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Is this normal? Rolling Eyes

I run this here hotel of an evening
Quote from graveworm:
One fills 200 and one 100, it may be 2 of them on eachother, I don't know.

i know it wasn't 2 together, unless 2 came out of one box
Quote from StefanvanDijke:
Is this normal? Rolling Eyes


LOL!! good catch! do you remember doing anything out of the ordinary right before you killed prime that time, like morphing or something?
I run this here hotel of an evening
i really should remember more than one glitch at a time, so i don't have to post as much. there's boosting and getting stuck on nothing sometimes, sometimes getting stuck on the breakaway blocks, which sucks, there's the fact that sometimes i'll notice the arm cannon has a sort of redish tint, which usually happens in main plaza of chozo ruins, at least that's where i've noticed it. there's also random camera issues, it likes to pull back sometimes. there's of course all the stupid space pirates that stand there if you go backwards, but these are already known. and my most recent discovery, which if already discovered i haven't heard of it, i was completely unable to scan. i was playing the frigate, working on my escape time, and as you all well know you have to fight the parasite queen before the escape begins, which is just after the save. i skipped the opening fight cinema, and i guess i hit left on the d-pad too early, because it came out of the cinema with my scan visor on, but i couldn't scan, it would just lock on. i turned off the scan visor and shot it a few times, turned it back on, and it still wouldn't do it. i had to reset (go using start+B+X to reset!) to do it.
i have a little trouble doing rapid missles while aiming at it's mouth, so i just scan it. whatever, it's 4 seconds. this ever happened to anyone before?

also, i find that it's faster, at least for me, to hit Y and then A in a rolling type motion rather than the other techniques, for some reason

by the way, nice find on the ending glitch
No, as far as I now I didn't do anything special when beating Prime. I will show the vid maybe you guys can find something:


Also, this was a single segment run, i don't think it has something to do with this visorglitch but I never saved during the run though when I restarted my cube I had a save file at Talon Overworld just before ridley. I checked the vid and I didn't saved there. I saved at the end after beating Prime but the game doesn't save anyting there as far as I know. I once did ntsc single segment and saved at the end but the save file was still at 0:00 after that.

The sound is screwed I know, but how longer the capture takes the more frames I lose. I realy have to fix this cos its annoying and probably not allowed :D
One shall stand, one shall ball.
Well, the fight looks normal, so the visor thing was probably just random.
Random, but still cool.
red chamber dream
It's weird/cool that that's never happened to anyone before, at least, not that we've heard of.
lol, I just had it again. I can't be the only one who gets it.
I don't get it, what's wrong? I can't see any glitch, maybe I'm just not looking closely enough.
Quote from StefanvanDijke:
Is this normal? Rolling Eyes


you watched the wrong vid. Watch this one.
Hey, I'm stupid. :P
Yes, we all know that.

>_> *hides*

mmm weird.

Too bad this happened in my single segment run, it got screwed cos of this. And the 2nd metroid was a surprise for me as well.

edit: http://www.chrisvandijke.nl/stefan/movies/cutscenes.avi

its funny that you can still see the flash that you get when the camera gets back in the suit, even without that happening.
Wow... Again... It seems that you've got a weird and glitchy version of MP.
heh, nah, that's happened to scarlet before, too.
Happened to me twice in Metroid Quarantine B.
I've only fallen victim to the Chozo Elevator crash once... but that damn Tower of Light Access crash seems to happen almost everytime I get the Wavebuster. I wish I knew what was causing it so I could prevent it, because it is literally driving me insane having to get the Wavebuster 4 times before I finally make it back tot he RUined Shrine.

I don't remember the crash ever occurring when I was in the tower WITHOUT getting the Wavebuster (ie. going back for the Artifact later)...
indeed, your item complement (or, at least, which items are still present in the room the game is loading) is thought to affect things. however, that doesn't really do you any good.
I run this here hotel of an evening
here's an interesting glitch i found while fighting flaagra.

i know you've seen when flaagra, when he/she/it would dive at or near the water.

anyway flaagra and had just lunged towards me. i was in the middle of a scan, as i still can't get all the way up

EDIT: sorry about that. i don't quite remember what i was going to say. i think it was after flaagra lunged, it slid all the way to the other bomb slot, the one i would go to next.

stupid distractions.....
That's an interesting glitch there, but, all the way up what, exactly?
Quote from GameAddict:
That's an interesting glitch there, but, all the way up what, exactly?
I think he means the scanning meter did not "go up" to the end. When you're scanning and the scan bar hit's the end, the item you're scanning is scanned, and you can read about it.
I run this here hotel of an evening
Quote from jng:
Quote from GameAddict:
That's an interesting glitch there, but, all the way up what, exactly?
I think he means the scanning meter did not "go up" to the end. When you're scanning and the scan bar hit's the end, the item you're scanning is scanned, and you can read about it.

the box thingies were surrounding the scan progress, but i wasn't actually able to scan then....stupid glitch... however all i have to do is learn how to make explosives
Hmm, has anyone ever had the game crash in Tower of Light access if they collected the Artifact as well as the Wavebuster? I have yet to see a crash under these circumstances, at least if I had the gravity suit... I've only pulled off the early lifegiver a couple times so far, so they're not a big enough sample...

Generally, the crash seems to happen if I go in and grab teh wavebuster and leave immediately after that, this usually happening right after I had defeated thardus and returned to Chozo to grab the ice Beam and such...

The past couple games though I've mixed it up a little by getting the Ice Beam earlier (and snagging the gravity suit and plasma beam on my way back) and I haven't had the crash. I am NOT complaining though. ;)
One shall stand, one shall ball.
I haven't had it crash there ever. And I've only skipped Wavebuster once.