the reason there aren't any really good faqs either is that...they're for the people...who can't figure it out for themselves! after finishing the games sometimes i'll read an faq or two, to see if there's anything else they have to say about the game. in the case of a game like zelda, it's a lot. like when i read marshmallow's oot faq, i kept on thinking, 'why does he make everything sound so hard?' then i realized that people would only be reading it if they were having a hard time with it.
How 'bout that "Game Guru" rule? I know it's not allowed, but I haven't seen anyone do it. Ever. It seems like a rule added because people kept doing it, but I haven't seen anyone doing it. Weird...
Well, it does take place, although not that often. I've only seen it happen once, and it occured recently, in that thread about Riven. I think most of pkmn_2005's posts were deleted, but they were basically him saying he's a game guru. Also, I take it as a good thing that we haven't seen much of this going on, not a bad thing. The rule is in place, because Game Gurus are annoying and unnecessary, so the less we have of them, the better.
You damn right about that one, Nate. I haven't actually seen a decent Metroid FAQ on that site, you know...well, except the SM Glitch FAQ, but all the others seem incomplete, and they lack detail. Leave Metroid FAQ's to the pro's, I say.
Yep, Kejardon and Smokey are sure amateurs, and their walkthroughs suck.
There have been a couple of people who have posted "ask me anything about X game" threads which were immediately locked.
You damn right about that one, Nate. I haven't actually seen a decent Metroid FAQ on that site, you know...well, except the SM Glitch FAQ, but all the others seem incomplete, and they lack detail. Leave Metroid FAQ's to the pro's, I say.
Yep, Kejardon and Smokey are sure amateurs, and their walkthroughs suck.
There have been a couple of people who have posted "ask me anything about X game" threads which were immediately locked.
I meant in general. Kejardon and Smokey are good at it too, but I have never actually read an FAQ from either of them. Just the same old general Boss and Game walktroughs made by amateurs who are in reality, totally clueless. Maybe I should start actually looking at who actually writes these FAQ's before I print them....
Question regarding the rules: In the Arts section, are users allowed to double post if there's enough reason behind it? (i.e. new chapter of a story, updates on artwork, etc.) I know you guys are kinda lenient on this depending on the member and the situation, but wanted to confirm that before taking a possibly stupid step.
if there's new material being released on some kind of schedule, it's fine. that way people are notified of the new material, even if they didn't care to comment on the previous.
Oh yeah, what the hell is 1337 speak? (Is it spelled like that...?)
Leet speak is the term for the "language" some gamers/hackers/internet users type in, subsituting symbols, numbers, etc. in the place of words. Or spelling words wrong on purpose, etc. Example: 1 r 734 !337.
If you can't read that, you're better off, anyway.
A question I've been meaning to ask about that rule: it's ok to use l33t in short bursts like saying something is sw33t, right? I mean as long as you don't post more than a word or two?
A question I've been meaning to ask about that rule: it's ok to use l33t in short bursts like saying something is sw33t, right? I mean as long as you don't post more than a word or two?
I guess that's allowed, but it will make me hate you.
A question I've been meaning to ask about that rule: it's ok to use l33t in short bursts like saying something is sw33t, right? I mean as long as you don't post more than a word or two?
I guess that's allowed, but it will make me hate you.
Well, if it upsets you and other mods/admins, I won't do it, it's just a habit. Guess I'll be proofreading my posts more now…