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Well for me its either Pantheon or Mocking bird.
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Xaggoth: 2008-12-14 01:15:15 pm
This prompted me to go find out what had actually been released this year.  I had no Idea it was so many (hope I didn't miss anyone):

Mockingbird Station
Legend of doom
RBO insane
RBO impossible
Ultimate challenge 2
Zero rush
Ridley's challenge
Neon city
Landing site abuse

That's some crazy good work people.  Here's hoping '09 has some great releases!
Wow... Out of all the hacks on that list, I've played through three. Out of those three, two were my own. I guess Cliffhanger wins my vote. aiwebs_008
Cliffhanger or Pantheon

Pantheon wins for me only because I could beat it, but cliffhanger was a lot cooler.
Devonodev: Other D
my favourite would probably be mocking bird, or ultimate challenge 2.
and there really are alot of hacks that have been released this year.  I'm still waiting for Aegis to be realeased before the end of the year.
Cliffhanger gets my vote!  Cool

..For Full Hack. Half/Mini would be Mockingbird Station.


Edit: I like Precision too. :-/
I think the best of 2008, in my opinion, is Cliffhanger (easy) and RevolutionEX....  grin new grin new

Xaggoth, Hangtime was released in 2008 also.... 
Devonodev: Other D
That reminds me. I really liked Hangtime as well!
(user is banned)
Breathe in the Future, Breathe out the Past
If I had to pick just one from all these great hacks this year, it would have to be RevolutionEx.
Fear Me! (Or else...)
I liked Cliffhanger, although I haven't finished yet. Legend of Doom and Maze were way too short for me... if they were a little more challenging, or longer, they'd win a lot more points by my book grin new. And I don't just mean more stuff that requires thousands of tries using savestates. Maybe a few enemies?... Anyways, Cliffhanger wins with me.
wow. people voted that my hack was their favorite. extra_smug
and shouldn't this be a poll, so people can vote their favorite hack?

My favorite hack would be pantheon. I never really got far enough in cliffhanger to vote for it.
and those two were the only full sized fullhacks from 2008 iirc, making them my only choice to vote for.
(mini hacks are still nice though)
This year's hacks that I've played so far are:

Mockingbird Station
Revolution Ex

Out of which I have not completed Precision (just started it about a week ago) or done all the paths of MDZ.

My favorite out of the ones I've completed is Cliffhanger.

Hopefully, Eris or Aegis gets a surprise release sometime before new years and invalidate all the posts in this topic so far >_>
. . .
I'd have to go with RevoultionEx. 
Short, sweet, and to the point!  Besides, who doesn't like baby metroids!
Good show BS!

Soup and Cliffhanger are next in line.
If I had beaten CH, I might have rated it better. but eh...
I like Big Butts and I can not lie
Cliffhanger normal, much better than Cliffhanger easy
I'd have to say Cliffhanger Normal.
Almost happy
I've played about half of them, and I gotta say that Cliffhanger wins hands down no competition.

So, heres to hoping that Eris Aegis and all the other very promising hacks changes that for 09 :D
Cliffhanger followed very closely by revolution EX.  revolution EX would be my no. 1 if it weren't for the lack of polish upon release.
Cliffhanger. NO CONTEST. *Draygon, Ridley, Phantoon, and Kraid all clapping like a restarted match in Super smash brothers*
Cliffhanger. Also played Pantheon and RBO Impossible.
OT. Are there other fullhacks that I should try that are smilar to Cliffhanger? I don't like the non-skill based hacks
Super Metroid Addict
Cliffhanger... I loved it:D
Super Secret Area - Dead Ahead!
Quote from Folkskygg:
Are there other fullhacks that I should try that are smilar to Cliffhanger?

You could give Precision a go, as that's fairly skill-based.
Almost happy
It's not a fullhack though.
Super Secret Area - Dead Ahead!
I know, but I thought I'd mention it since it's a bit more of a hack that Cardweaver's gastronomic offerings (I think), which were the others I was going to mention. Very Happy
Go ahead. Stare.
Best Hack: Cliffhanger.

Best idea in a hack: Mockingbird Station. (An entire mechanical/engineering station was brilliant, as was the doorcap usage.)