Yay, only two more endings to go... that last 15% hard segment was... annoying... just have the two <2 hours 100% endings left... shouldn't be too difficult
You know what you could do? Play Normal, do a 100% run, and save after you finally get your first power bombs. You can get 5 endings just like that. Leave it on for 3 hours and beat it, leave it on for an hour and beat it, beat it right away, get 100%, leave it on for 30 minutes and beat it, and get 100% and beat it right away. Then all you need is 15% or less on normal, under 2 hours 100% on hard, and 15% or less on hard.
Well, that would technically work, but three hours? If you had a regular GBA that would be a nightmare! With an SP and GBP it's not that bad but still...long time. However, I might try that. Except I'm already on track for above 2 hours. Oh well...