a bump is defined as a reply with little to no useful content in an "old" topic, where "old" is defined as having gone several weeks without any meaningful activity.
That sounds so much like a dictionary definition it's scary.
Heh, that's one of the fun things about being a mod/admin. You get to use fancy schmancy definitions in the rules topic, when simpler ones would work just as well.
This won't be official as I'm not a mod, but I guess a ban could be described something like this:
A ban is defined as a prohibition from "posting" in these forums, where "posting" is the creation/deletion/edition of posts and/or topics, and/or utilizing the forum's Private Message system.
I for one think that the best ban in history was ILikeBloob. "And Toozin rhymes with Poozin!"
Hm, perhaps a disclaimer should be addd to the effect of "Your name may also be changed to 'Asstastic'".
Point of interest: Also the FIRST ban in this forum's history, and that includes the Metroid Online pre-forum. We actually had a GREAT bunch of posters to start out with, and didn't really get any idiots until popularity grew a bit.
I thought that was the first ban. I wasn't sure, of course, not having been around since the beginning.
Heh, that guy was awesome. Total douche, but awesome nonetheless. Kind of reminds me of the Stole My Cloudsong thing... "dude, why'd you unban him??" "'Cuz he's funny!"
That is a split thread. You may have started the conversation down a tangent and it became big enough that a mod surgically removed it from the original.
Or wait...that must be this topic. GOGO reading what you're reading! (well...I think having to read stupid, overly long, wordy books is enough of an excuse for that...)
This one's special. You were just the first one to reply to the rules thread. When TRH cut it off of the original post (which probably should have happened a long time ago) yours was just the first one.
However, I still don't want to see any off-topicness in this thread. Any posts that do not pertain to this forum's rules have been and will be deleted on sight.
Yeah. The good news is now that nice people who read the rules won't put themselves through the effort of reading 400 posts to see if there's one more obscure rule that isn't in Toozin's post.
D'you reckon there's any way of forcing the rules on them? Like shoving the rules page in their face when signing in and not letting them sign in for a further 5 minutes (to make them read the rules) or some other system like that? I wonder if it'd work...