mr zurkon i guess is basically just a better version of that but he's not as cool
I loved Mr. Zurkon's comments now that you mention him. I don't even remember what the Electroswarm was, but I guess that's due to how long it's been since I've played any of the games in general. If I saw some of the older weapons I'd probably remember them, but off the top of my head there's only a couple other than the various RYNOs that I can think of.
Think the one R&C game I haven't played is All 4 One. Gave the PSP one a spin after they ported it to the PS2 but it didn't seem like the port was that good so I didn't get very far in it. It's just the PS2 trilogy, Deadlocked, and the Future trilogy otherwise right? I know I've finished all of those at least once.
there's secret agent clank too. i haven't played any of the games except the two main trilogies, but i'll probably pick up all 4 one eventually. deadlocked didn't really interest me ... is it any good?
"Ys: The Oath in Felghana" just popped up on steam. Had literally no idea it was coming to the PC. Surprised it's $15 though, considering it's just a PSP port pretty much. going to pirate it though to see if it holds up.
deadlocked didn't really interest me ... is it any good?
From what little I remember it was more focused on the arena-style battles and challenges that showed up on some planets in the first three games. Clank's not in it at all except for a few cutscenes at the beginning and end if I recall so you don't get any of his abilities when moving around. The overall emphasis is on the combat and shooting with only a few platforming segments. I seem to remember a handful of grind rail challenges too, although with how often the grind boots are used in the games I could be thinking of one of the others instead.
I enjoyed it for what it was, but I probably wouldn't consider it as good as the core games, especially if you're looking for a lot of variety in the gameplay.
How does the PSP game compare to the core Ratchet and Clank games on the PS3 and stuff? If the ones on the PS3 are much better I might have to try them out
i've heard the psp one kind of sucks. two of the three ps2 games kind of suck, but the entire ps3 trilogy is fucking awesome, especially tools of destruction.
So there was the PSP one (Size Matters? That sounds right) and then whatever Secret Agent Clank was for. Forgot that one existed until you guys mentioned it, which probably means it was also for the PSP.
And yeah, Size Matters/PSP one didn't feel as solid/polished as the main games when I tried the port for it.
Granted I didn't get very far, and now that I think about it I don't even know if I played it or simply watched my brother play it, but either way the first 20-30 minutes didn't seem as good as the main games on both a gameplay and graphical standpoint. Graphics I understand because it was for a handheld instead of a console, but it wasn't as fun so we never bothered to keep going.
yeah it didn't feel like anything super special, that's why I'm curious if the console ones have a lot more to them, or if they're just prettier.
the prettiness is part of what makes them great though (the ps3 ones at least, the ps2 games are ugly). they're very arcade-like games, so half the fun is seeing all the cool effects and shit when you're blowing up tons of enemies.
After playing Resistance 1 and 2 along with most of the R&C games I don't think there's any question that Insomniac knows how to make cool weapons to go alongside more conventional ones. (Heh, guess I'm slow: This is to go along with Ark's comment about the effects and explosions if it's not obvious.)
see i don't find him funny at all. the writing in pretty much all the games is kind of lame and the voice acting is way overdone and sometimes downright awful.
Maybe it's jsut cause your humor has gotten too old for that sort of thing
related topic, I recently started watching South Park. Never watched it before except for that one WoW episode, but yeah I started with Season 15. Enjoying it so far, it's the good kind of immature offensive humor. It's nostalgic in a way.