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Pot O Gold: 2010-06-20 01:27:56 am
I thought the cartridges were color, and the GameBoy was monochrome. I remember I had a cartridge that was in color. I still have it actually.

BTW, Kraid and Ridley aren't in this game, are they? My neighbor and I are arguing about it.
Thread title: 
if you play it on a gameboy color or anything more recent it will automatically swap the shades of grey with different colors. i'm pretty sure you can change the colors by pressing different directions right after you turn the gameboy on.

also kraid and ridley aren't in the game.
If I remember correctly, they built the Game Boy Color with Metroid II's color scheme in mind.
The story goes that Gunpei Yokoi put the color palette into Metroid II, so when they made the gameboy color, it would have those hues.
Woah!  Haven't seen you in a long time, carlmmii!  Welcome back!
Bangaa Bishop
still wishing they actually did release the Metroid II DX for GBC.

I thought that there was no Metroid II DX.  I thought that the original monochrome game was programmed in a way that would translate into color when the technology (GBC) was released.
Every day is a happy day! :)
Quote from carlmmii:
The story goes that Gunpei Yokoi put the color palette into Metroid II, so when they made the gameboy color, it would have those hues.

Like Pokemon Red, Blue, and Yellow Version?
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Tahngarthor: 2011-05-06 11:02:51 pm
Bangaa Bishop
Gameboy color does not do everything from the Super Gameboy. The Super Gameboy would change the color pallets in the Pokemon games and several others that it specifically supported (e.g. when you go to lavender town, it switches to different shades of purple for example)

(sorry about the necrobump, I didn't check the date x.x)