I plan on getting it sometime next week if I can. I mean, it's another Metroid game, even if I still have no clue how I will react to it once I actually play.
I still have to wait a month for it... importing is for sissies.
Heh you call me a sissy? :P I'll get the game next Wednesday. (imported) And it would be a great pleasure for me to battle against the second-best Survivorplayer. ;)
My girlfriend preordered it for me and paid off the whole thing for my birthday! I get to pick it up on the day it comes out wooo! How can I not love my woman ;-)
I saw the commercial for this, and let me tell you, wow.
Heh, yeah, when I first saw it, I was like, "what game is this? It looks so stupid." Then I was like, "oh, wait, it's Hunters." It still looked stupid. >_>
No, it is not yet available in Best Buy. Nowhere on page seventeen does Lost_Revolution (the creator of the topic) prove anything. In fact, he doesn't even post on page seventeen. The links to pictures on that page were made by some guy reflex777, who DOES have the game - he got it from his cousin who works for Nintendo. He's posting those pictures so people believe him.
What's the use in preordering it now (or at all, for that matter)? It's not like Metroid is a HUGELY popular series (not on the scale of, say, Zelda, though it's gained much popularity since 2002). I'm sure wherever you buy it will have plenty of copies of the game, even with all their current preorders. If not, look at a less popular store. The price may be five bucks higher - but that's how much it would have cost to preorder it anyway, no?
I preordered because my buddies at EB warned me that with the recent EB/Gamestop merger, the stores are getting in less new copies, and are in fact basing the number they order in ON preorders. So, better safe than sorry for the stuff that really matters, says I.
In my local paper's Best Buy flyer I got this morning, it says that Hunters should be available Tuesday in my area. I know what I will hopefully be doing once I come home from classes that day. :D
What's the use in preordering it now (or at all, for that matter)? It's not like Metroid is a HUGELY popular series (not on the scale of, say, Zelda, though it's gained much popularity since 2002). I'm sure wherever you buy it will have plenty of copies of the game, even with all their current preorders. If not, look at a less popular store. The price may be five bucks higher - but that's how much it would have cost to preorder it anyway, no?
because I live in Europe and in Europe, the release month is May, so you see...