I've been thinking for awhile now about the atmospheric stabilizer segment.
I wonder if it would be faster to take out the 2nd one last (after collecting the charge beam). That way you could try the one shot kill and have an easier time with navigating the room without worrying about the enemies.
I haven't tried it very much, but I have a feeling it might be.
I think this may be faster. All you have to do is time the jump just right, and time the release of the charge. I think it's faster than 3 missiles. I'll put up a VMU and you can decide.
Another update: (I'm done for today; my thumb is sore)
Segment 5:
This segment is beautiful. I didn't get the good BOX fight that I wanted, but it was only a mole on the lip.
Save before Sector 6: 0:17
Segment 6:
Almost as good as the last segment. I goof just a little in the verticle shaft with the 1 blue X. Nothing too serious though. Instead of doing what Sess did in the beginning with the spark, (charging, pseudo SA the bug, spark right), I just flew off and charged where I landed. That probably made up the half-second I lost in the shaft.
Nice to see your run progressing Dawgs... a lot of ppl sometimes have trouble getting started because they get too picky How is your time compared to Nate's 0:53 so far?
Nice to see your run progressing Dawgs... a lot of ppl sometimes have trouble getting started because they get too picky How is your time compared to Nate's 0:53 so far?
You could almost compare it to Sess's run. My time is the same as his so far.
I managed a 1:00 run this last week. It took about 3 hours to make, so it's really not that big of a deal, and I still had over 12%. I need to plan a route before I start playing...
Anyway, I find that "jump over SA-Xs ice beam" trick easy... I only die 1 out of 2 tries.
Killed mega-X. Went to save in ARC. Got hit a few times, but that didn't bother me.
Save: 0:21
Segment 8:
This segment is usually very easy to do. But I couldn't get it right this time. So many retries >_<. Only 2 mess-ups I can think of right now. 1 landed on the pillar monster too early, so I got hit. I also ran into a flying guy near the end. That wasn't too bad though, because I hit the ceiling and fell back to the floor very quickly. Not as bad as it could've been.
Save before Meltdown (One of my favorite segments :)): 0:24
I think I am only a few seconds behind Sess. Probably because of the expansions I have picked up. (The times that I got hit were mostly overcome by the times I was better than Sess.) This will be easily made up during the upcoming bosses. (Uhh, maybe).
I think I am only a few seconds behind Sess. Probably because of the expansions I have picked up. (The times that I got hit were mostly overcome by the times I was better than Sess.) This will be easily made up during the upcoming bosses.
Well, it's been a while since I've been here. I might as well talk about my progress so far.
Segment #1- Main Deck
I actually took some time to practice this segment. Put simply, in the first vertical room, I did what Sess does here :) . Other than that, the segment was good. Very very few mistakes made here, which only cost me at best a second. Saved just before boss door. Time= 0:01
Segment #2- Main Deck (Boss)
Perfect boss doors= . Took me many tries just to get one, and when I did, I'd gunship up the wall jumps in the next room. When I did pull off good wall jumps, I'd screw up either my Arachnus or core-x part of the fight. After several tries, I got a good segment (perfect boss door, good wall jumping, good Arachnus/ Core-X fights). Went to SRX, where I saved just after nav. room. Time= 0:04
Segment #3- SRX
I seem to have bad luck at this segment for some reason. I always screw up at some point, several times. For this segment, it went well. No major hiccups here (except the 2nd vertical shaft, screwed up a jump there, costing me a couple of seconds). Saved before boss door. Time= 0:05
Segment #4- SRX (Boss)
I was extremely pleased with this segment. Once I got a perfect boss door, I proceeded to get a perfect boss fight (as in, I killed the boss right on the sweet spot where you collect the X-Parasite). The rest of the segment went well too, taking out two atmospheric stabilizers with one charged shot. This includes the 2nd one in the upper-right part of the map which can be tackled anytime. Saved after nav. room in TRO. Time= 0:08
I'll post up more later, including my current time.
I think I am only a few seconds behind Sess. Probably because of the expansions I have picked up. (The times that I got hit were mostly overcome by the times I was better than Sess.) This will be easily made up during the upcoming bosses.
famous last words.
