.

Spider warp: if you turn into a spider ball on top of of a septogg, you'll remain stationary while the septogg rises back up.

Spider warp corollary: if you un-spider while the septogg is passing through you, you can get stuck inside the septog. Sometimes, even jumping with the spring ball won't work to get out, and the only way to get out is by unmorphing and jumping out, or going back to spider ball.

Figured I'd record some videos of all these so Nate could put 'em up.

Save Anywhere
Corner Fastfall
Corner Fastfall 2
Broken Shot
Slow Jump (this just makes it too easy)
Metroid Blaster
Jump Boost
Scroll Warp
Scroll Warp 2
Jump Stuck
Jump Warp
Head-on Plasma Moto Kill
Septogg: Unreliability of Stickiness
Septogg: Spider Warp
Septogg: Spider Warp corollary

I wasn't able to reproduce the "disappearing metroid" glitch. Could you be a little more specific on which metroids you got it to work with?

Couldn't get the "dripper oddity" either.
Time bomb set get out fast!
Quote from carlmmii:
Metroid blaster (this is what I've been calling it for the past 10 years... gimme a break :D): shoot a missile at an alpha metroid before it realizes you're there, and it'll register as soon as it tries.

How many times can you do that?  Can you actually pump the Metroid with all five missiles and end the fight the moment it starts?  If you mean that the first missile is enough to get the Metroid's attention, I'll have to check again, but I don't remember that happening when I've tried it in the past.  I seem to recall all Metroids being invincible until they "activate."  But I may be misremembering.
It only works for one missile. Even if you shoot all your missiles, it will only hit it for the initial shot.

Also, this only works on alpha metroids as far as I know. However, it might be due to how all the other metroids evolve before you fight them. Lemme do a quick check...

Edit: nope. Even if you leave the room after a gamma/zeta's evolved and come back, it won't work.
Nice glitches carlmmii! I've seen a couple of them, the Metroid blaster, Broken Shot, and Septogg stuff I think.

The "Dripper Oddity" is right outside the entrance to the single Gamma, the one you go to right after the third ruins (assuming you don't do the acid dive). There's a metroid shell and and a normal dripper to the right. Now if you jump, you should see the odd dripper at the very top of the screen, just for a second. You can climb higher up in the main tunnel and get a better view too, he should be in the lower left corner of the screen.

The disappearing Metroid happened in the "metroid tunnels" of the second ruins. It was a Gamma, the one in the passage to the right on the upper level... he just barreled right through the doorway and got stuck. I actually have an emulator movie of it happening, VBA if anyone wants to see it.

Oh and I saved while fighting an Omega Metroid (in a SW). When I reloaded the game, the Omega was gone! Then I came back and he was back as well, with full health no less.

Hmm, just an idea. Alpha Metroids, you could "Metroid blast" them and then fire another missile but start the battle before it hits. It'd be two hits in a row really quickly, maybe useful in a speed run.
You can do that, but it's not too useful. You have to be pretty close to the metroid in order to do the trick in the first place, and normally you have to jump to get to the same height, so that'd be two jumps back to back just to get two missiles in. It's best to go in full force, and try to get two missiles on the same jump, or lure him right above you so you can cheap-shot him from below.

Plus, if you did manage to hit it with two missiles in a row, it'd knock it completely off the screen, and you'd have to go after it to have it chase you again.

I'll see if I can record those last glitches. I'm not having any luck with either of my runs at the moment. :?
I can't find the dripper you're talking about.

Managed to remember another glitch...

Wall slice: while morphed, if you drop down on the edge of a wall at the exact location, part of your ball will be embedded while you descend, preventing you from unmorphing without moving away.

And I recorded that stupid gamma. :D

Wall Slice
Disappearing Metroids

Oh, and I was partially wrong about what I said earlier. It's not possible to shoot an alpha metroid twice like you'd expect. Check this out.
Okay, that's weird. I was in the main tunnel looking at the odd dripper, then I stepped into the side hallway where those big floaty guys are and exited, and the odd dripper was gone. I guess he's only there under a certain condition, maybe based on where you enter the main tunnel?

