I don't know if it's the ideal set, but I went with the 9 required items, screw attack (makes a LOT of things easier, to me at least), high jump (makes the tourian escape easier), two energy tanks, and two super missile tanks. Worked for me on both normal and hard, so it should work for you.
I got the required items obviously + 3 missiles + 3 E. Tanks. Wasn't very hard. But I guess 1 missile (the required one) & like 2 E. Tanks would be enough. The Screw Attack would help you a lot though.
I do too. Just get it while you're coming back up. Of course, if you're SPEED RUNNING, that's another thing entirely. But I think we're just going for beating it here.
No, you don't. If this is normal, get rid of the charge and long beams and the extra missile tank for sure, and probably the screw attack. Get three super missile tanks, and then another energy tank if you don't get screw attack. Really, the game is so much easier with six super missiles. Robo Ridley and Mother Brain in particular.
Now if this is hard, get three supers, one energy tank and the hi-jump and screw attack.
Really, supers are so useful against bosses, I cannot emphasize that enough. How far are you already, though?
If you haven't gotten very far yet, I'd like to amend that a bit. I didn't mean to be so harsh about it, only that I certainly would have been pwned by Robo Ridley with your configuration.
The three supers are a necessity. Don't let anything get between you and them. But, you have some flexibility with the other three slots. You could just fill them with energy and be perfectly fine: It will be enough to not have to worry about dying on RR and MB. But, depending on how much you use the screw attack, it might be a valuable alternative on normal. It can make things easier for you, and is very useful on hard. Further, if you feel able to go without the second tank, the hi-jump might even be useful. Doing a 9% and the 15% hard has made me value energy less and techniques more.
So, the choice is ultimately up to you. Experiment a bit, and use with what works well.
I started my own 15% run last night on Normal. At Mother Brain now and I HATE HER!!!!
I have on top of the required items:
Long Beam 2 Energy Tanks 2 Missiles 1 Super Missile.
Mother Brain is HARD!!!! well not MB more specifically the pellet shooters around her! The Deliciously Deadly Donuts of Doom (cheerios) aren't much of a problem for me, its the bullets that get me
Could someone enlighten me about just how to skip the speed booster? ...I've done Ridley before Kraid normally, but aren't there more spots where you need it? And regarding the super missile tanks, are there any suggested ones?
Skynes: What the heck are you doing getting any extra missiles at all? Follow Alec's advice: Three supers, three e-tanks. Or, swap an e-tank for the screw attack if you like. On normal, it's not really important. Use four missiles and one super on MB's eye on each open, and don't use supers to break the glass. She should die after 5 of those cycles. Seriously, with the power of six Supers at your disposal, every boss will crumble before you.
Sonuna: Speed booster is absolutely, completely, 100%-or-your-money-back guaranteed unnecessary to beat the game. Just IBJ up from the floor of Kraid's room and keep going. Skillful bombing and missiling will expose as fake every place it seems like you need it.
There is a rock of speed blocks, however, after killing the brain that you need to find a way to bypass in the escape. Not to tricky, though, especially on normal.
My only wonder is whether all Supers is the best, or whether (in Hard) you should get an extra missle tank in order to make it easier to not waste powerups. Cause, you tend to get them two at a time, and they're precious. And they come up a lot more than Supers. But I'm not sure.
No. Why are powerups precious? They are basically just time. Time spent fighting. Trust me. Supers are the best investment you can make. Remember, one tank is two and a half times as much damage as a missile tank on hard.
Need more proof? Let's look at the nasty places in the hard mode game: - Metroids. Yes, they suck eggs. But will four missiles instead of two really make it better? You'll still need to get more from Rinkas, and to do that, you need some stable position. Also, one super tank = -1 Metroid, and they do drop supers reasonably often. Conclusion: supers, not more missiles. -Mother Brain. With the screw attack (By the way, Yoshi, it made my 15% a million and a half times easier. Thanks for the tip.), more missiles are unnecessary, as jumping back and forth will easily net you more pickups. And more supers are invaluable: they can drastically shorten the fight for you. Two are all you need anyway, with the two-and-one-super rhythm. So once again: Supers, not missiles. -Robo Ridley. With the neato trick I found(see the topic on final boss trick) Ridley can't even hurt you, provided he doesn't use the fireball attack. Once again, supers are the important thing, as three to the chest will get him out of fireball mode and into laser mode, where you're completely safe. Also, his missiles often drop supers, and sometimes more than one pickup. Three supers + three more supers = 1 dead robot.
So as you can see, the clear ideal hard mode list is three super tanks, the screw attack, and one or two e-tanks depending on whether or not you need the high jump to get out of Tourian. With this, the only nasty part is the metroids.
Get the Screw Attack. Makes MB a skillion times easier.
I have a GREAT strategy for Screwless MB. Hang on the left block (on the right side of it) and hold L. Take out the rinkas. It should take three hits to kill them w/o wave beam. Whenever you see a powerup, hold right and tap jump. You should be able to hang on the right block, grab the powerups and MB won't open her eye. Hop left and you'll hang on the left block again. I believe the best pattern is to shoot the bottom rinka right when the top one starts to form. BTW, no, the shooters won't hit you. It's unlimited items and health if you can pull it off. Then hop right and pull yourself up to shoot. Now, the hard part is not getting hit by the shooters while jumping the I-can't-believe-it's-not-dead-yet's warning beam of doom.
And about the escape, I just wall-jump up the right side. Then, when I scrape my back against a platform, I jump onto it because there's a pit-block ahead. It's hard, but it works for me. Just remember to hit left before you jump. Don't spaz out, now.
I did it! I've beat mother brain and beat Mecha-Ridley and finished my 15% normal game! The Black Pirates ALMOST finished me off! I had 9 health after killing them! For some reason the trick didnt work and they climbed all the way up and jumped onto me!!!
Mecha-Ridley was a nightmare. He fires lasers and missiles and claw simultaneously. Near impossible to get the missiles I need.
You all talk of 3 e tanks and 3 supers. How do you get by without at least 1 set of basic missiles?
I had the speed booster in my game... I regret getting it once I realised I knew the away around the Tourian escape. I really coulda used another Super! How do you get by the room you need to open with the long beam? The one with blocks all in front of it.
Ridley: For some reason the staying underh is claws trick only works on easy. On harder difficultieso nce he changes colour he starts spinning his tail around and whipping me. then he bounces his tail off the ground whilst moving toward me. How do I deal with this?
Remember, the first missile tank is part of the 9% necessary. That leaves six slots for fun, thus three and three. The entrance to that room that seems like you need the long beam has a weak ceiling... RoboR dies in six super missiles, so if you got conned into the speed booster, I'd restart. Six supers are a requirement for RR without the screw attack. The black pirate trick only works if you fire diagonally downwards at them as they come up. The beam paralyzes them into firing,so they can't hurt you. If you just sit there and wait, they won't have any problems about jumping up to kill you. Finally, you don't deal wih the tail frenzy. You restart. Ridley will start the whipping if you hit him too many times in too short a time. Fire missiles one per bounce, and give him at least two bounce cycles before and after a super missile. Space them out enough, and he'll never become mad enough to use the tail.
In particular, DON'T shoot Ridely when he's blowing the fireballs that you're shooting for items. Doing that is about the only trigger for him going tail frenzy on you.