most of the activity takes places in them. m2k2 forum has long been a place where people primarily talk about video games other than metroid, with a couple metroid boards that regularly get activity.
hey ark, for years I'm a passive reader to this forum but you are such a big jerk that I had to register to have my disregard for you being voiced.
I'm totally with Miles and Parax. Neither are you funny nor relevant to any speedrunning culture or discussion and I hate it to always have to read your unrelated and obnoxious input when crawling through the interesting matter. You can taiga your shit out in the social forums up your ass but these premises here are subject to more serious matters.
I know why you have to fill the threads with your stupid nonesense: People like you are being avoided in real life and m2k2 is the only place you think you can get away with it because you're some mod. You actively lost your legitimacy by acting out agains Miles in this thread. You'll never get any more respect out of it.
This is now a sinking ship and nobody will remember you after it's gone.
This is now a sinking ship and nobody will remember you after it's gone.
this has been true for a while. i don't think ark cares about legitimacy or respect for this exact reason. his nonsense posts have nothing to do with power abuse though, he just doesn't care.
There used to be a regard for the topic of a thread and I have no problem caring about that again. Unless I forget, I'm not going to make another off-topic post outside of this thread. I guess that is self-moderation?
i can certainly tell people to stay on topic in the gaming section, if that's what most people prefer, but if ark's the only one being off topic then i can't do anything >_>
Ark cares and a lot. If he wouldn't care he would not ask for attention all the time.
This became only a sinking ship because people like Miles don't believe in it anymore since people like ark (and his lackey's) are leeching off mk2k's widespread reputation for excellent metroid speedrunning and sequence breaking. Parax is totally right: These forums are (or should be) a place to bring the craziest and most courageous people together who top up a 5 year thread because it took 5 years to master a trick! But in the end they won't do it anymore because eventually the OC providing hardcore fanatics like Miles are fed up with it and leave this place because these threads and innovations are being filled with child's talk by people who are - I remind you - over their 30s.
Quote from BioSpark:
i can certainly tell people to stay on topic in the gaming section, if that's what most people prefer, but if ark's the only one being off topic then i can't do anything >_>
You can't because you don't have the technical rights? Can't you make his posts at least invisible for everybody else if you can't kick him?
i think people need to understand that just because m2k2 has a certain reputation does not mean that it's going to stay that way. there's nothing wrong with making a different website for metroid gaming discussion.
why would you ever want that to happen? i guess it doesn't matter for a game, where you'd know how much memory you have access to ahead of time, but what is the use of that?
since you asked, it's because CPUs don't like accessing memory at a granularity that isn't a multiple of the word size. some architectures are actually incapable of doing it at all. others suffer a performance hit. if you put a char (one byte) or a short (two bytes) in a struct, the compiler will typically pad it to the word size, so the next field in the struct will be word-aligned and can be accessed without causing a performance hit or an exception.
The people who reply to one of his 7 posts replies.
Quote from BioSpark:
i think people need to understand that just because m2k2 has a certain reputation does not mean that it's going to stay that way. there's nothing wrong with making a different website for metroid gaming discussion.
I think saying "just because it has a rep it's not going to stay this way" is a weak characterization of this forums behavior in the last 6 years or so. Over long periods of time people used these forums and it's threads as a collaborative log to sb and speed running including progress inducing discussions. It is totally okay and the dominant reputation of mk2k in every relevant internet space especially google to have a 'last post 2011'-thread on page one only to wait for somebody to add something new to it. And mk2k was recently again the source for over the edge metroid breaking as we saw with the effort to hack the game.
But this reputation recedes if recurrent dissapointment is being produced by leaving concentration to off-topic spaces and killing it's paces.
I went through a phase a few years ago where I got vocally frustrated with ark about his behaviour but I gave up when I realised it just encourages him. saying "the site's management absolutely does not give a shit" is inaccurate because with nate going AWOL the site doesn't have any management. me and biospark have exactly the same power over ark as you do, i.e. none.