And a very minor, useless glitch-type-thing. If you spin jump up to a ceiling, then shoot so you stop spinning, your head will be embedded ever so slightly in the ceiling for a split second. Kind of works on the same principle as Screw Attack Secret Worlds in MP2, I think.
Head Stuck

Also, I found another glitch while running the 1:00:08 segment. Like the jump warp, this is the bump warp. Even uses the same room.

I'm not sure how it works, but apparently if you're right below one of those platforms at the gamma fight w/ E-refill, and you get hit, the bump will send you through the platform.

Bump Warp vid

Frame by frame:

Edit: they just keep coming...

Spring Bump, Heavy Gravity: if you spring jump (can't just roll) onto spikes on the floor and hold up while you're being bumped up, you'll be propelled downward at great speed. Not useful, but can be annoying when you don't understand what's happening.

Spring Bump Heavy Gravity
3 more. The first of which I just remembered after reading about it a while back.

Spider-save: normally, the game disallows saving while you're in spider ball (why? I dunno). But, if you roll to the very edge of the save pillar, it will show the save bar for one frame. Hit start at that instant, and it will save. Reload the game, and you'll start out on the very edge of the pillar, and most likely fall off.

Disappearing Missile: Shoot a missile, fire a normal shot while it's on screen, missile disappears.

"New area" sound cut-off: If the "metroid victory" sound is finishing as you're passing through a "fade to black" door, the sound for the new area will cut-off mid-way. The normal level music still plays fine. I've only found one area where this is possible though.

Spider Save
Disappearing Missile
Sound Cut-Off
cool. i promise i will post all these things eventually. when i say eventually, i mean "there's a pretty good chance of it happening before may." but just wanted to make sure you know i have every intention of updating the section.
Gah, the man won't stop!

I've done the disappearing missile trick for years, just never remembered it til now, heh.
I knew about the spider-save before.

I was rolling over a Save Pole, thought I saw the "Press start to Save", and tried again. And behold, at a certain point on the edge of the save pole, you can save while in Spider Ball mode. And IIRC, it's possible to be at that point and still be stuck on the pole.
Spent a few minutes fiddling around with shit, and gotta modify some of the descriptions:

Jump Warp: spring jump (or bomb jump) right underneath a half-block-thick piece of ground, and do an instant unmorph jump to pass straight through the ground. It requires you jump on the exact frame you unmorph, as it requires your full upward momentum to pass through. As far as I can tell, it doesn't require you to be very close to the ground when you unmorph. It's just the timing of the jump that matters. Updated video.

Disappearing missile: does not work with regular beam, and probably most others. Plasma beam is an odd one.
Time bomb set get out fast!
Quote from carlmmii:
Also, I found another glitch while running the 1:00:08 segment. Like the jump warp, this is the bump warp. Even uses the same room.

Not just that room, in fact.  It happened to me much earlier in the run I just completed.  I don't know which Metroid City is which, but in the one below the area where you pick up the Space Jump, there's a tall vertical shaft with amoeba-type enemies floating around.  One of those bump-warped me through a platform on my way up.  I can't prove it, unfortunately, but it definitely happened -- maybe someone can replicate it.
Quote from njahnke:
cool. i promise i will post all these things eventually. when i say eventually, i mean "there's a pretty good chance of it happening before may." but just wanted to make sure you know i have every intention of updating the section.

Well, may has come and gone. Any word on this? *hint* *hint*

I compiled it into an easier-to-read list here on IGN.
oh wow, holy crap. due to how i organize future updates, i had no clue there was this much content ready to go up. so sorry. i'll get on it asap.
Quote from carlmmii:
Well, may has come and gone. Any word on this? *hint* *hint*

It's been since early January since you posted anything about your 3 item run too....
True. I guess I owe this weekend to it then.
btw, your avatar is really, really, really cool.