Well the whole thing is pretty much a joke using pop culture, but unlike something like Big Bang theory it doesn't try to bullshit itself trying to be "witty". And the fact that it doesn't have a laugh track is A+
Not really, no. I just don't get the humor from either of them. Although there is ONE Family Guy episode I can enjoy, which is the first Star Wars one they did since it doesn't use as many of their usual style of jokes.
I maintain that Family Guy was funny once. It was a long time ago and didn't last very long, but early on they actually managed some genuinely funny episodes.
Quote from Prime Hunter:
Which is funny, because I love Big Bang
Aw man I thought we were bros. How could you do this to me?
All of that because I happen to like one show, huh? If I knew anything more about it I could say the same for the whole MLP thing but I'm not going to bother. I don't think I'll ever get that one.
It's actually pretty inoffensive, CBS and every other channel has had far worse. I mean NBC had a show that according to it's ads was pretty much "Ha ha, India!" and ABC had a block that was pretty much, "Heh, women, mirite MANLY MEN!". Both recent. Tv's kind of a crapshoot.
I hate Big Bang in principle but my brother has it on and sometimes it surprises me. Like the one where Skinny Asperger's guy is playing yugioh or something against Will Wheaton. There were some actual jokes in there.
I try not to get into many series nowadays, as they all seem to have a penchant for meandering, convoluted storylines, resulting in the show being cancelled. I wish they'd just tell the story and be done with it. Terminator is a perfect example. It started out good, and ending on a reasonable cliffhanger. Then series two comes along, they introduce a load of new people, start throwing wacky storylines around, and it gets canned.
I like The Mentalist even though it's cheesey because you can sort of just pick up any old episode and understand where all the characters are in relation to each other (there's only five characters that are in every episode, and three of them don't say much)
heh i was just on a bunch of the sets used in the mentalist. i've never seen the show so i guess i couldn't fully appreciate it, but from what i've heard it seems like a decent show
it's just a horrible representation of "nerds" (squeaky voice and all!), and then people who watch think nerds are actually like that. granted, some are, but the show is just totally fucking stupid.
the thing i really don't get is why they do the fake whiny nasally voices. i know literally like one person who actually talks like that ... certainly not representative of even a small amount of "nerds"