Ack! Your paraphrasing! You forgot the "(Uhh, maybe)."
This segment is giving me trouble now. Only because of the wall jump-ledge grab after the long lava room. I get it about 1 out of 5 tries. When I do grab it I usually mess up in the room before the boss because my heartbeat is like
Whoo. Meltdown done. I'm contimplating whether I should keep it or not though.
Details: I grabbed the core-X with about a half-second less on the time than Sess did. That's pretty good I think. I didn't do the wall jump trick after the long room. I did DaveB's jump from the bottom worm. I also goofed up the wall jump at the boos-door's room.
I didn't use the spark through the lava lake room. It's not as fast as running through it normally. I think it's about 4 seconds faster to run through. (According to my timer and Sess's when exiting). On the way up, using the spark (after having the blocks cleared from before), sparking is only 1/2 to 1 second faster (Very rough estimate. I have to disclude the door transitions). So I just climb up that room too.
Nothing else too bad. I hit a few flaming guys (well, one's trail and one's dropping). I also got hit by one of the lava spurts. BUT it was a good thing. It hit my backside while on the ladder, pushing me forward. I think that saves about 1/30 of a second, but still, it's saving.
Save in Sector 3:---- 0:27:(02)
(I think that's close enough to the real time. It takes almost a minute for the clock to change in the pause screen.)
So should I keep this or desperately try for 0:26???
i say decide how many seconds of mistakes are acceptable to you for meltdown. sounds like you beat the crap out of me, but as i said, try to avoid comparing yourself to other people.
Welcome to random elements land! Well, maybe not that extreme, but in the first vertical room with the red bugs, I need the red bug on the right in the narrow passage upwards towards the security lock to be as low as possible. If it's too high, I restart. Other than that, the rest of the segment went well. No major mistakes from what I could recall. Saved before boss door.
Segment #6- TRO (Boss)
Another decent segment. Perfect boss door as usual. Giant Plant= . Random city here! Thankfully, my first fight against him was good, only 4 wasted jumps. Good core-x fight, killing it very close to the sweet spot. After that, the 1st SA-X encounter.... well, let me just say I sorta suck at trying to do this fast, since I either A= Hit the SA-X, causing me to die in one hit (I only have 299 energy total by this point). Or B= Get over said enemy, but get hit by Ice Beam and follow-up Super Missile, killing me. I decided to drop down to where the enemy is right away, but I stay out of its range so it doesn't see me. Faster than just waiting on the top half of the room. Other than that, rest of the segment was good. Saved after AQA nav. room.
Segment #7- AQA
It did take me a few tries to get a good segment here. Mainly due to crabs who decide to hit me a split-second before I kill them. Other than that, another good segment here, once I got it to be good enough. I think I was hit only once in this run. Saved before boss room.
Well from the looks of it, I think you'll get around 0:58 as your final time. At least if you keep the same pace. (This is just comparing to my final time from my last 1% run. My Netorri and Nightmare fights were painfully slow back then so you probably will get a better time.)
I decided to redo the segment. I rewatched the tape (again) and felt that it just wasn't good enough. Plus, after screwing around a little bit, I found an extremely quick way up the verticle shaft that shaves off a second or two. (From what I usually do.)
Ok, so I save often . That's because I'm going for perfect boss doors every time, so that should make up for all my saving I do, plus I'm trying to go for near-perfect boss fights as well.
I've got a small question: How missiles do you think would be enough for Yakuza, Nettori, and Nightmare? I'm thinking around 50 would do, but I'm not 100% sure if that'll be enough.
Immediately following my previous Any Percent run (I finished with 1:03), I decided to embark on a new run, this time collecting enough Missile Tanks to quickly take out Yakuza, Nettori, Nightmare and friends. The idea was that the time I spent collecting Missile Tanks would be negligible compared to the time I saved against the big bosses late in the game. I determined that Nettori takes fifty Missiles to kill, and that one Power Bomb explosion damages him the same amount that one Missile does. Thus, my "Nominal Any Percent" run would finish with 11%: nine Missile Tanks for a total of fifty-five Missiles (five for the Core X following Nettori), and two Energy Tanks that were directly in my way.